Sunday, November 18, 2018



The title of my homily is, “Warning Signals.”


The train is coming down the tracks.

The train is coming towards a crossing.

The train gives off warning signals.

“Warning Signals”. 

Sometimes we hear them; sometimes we don't. 

Sometimes we see them; sometimes we don’t.  

Sometimes we do something about them; sometimes we don’t.

There they are on the dashboard of our car!

Sometimes we take care of them; sometimes we say, “They mean nothing. I’ve had these here before - and nothing happened. I’ll have them look at it - next month - when I get my car checked.”

Warning signals  are present in our life - but most of the time they are not as clear as those little icons that appear all lit up - on the dashboard of our car.

So often we don’t see them. We don’t hear them. We have eyes that don’t see or ears that don’t want to hear.

The paint is peeling. The oven is giving off a funny smell, but we don’t want to know. It would take too much time to check the oven. We don’t get the message till the house goes, “Boom!”

Then after we get hit with reality, we find ourselves out on the street or on the floor saying, “I should have seen this coming a long time ago. I should have seen the handwriting on the wall.”


Go to any Al-Anon or AA meeting and you’ll have folks saying things like, “I am a slow learner. Her father was an alcoholic. I was an alcoholic. I didn’t get the connection that she might be marrying me because I was an alcoholic.”

One guy said, “I look at my sister’s family. It’s a total mess. I’m in the same mess, but I wouldn’t look at myself and how I was treating my family.” Then the pause. Then the sad statement, “Now it’s too late.”

We’re slow learners. We’re lazy. We don't get off the tracks till the train hits us. We wait till the drip ruins the rug before we call the plumber.


Animals that cross the highway don’t seem to get the message that crossing a highway is dangerous business. They don’t seem to ask, “What are these black birds waiting for near highways?” They don’t seem to see the carcasses that they bypass. The bright lights seem to get them. They don’t realize that they could be next.


Denial runs the world. Illusion so often is the reality. People build castles in the air and then they try to live in them.


Today’s readings are end of the year readings. They appear here and we’ll hear them again during Advent - which is coming up.

They are warning signals type readings. They contain all kinds of warning signals. Today’s readings are written in what is called “apocalyptic” literature. “Apo” is the Greek word for “un” to un something. Un Cola, etc. “Kalyptein” means to cover.

So Apocalyptic literature is a literature that uncovers reality.

However, paradoxically, it picks symbolic language and mysterious analogies to do it.

It’s a literature that flourished in the Middle East from 200 BC to 150 AD.

Israel was going through some tough times - and they were refusing to look at how they themselves were self-destructing. So the prophets tried to get them thinking. Nothing seemed to work, so they came up with a language that used metaphors that might penetrate their dense skulls.

The same thing happened in Christian times.

So as we hear in today’s gospel, people can see a tree having sap rising. Hey, spring is coming. We see that, but we don’t seem to see the whole world collapsing.

Jesus talked about waiting for the bridegroom and then forgetting him and getting drunk or what have you. OR waiting for the boss and then forgetting him and getting drunk. Well, when he comes, we’ll be out of time or without candles, or without oil.


The title of my homily is simply, “Warning Signals.”

There seems to be two types of people: those who hear the alarm clock waking them up and they get out of bed and get moving and those who hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

Our move.

November 18


“Eternity” - not the word,
but glimpses of  the reality -
need to hit us - yes, eternity ….

The idea - the realization -
that we might exist - in some
form - without ever non-existing ….

Uh oh! If that doesn’t bring us
to our knees, to touching the
hem of God’s garment …. uh oh!

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

November 18, 2018

Thought for today:  

"The most important thing about me is that I am a Catholic. It’s a superstructure within which you can work, like a sonnet.” 

Jean Kerr, Time, April 14, 1961

Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 17, 2018


Young Donal, I fell for you and for your
promises. I promised you - if you’ll take
me across the oceans  - I’ll go with you.
I’ll share your bed and I’ll share your life.

I whistled for you. I cried 200 cries for you.
I gave my love to you from this tiny me.
But all I heard were the sheep bleating.
You were cheating. You were lying.

I fell for you on a Sunday - the Sunday
after Easter - in church  - when the
Passion was being read.  My eyes,
clung to you with love - with passion.

Now I’m lost and  broken. You’ve taken
from me the sun and the moon. You’ve taken
the heart out of my chest, and if I’m not
mistaken, I believe you’ve taken God as well.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018
This is a translation of a Gaelic Ballad,
with the name of Donal Og. It's sung
by Liadan.  Right below is an English
version of this same song by Roy Williamson.

November 17, 2018 

Thought for today: 

“Life’s a tough  proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest.”   

Wilson Mizner [1876-1933] Saying

Friday, November 16, 2018

November 16, 2018


Some people get a lot done in a day;
some people get little done in a day.
Each of us have to step back in the day
to see whether what we’re doing is
making the day better for each other,
whether we’re pulling our load or
whether we’re making a mess and
we don’t really know what we’re doing.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

November 16, 2018 

Thought for today: 

“No one can  make  you feel inferior without your consent.” 

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt [1884-1962] 
in This Is My Story [1937].