Sunday, October 2, 2016



The title of my homily is, “Faith.”

Today’s three readings all mention faith - so the obvious message is to preach about faith.  I’m sure if we could get our hands on every sermon from around the Christian world for this 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year C - it would be, “The priest or the deacon or the minister preached about faith.”

Several large Protestant Congregations have the same readings as Catholics. As least we do that together.

If you talk to your kids or parents in far cities or neighbors or co-workers and they are church goers, ask them, “What was the sermon about on Sunday?”

I’m guessing the answer will be - if remembered, “Faith!”


What to say about faith?

I preached at our Kids Mass at 8 o’clock this morning  and I wrote a story for them as I usually do - but for us adults what to say?

In the story of our life as Christians and/or Catholics, what is our story when it comes to our faith?

So I prayed like the apostles in the opening words of today’s gospel, “Increase my faith - I want to preach a homily on faith, Lord.  Help!”

And two things hit me:
First of all: Faith is a gift.
Second: Work on increasing that gift.

There they are - sort of a backwards - or sideways - sort of playing on the Christian struggle about faith and works.

So faith as a gift and faith as something we have to work on increasing and growing in.


“My mom and dad gave me the gift of faith.”

Many of us could say the same thing.

They brought me to church - and they put me in Catholic School.

Their parents and grandparents and great grandparents and back and back and back were Catholics in Ballynahown in Ireland - right on Galway Bay.

Or various people say, "It was my spouse who gave me the gift of faith. I was nothing before I met him or her - or I belonged to another community - and I switched over and became a Catholic because of my spouse."

Our RCIA program for this year for those interested in becoming a Catholic just started a few Wednesday nights ago. I’m sure everyone attending will address this question in their get-togethers.

We get a lot of gifts in a lifetime. We get a bicycle or a teddy bear or an envelope with an Andrew Jackson - a twenty dollar bill - in it - or a ring or a watch or a computer - or a car - or what have you.

Faith is a gift - and like many a gift - sometimes the gift wears out - or goes into the closet or is thrown out or forgotten - so too faith.

The first three weddings in the next generation of my family all have been outside of our religion. That hit me - of course.  I drove up to Connecticut with a Jewish close family friend of my brother here in Maryland for one of those weddings. Marty asked me about my thoughts on the way home. The year before I had gone to a Jewish ceremony for the death of his wife - and I got to do a reading - and then after that burial in a Jewish cemetery  we drove to a nearby Catholic cemetery to say some prayers at my brother’s grave. We're close, so I told Marty - while driving home to Maryland - I was wondering if my faith - my reality as priest - had any reality with those who have dropped out or wherever they are - regards their faith.  I also wondered what their parents thought. At some point I'll ask them.

Faith is a gift.  I have to keep on remembering that - and all the implications of what a gift is.

As priest I’m hoping at every wedding, every baptism, every funeral, every prayer service, every Sunday Mass all of us cherish the gift of faith - if we’ve been given it. Or we all feel God urges.

I’ve heard about 10 people say in the past few years about family members who have stopped going to church, “What are they going to do when times get tough - when hard times are a coming as the old country song puts it? How are they going to deal with life’s problems?”

Of course many folks don’t lose their God connection - even if they have lost or given up on their Church connection.

Of course as priest, I would say that Church helps keep one’s connection with God better than not. And I assume that’s why you are here this evening as well.

So for starters: faith is a gift.

And we pray this evening a prayer of thanks to God and others for giving us this gift - for giving us good example - witness - a deepening of faith.


And this leads us to our part - in the deal - in the covenant.

As in marriage, as in family, as in any relationship, we need to work on our faith.

Today’s second  reading begins with the image of stirring into flame the gift of God that you have….”  That’s exactly what it says.

We’ve all had the experience of a camp fire or starting a camp fire and we blow on the leaves and the branches and crumbled newspaper we’ve put in with the wood. And when the fire starts to fade - we stir it up again - with a stick and add on some more wood.

It’s same for a fireplace.

So faith demands work on our part.

Faith demands practicing prayer. This week take your rosary and find a quiet place in your house or in your car while driving and say 59 times on the 59 beads, “Lord, increase my faith.” That will take less than 2 minutes.

Faith demands practicing the great commandment to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength - and to love our neighbor as ourselves.            

