Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018  Friday



The title of my homily is, “Two Blind Men.”

In the gospels there are a half dozen stories about blind folks who call out to Jesus for healing.

A key message would be the obvious: Cry out to Jesus on a regular basis to see better - and avoid being blind to the needs of others.


The first reading from Isaiah would suggest we call out to God to ask Him to help us see the beauties of creation all around us - or to make that the work of our hands to make our gardens and our habitats better.

The first reading from Isaiah calls us to be holy - to not be ashamed to be a holy person, to be an honest person, to show reverence to God.


Today’s gospel has these 2 blind me crying out, “Son of David, have pity on us.”

Jesus then does what he usually does in these stories and these moments - he challenges the screamer to move from physical healing to soul healing  - and then to move to the faith level.

And both men receive their sight because of their faith.

And Jesus tells them to keep this quiet and they don’t follow Jesus’ admonition - and they proclaim his healing powers to the whole area.

Notice Jesus touches their eyes. He goes from the visible to the invisible.


Since today - December 7th -  is the feast of St. Ambrose, why not apply the story of the two blind me to the two men called, Augustine and Ambrose.

Ambrose and Augustine were both powerful men - who were fortunate to meet each other in the city of Milan.

Ambrose was sent to Milan to be the Roman governor there - and the people made him bishop.

As governor and as bishop - this short man - took no nonsense.

And boy could he preach. That is what drew Augustine to him - his intelligence and his theology. But first they argued and Augustine tried to figure out the message of the  gospels.

The blindness that Augustine had was cleared up with the help of Ambrose  - and he  saw the beautiful God - that we will hear about in Augustine’s Confessions.


Pray the prayer of the blind men in the scriptures. Lord have pity on us and help us to see.

Homily - Saint Ambrose

Isaiah 29: 17-24

Matthew 9: 27-31
December 7, 2018


Did you ever notice that stones 
don’t have too many problems 
with intimacy and comparisons? 

They just sit and watch like old 
people on a bus heading back to 
the nursing home or senior village. 

I guess they did it all in their time: 
being parts of mountains, bridges, 
walls, homes, churches, bars. 

They have felt the heat and the 
rain, the snow and the cold of 
time and war and history. 

Me. I don’t want to be stone - 
hard and cold. Hey 2000 years 
ago I might have killed someone. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

December 7, 2018 

Thought for today: 

“I find the harder I work, the more luck I have.” 

Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, December 6, 2018



There are many reasons why people come to Mass. Here are 2 possible reasons why  we come to Mass.  There are many others.

Today’s readings give 2 good reasons: healing and hunger.


The first reason is healing. 

When we go to the doctor, she or he asks, “Where does it hurt?

Once upon a time I cut my finger. It wasn’t a big cut, but I put a band aid on it.

I'm visiting my niece and family and I'm just sitting there on a couch.  I had forgotten about the band aid and the cut. Well, Patrick, my grandnephew comes into the room and spots the band aid, almost immediately, he walks over to me and points to my finger and says, “Boo Boo!”

I didn’t get it - but my niece Patty explained that he and kids often do things like that.

Well, if Jesus walked up to anyone of us here today and pointed at us and said, “Boo! Boo!” what hurt in us, would he have spotted?

Regrets, mistakes, sins, cuts, family wars, what have you?  That’s where we need and want healing.

Fill in the blank, “I’m sick of _____________.”

Is there a veil or a web that is blocking something in us or tying us up?

Jesus loved to ask: “What are you asking for?” or "What can I do for you?"


A second reason why we come to Mass is that we hunger.

In today’s gospel Jesus talks about a banquet. In today’s gospel Jesus talks about helping the hungry.

Each of us can say when we walk into a church, “I’m hungry.” “I’m thirsty!” “I’m empty, “I’m needy.” “I am not satisfied.”

Answer the question: What am I hungry about?

We are hungry for reconciliation. We’re hungry for fullness.  We are hungry for inner peace, meaning, for purpose. We are hungry for energy.  We are hungry for courage.  We are hungry for strength.   We are hungry for  love.

In today’s gospel, Jesus gives bread to the hungry and they end up with seven baskets full of food.

Commentators say the 7 might refer to some of the cities in the early church that are mentioned in  the  Acts of the Apostles.

All of us are hungry for- food - for inner  peace - for solutions to our problems,  etc.


Why are you here at Mass today?

You are here for various reasons. I shaped out two reasons.  Hopefully, looking  at your answers you are comfortable with your reasons. Amen.

December 6,  2018


Everyone has twists and turns
in the  moments of our lives.

Good and bad, ups and downs,
basic blue, basic green, basic life.

The turns in the roads of our life:
some are right, some are wrong.

And sometimes it takes a long time
to know which is which and what is what.

Each sunrise we wake up to new surprises;
each sunset we figure the smart and the dumb.

Life: we have to twist and turn the bottle
cap,  if we want to drink life to the full. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

December 6, 2018

Thought for today: 

“As one goes  through life, one learns that if you don’t paddle your own canoe, you don’t move.” 

Katherine Hepburn

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5, 2018



The title of my homily for this 1st Wednesday in Advent is, “Escape to the Mountains.”

One of the themes we find in the Scriptures is mountains are safe places to hide.
We know this from Westerns - where bad guys hide out - and good guys go for healing.

If you’ve  ever been to Israel, you are aware that there are sections where there are strings of Mountains.


I lived in Lima Ohio before coming to Annapolis. Lima was Midwest. Lima flat and soybean farmers had flattening out the land as a goal - so it would be easier with the rain - and with growing - and with reaping and planting.

To get to Lima from the east we had to go through a town called Crestline and it was just that. West of that the land had crested.

Right down the eastern part of the United States we have the Appalachian and right down the west of the United States was the Rockies.
So hopefully we know mountains.


We find mountains in both readings for today.

In today’s first reading from Isaiah we have the Lord promising all people a place to feast - where there was good wine and rich food.

In today’s first reading from Isaiah we have the promise of safety. The web that can catch us  - tie us up - will be destroyed.

Tears will be wiped away - because we have discovered safety and security on that mountain.

Today’s gospel is similar. A vast crowd of people show up to find Christ - and they meet him on a mountain - where we feeds everyone
Like the first reading, people get more than food. They are healed of blindness and crippling.

And there are leftovers.

Healing message - helpful message - hopeful message.


If you ever get a chance to go to high places - take the elevator to the roof. I am so glad I went to the top of the World Trade Center at least 2 times.

If you’re ever outriding or traveling across or down the USA, if you see a sign, Scenic Overview, check it out.

If you have a choice of a window seat or an aisle seat, on a flight, take the window seat.

See the big picture.

It will help your prayer life.