Thursday, December 3, 2020

 December 3,  2020


A frying pan,
A fire,
A coffee cup,
A baseball bat,
A “Hello!”
An “I love you.”
A rock,
A soup spoon,
A wave,
A piece of paper,
A diaper,
A T-shirt,
An oar,
An onion,
An aspirin,
A Christmas card,
God ....










© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020


December  3, 2020


Thought for Today


 “Few men  can afford to be angry.” 

Edmund Burke

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 December  2,  2020


When arrogance walked into the room,
everyone became a bit nervous - along
with feelings of “Uh oh!” and “Oh no!”
Push! Push! Push!  filled the room.
Humility took a deep breath – while
humor began thinking up ways to
equalize the energy in the room.
Calm! Calm! Calm! became the call.
Wisdom whispered to the wise in the
room. “Open your eyes everyone. The
cocky and the conceited always crash.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

December  2, 2020

Thought for Today

“Saint Francis saw Beauty itself in beautiful things.  Follow the Beloved and you’ll see God’s footprints imprinted everywhere on creation. They make everything a ladder we can climb and embrace God who is utterly desirable.” 


Saint Bonaventure



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December 1, 2020


Propped up on a wooded easel
was an empty canvas – the size
of a regular window in a house.
Asked by models, buyers, family,
down through the years, he said
it was for my masterpiece someday.
When he died at 67, the empty canvas
still was empty and Van Gogh asked
for that empty canvas and the next day ….



© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

December  1, 2020


Thought for Today


“Faith which does not doubt is dead faith.”


Miguel de Unamuno

Monday, November 30, 2020




The title of my homily is “Brothers.”
I thought that would be an appropriate topic and theme for Andrew on his feast day – the brother of Peter.
When we hear the word “brother” – obviously we have many thoughts – especially if are not an only child – and if we are a brother and / or if we have a brother or two or more.
Brothers ….
If we go into the greeting card section of a pharmacy or Hallmark store we won’t find as many cards for brothers as others:  Mothers – Dads – grandparents, nieces – sisters – Wife ----- but brother’s less.  That’s my observation.   
If we go into the Bible we’ll find a good variety of brothers.
There is Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob,  Joseph and his brothers in Genesis.  Then there is Moses and Aaron in Exodus.  David had 19 sons – that’s a lot of brothers. In the Gospels we have Peter and Andrew, James and John, and then there is the Prodigal Son and his Older Brother – who won’t forgive him once – which is a very far distance from 7 times 7 times.
What’s your thoughts about brothers.
I just happened to be in my brother’s house in Laurel Maryland on Good Friday, April 20th, 1984 – the day he found out he had cancer – and I asked him, “How are you going to handle this?”  And he said, “I’ll let you know.”
And just before he died in 1986 he said, “Remember when you asked me how I would be able to handle this” well he continued, “I learned 3 things. “Think of others, have a sense of humor, and thank God mom and dad gave us the gift of faith.”
Andrew the Apostle in the Gospel of John brought his brother to Jesus.  I would think it was my parents who brought us to Jesus and to faith.
Andrew in the gospels brought the bread from some kid for Jesus to help feed the hungry crowds.  My brother used to love to make bread and then give it to neighbors. I got bread and great chocolate chip cookies from him. He also taught kids how to bake.
There is not much more in the gospels about Andrew – and his relationship to his brother.
Hopefully we know a lot more about our brothers – and we are thankful for their gift to our life.
“ Being his real brother I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have and I do not now.      I live in his glow.” – Michael Morpurgo
 Help your brother’s boat across, and your own will reach the shore.” – Hindu Proverb
“The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out his nose.” – Garrison Keillor
“ My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, “You’re tearing up the grass.” “We’re not raising grass,” Dad would reply. “We’re raising boys.”” – Harmon Kellebrew
We are not only our brother's keeper; in countless large and small ways, we are our brother's maker.  Bonaro Overstreet