Faith calls us come to church - not just for Mass - but to drop into some church once or week or so and just sit there in the afternoon quiet - and just listen.

Jesus told us that we have an inner room - where he waits for us.

A guy just the other day said, “I used to be an Episcopalian and I became a Catholic because my wife was - and we came here to church together, so I became a Catholic. And I discovered the difference pretty soon: the Catholic Church has that second collection.”

Faith needs humor as well.

Faith needs screams and yelling as well.

Imagine living in Aleppo in Syria?  I’m sure every person there can connect with the today’s first reading - where Habakkuk the prophet screams, “How long, O Lord? I cry for help but you do not listen. I cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not intervene.”

I’m sure every person who is Muslim is saying similar words from the Koran.

There are still some Christians left in Syria - one of the places of our ancient faith.

But whoever we are - in safe gated communities - in alcoholic families or drug struggling situations - or in family’s with deep marriage problems - or where there is cancer or strokes or dementia - you name it - it’s Bad Friday in that place  - and it can only become Good Friday and Easter in the long run - for those with faith - better to have faith with God - on the Cross in our midst.

The stations on the cross in church are here because they are out there as well.


I was looking at an example to close this homily - in case nothing hit home.

I reached for a book of talks and homilies by Bishop Ken Untener and he tells the following moment about himself. [1]

He’s visiting some parish and the pastor  giving our communion next to him was doing something different from him. He says that it wasn’t dramatic - just different.

He said, “Something was going on between the pastor and each communicant. There was a momentary engagement, connection, intersomething-or-other. What he was doing was placing the consecrated bread in their hand, leaving his own hand for a moment to rest there, looking them in the eye as he said, ‘The Body of Christ,’ then attentively receiving their ‘Amen.’”

So he said, he tried it. It took a second longer.

He said a few weeks later while driving, a light bulb in his mind went on.

He realized people actually when saying, “Amen” - were receiving the Risen Lord into their lives.

In saying, “Amen” they were saying in effect, "I'm not perfect, but I really do believe in Jesus Christ , and in all that he taught, and in all that he stood for. I don't claim to understand it all and save have all
the answers. But  I do believe  in this way of life, and from the soles of my feet to the top of my head, I commit myself to walk in his footsteps. I accept the Lord and all that he stands for into my own life.”

When I read that I said I might try that - knowing that some people go crazy with the slow when it comes to Mass. I know I’ve been saying inwardly for 30 or 40 years or so when I’m handing a person communion or putting it in their mouth, “Lord, help this person.” 

Then: I say, "Body of Christ."  

And hopefully they say, "Amen."



[1] This picture is by Dave Sandford - and you can find it on his web site - entited Lake Erie pictures.

[2 Bishop Ken Untener, The Practical Prophet, Paulist Press, New York, Mahwah, N.J, 2007, pages 97-99.


Francis and Seelos were twins - a boy and a girl twin - which is very, very different  - than if your twin is the same sex as you.

They were mom and dad’s only kids and they were thrilled when they found out they are were pregnant and they were going to have twins.

They were born - October 5th  - the feast of Blessed Francis Seelos - so the parents said, “We prayed to Blessed Francis Seelos to have a baby - and surprise we ended up having twins. So when we were thinking of names, we said, ‘Francis or Frank  will work for the boy - and why not Seelos for the girl?’ Seelos - now that’s an interesting name for a girl - but we’ll make it work.”

Grandparents were even more trilled - not with the names at first - but that they would be twins in the family. The last time that happened was 5 generations back - and those twins were two girls in Italy - Sicily - back in the late 1800’s.

At the baptism of the twins, Francis and Seelos, the Italian great grandmother on the mom’s side was asked to give a blessing right at the end of the baptism. They helped her up into the sanctuary - where the baptismal font was.

Everyone became very quiet.

The great grandmother - Mama Mama Maria - as everyone called her - paused and then said out loud, “It’s an old Sicilian Custom for the oldest family member living to give a blessing to the newest family member.”

“Today I want to give a blessing to our new twins: Francis and Cecilia….”

“Mama Mama Maria her name is Seelos!”

“Oh, okay continued Mama Mama Maria.”

She put her old wrinkled arthritic hand on Francis’s head and said, “Francis may you be a peacemaker all your life.”

