August 7, 2022
What was your father like?
I was wondering if I should ask every couple I interview about marriage that question.
Does it follow that will bring that reality into their wonderings about their upcoming marriage: imitation of or reaction against?
Is their a neutral ground?
Are questions like: Oldest? Youngest? Middle? good questions to ask as well?
Or what about where their father was in his family line?
Is the oldest child more apt to become a leader, a pusher, a corrector, a boss, that is, if there are a couple of brothers / or sisters after him?
What is a male like who is the oldest in his family and his dad was also the oldest in his family?
What if the girl is the oldest, etc.?
Once questions for clarifications are asked, does sit then make the question irrevelent?
Or is better to simply ask a couple,, "What was your dad like? What was your mother like?
I'm the youngest son of a youngest son.
My mom was the oldest in her family. Is that why I'm asking these questions?
I've never been a boss - nor did I ever want to be one. I rather swim along unnoticed - or swim away and enjoy finding shells on a far shore - yet I don't like to travel alone.
So the question: What was your father like" is a good ice breaker.
Questions with multiple possibilities for varying answers are called for.
It all depends.