Friday, March 27, 2009


Lord, God,
Creator and beginner of all new life,
Creator of babies and apples and oranges,
Creator of everything and everyone:
I come to You
in this moment of prayer,
in this moment of joy,
aware of feelings of anxiety,
aware of the need for more trust.
Help me to have a healthy baby:
a baby who will be a new hope,
a new gift, a new surprise,
a new person who will bring joy to our world.
Help this new baby
that we’re knitting together within me
to know, to hear, to dance along with me in
my song of gratitude,
my song of love,
my song of waiting,
my song of joyful expectation,
Amen. Come Lord Jesus.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus.
Ooops. I don't think I'm having twins.

© Andy Costello, Prayers, 2009

As she was pouring the coffee, she said,
“I used to be so petrified of cemeteries.
I really was. I always knew
when I was driving by one.
But ever since my husband died,
all that has changed.
Now I go to the cemetery
about once a week.
I told the kids. They’d think I’m crazy.
I know in time it will be less,
but right now this is what I need to do.
It’s become my garden. It’s so quiet.
I go there with my folding chair
and just sit there with my husband
and the Lord. Just for an hour or two.
It’s a great place to pray.
Right there facing his gravestone.
I tell him my troubles.
It’s so soothing, so peaceful, so green there.”

She paused, smiled and then added,
“And I used to be so ... so scared of death.
Ouch. But not any more.
Someday it will be my turn and my
kids will be sitting there at my grave
and they’ll hear me say, ‘I told you so.’”

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009


A young girl
becoming a lady,
becoming a mother,
becoming aware of the growing Christ,
becoming aware of others:
those whose marriages have run out
of the wine of life;
those who feel lost in the crowd,
without access, unable to reach Christ;
those walking the way of the cross,
alone, being there, aware of death
and hoping for resurrection.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Pray for us.

© Andy Costello, Prayers, 2009

Our Father, your door, your windows,
your house on the top of the hill
is always open. I hear the sound
of your music and your dancing
from way down here
at the bottom of my soul.

Our Father, why do I always seem
to be walking the other way,
wandering in far countries,
singing sad songs in dark rooms,
starving in smelly pigpens,
when I really want to go home?

© Andy Costello, Prayers, 2009
Cf. Luke 15:11-32

Lord, like a child, 
every time I try to tie
my own shoes, I end up with knots.
Lord, I am not worthy for you to bend down
and untangle my knots, but please do so.
Then tie my shoes and take me
by my hand to where you want
to take me to today. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Prayers, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Lord, show me the grace
I need. Is patience the key?
Or is it faith? What about courage?
Generosity? Humility?
Do I need to laugh more?
Is it forgiving so and so?
Do I have a long or short fuse?
Is my timing off?
Is it listening more and talking less?
Is it my many sins of omission,
not giving of my time and gifts to others?
Is it Stick-to-it-tiveness?
What is the grace I need?
And P.S. Lord. Please hurry!
I tend to be very impatient!

© Andy Costello, Prayers, 2009


God’s what if’s
like a shoe in the door,
like a “Wait a minute!”,
like a cell phone call,
happen when least expected.
Mary asked questions,
then said, “Yes!”

I say, “No!”

I don’t want
to even hear my fear
that I too am asked to bring
Christ to the stable, the road,
the temple, the crowd,
the upper room, the garden,
and then the way to the Cross.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009