Then she moved her hand onto Seelos’ little head. She saw how beautiful Seelos’ eyes were - so she said, “Seelos may see amazing things in your lifetime. May you have a great sense of amazement!”

It was an amazing moment. Mom and dad cried. Francis and Seelos’ grandparents on both sides were crying. And Mama Mama Maria gave each kid - each twin - a beautiful kiss on the top of their heads - with great gusto and sound. “Uuuuuummmm! Ahhhh!

All clapped.

Twenty five years later at the party after the baptism of Seelos first baby - with Francis as the godfather - the twin’s mom made a speech.

“Remember when Francis and Seelos were baptized …. Remember when Mama Mama Maria - Lord have mercy on her - wow do we miss her…. but she had a great life. Remember when she gave that wonderful blessing on our twins - that Francis be a peacemaker and Seelos have a sense of amazement at everything she saw.

“Wow did that come true.

“Seelos you have always seen what most of us miss. How other kids love to lick their ice cream cones - especially chocolate chocolate chip and butter almond cones. How people who get a new car - like to just sit there for a while before they start it up the first few times - just to smell the beauty of new car smell…. How Snuggles our dog - Lord have mercy on him - loved to go into the ocean when we went to the beach in the summer - and shake off the salt sea water on the rest of us back on the blanket…. How you love to stay outside before we go into the house at night and look for the stars or slivers of the moon…. How you love all types of mustards and every kind of tree - including mulberry trees. How you have become a pediatrician - a baby doctor because you love babies - and now you have one of your own….

“Mama Mama Maria - your grandmother - put a great blessing on you at your baptism. Seelos - maybe your name should have been See-lots.

“And Frank - Francis - Mama Mama Maria - called it right for you as well. We have always seen how you were a peacemaker - especially when kids were fighting in the playground. And when a kid was being bullied you stood up for that kid. Thank God you’re 6 foot 3, 235 pounds, that certainly helped. You have always been so good to old people - visiting Mama Mama Maria in the nursing home before she died and your other grandparents - so many times. And good thing you have a great sense of humor like Blessed Francis Seelos.”

At that, Seelos, the new mom, not of twins, asked her grandmother to come up to the front. “We forgot to ask you to give a blessing to our your new granddaughter - so keeping the old Sicilian tradition - could you give our baby - the newest member of the family - a special blessing from the oldest member of the family.

She paused.

She hesitated.

Then she said - putting her hand on the head of 6 week old baby, “Teresa, may you have a sweet life - with plenty of sweetness and smarts and everyday will be a surprise - in the same spirit as you amazing mom, Seelos.


[This was a story for our Kids with their parents Mass - at 8 AM - at Marian Hall, today, October 2, 2016. This coming Wednesday - October 5th - is the feast of the Redemptorist Blessed Francis Seelos. With that in mind and St. Francis Assisi - which would have been Seelos’ day - dying October 4, 1872 in New Orleans of Yellow Fever, I made up this story. I like to see St. Francis of Assisi as an instrument of God’s peace and Blessed Francis Seelos  as a man of peace - a smile - a great sense of humor. I spotted the images of mustard seed, mulberry tree and the ocean in today’s gospel, Luke 17: 5-10 - for this 27 Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C]

[Picture on top - from the Internet - by Abby Bischoff]
October 2, 2016


Did you ever watch kids
when they come to steps?

Some take them on no matter now
high the mountain seems to be.
Some hesitate. Some sit down
in frustration. Some scream.
Some look around for someone
to pick them up and bring them
up to the top of the steps.

Are steps a personality test on
how this kid is going to take on life?

Are we getting a glimpse on whether
this one will enter a 12 Step program
for whatever or whether they will
spend their lives blaming others or
just sit there at the bottom of the steps?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1, 2016


My life is in little boxes,
in bottom drawers.

OK - the other stuff that
everyone sees is my
car and my house,
my family and my friends,
my hair and my skin,
my clothes and my
theories and my comments.

But the real stuff is in the
little boxes - that I empty out
onto my bed from time to time
and wonder about my moments.

That’s the real stuff.
Wouldn't you like to know?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016


The spool of thread fell….

It unraveled as it rolled
across the wooden floor.

My fingers still held the
lead of the thread - that
I was trying to put through
the eye of the needle.

That’s when the spool
slipped out of my hands.

I laughed. Spiders - leaves -
skin - do their repairs
without incident every time.

Me? I’m unraveling and
slipping as I walk across
wooden floors with holes
in my socks from now on.

 © Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29, 2016


Wow moments?
Mistakes I made?
Feel guilty about?
Ashamed of?
If I could do ____ all over again?
Things I’m proud of?
Moments that gave me a life insight?
Turning points in my life?
What others are saying about me?
What I’m saying about myself?
If you only knew the following about me …?
Lies I’ve told?
Exaggerations about something I did?
Moments I felt best about myself?
Someone I can really talk to?
God moments?
Atheistic moments?
Deep gratitude moments?
Moments I felt cherished?
Greatest moment of my life so far?
Moments I felt lied to?
Saved by?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016
Statue on top: The Thinker by
Auguste Rodin [1840-1917]
At first the statue was entitled,
"The Poet."  It was Dante
looking down into the
circles of hell.

P.S.  If you want to make this a self-test, get a piece of paper or use the computer and put a 3 before every one of these questions.  E.g., “3 moments I felt best about myself?” or “3 God moments?” or “3 biggest regrets”.  If you do that, this will be Self-Test # 26 on my blog.



The title of my homily for this 26th Wednesday in OT  is, “What Holds Us Back?”

Today’s gospel  - [Luke 9: 57-62]  - triggers that thought - that question - especially . But Job also had a lot on his back to weigh him down - and hold him back. [Cf. Job 9: 1-12, 14-16.]

So a few thoughts on the question, “What Holds Us Back?”

I suspect this homily is more for procrastinators like me - compared to those who get a lot done every day.


The next question should be: from what?  Holds us back from what?

Answers: from being a better Christian, wife, husband, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, brother, sister, listener, giver, worker.

What’s holding us back from being better?

I sense that’s like a sign above every work desk: “What’s holding you back?”


I don’t know about you, but time and laziness hold me back from doing all that I would like to do in life.

Once I hit 75, I find myself repeating Clint Eastwood’s line from the Dirty Harry movie, Magnum Force, when Harry Callahan says, “A man has to know his limitations.”

So for starters, laziness and limitations hold me back.

So to, too many pulls in too many ways - and then an inner voice says, “Baloney! You’re just too lazy.”

No? Yes?  But at times I have a lot to do. Don’t we all?


So we make our lists.

Sometimes we write them out.

Most of the time the things we are putting off are like a dripping faucet - drip, drip, drip. Get moving. You know what you’re supposed to do, do, do, do.

At other times they are like a bulldog growling at our feet. “You gotta, gotta, gotta….” 

So life has a lot of gotta, gotta, gotta’s. Life has lots of do, do, do, do. You gotta do this.

Listen to self. We’re a broken record. Listen!

“I still haven’t called the doctor. I still haven’t written that Thank You note. I still haven’t paid that bill. I still haven’t cleaned that closet. I still haven’t gotten rid of that stack of magazines. You’ll never read them. I still haven’t given my so and so a call. It’s at least two months now - and the anniversary of her husband’s death has come and gone.”


When I listen to Job in The Book of Job,  I pick up that he realizes God does an awful lot.

That’s different from what I hear many people saying. Too many people are daily complainers about what God does not do? Job sees God keeping this vast universe going.

Let me do back to today’s first reading from the Book of Job.   We hear Job realizing God’s in charge of the sun and the stars. Job writes,

He alone stretches out the heavens
and treads upon the crests of the sea.
He made the Bear and Orion,
the Pleiades and the constellations of the south;
He does great things past finding out,
marvelous things beyond reckoning.

And yet we still scream down deep  to this busy God of ours - especially when things are going wrong in our life. “God, what are you doing? Where are you when I need you?”

We all have our list  of what God should be doing.

Does God have a list for us - on what we’re supposed to be doing?


Today’s gospel has Jesus calling people but they have excuses: “I gotta bury my father.”   “I have to go back home and do some things there first.”

Jesus says, put your hand to the plow and stop looking back.

Put your hands to the plow and stop looking sideways.


Let me close with what I think is the biggest thing that holds us back.

It’s comparing ourselves to others.

It’s when we spend too much inner time - inner complaining we do about others not doing their part.

I don’t but I want to say to complainers. Let me walk around inside you for 20 minutes and I’ll tell you to stop your complaining about others - and do what you are being called to do.