Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17, 2016


If the tree knew it was going to become 
a solid wooden dining room table - 
hearing hundreds and hundreds and
hundreds of supper talk, homework talk, 
tears, spilled milk; if it knew it would 
become a rich brown - very, very visible
- dining room floor or door; or part of the underneath of  a bedroom wall, then….
Then would it cry "NO!" when it was 
about to be cut down? Would it? Really.... 
When would wood scream, “Pick me!”? 
How about a cross? A toothpick? No. 
A chopstick? Well, maybe…. but tell me more?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016



Today’s readings sort of po poos  riches. Today’s readings warn us about riches and power. Today’s readings talk about the top being toppled.

So at first I wondered if the title of my homily should be, “Is Poor Better?”  Or, “Is Weakness Better than Power?” Or “Is Sickness Better than Health.”

“Of course not,” came my inner answer.

Of course I thought of Simon and Garfunkel's song, "Richard Corey" - from the poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson.

Of course,  I also  thought about Woody Allen’s comment: “Money is better than poverty,  if only for financial reasons.” Cute… but….

Then I added to my thought process, the wisdom statement, “It all depends.” 

And in saying that, I realized that rich could be better than poor or vice versa, depending on what we learn, what we know, and what happens next in whatever situation we’re in.

In thinking about all this, I came up with my question and my title for this homily for this 20th Tuesday in Ordinary Time: “Do The Poor Know More?”


I think that’s a great question.

I don’t have answers - but I do have wonderings and comments.

I think of the British TV series: Upstairs Downstairs or Downton Abbey. The comments by the servants - their observations about the life of the rich and the famous - interesting…. sometimes very sharp and very insightful.

I’ve noticed many a waiter and waitress eavesdropping on the conversations of those being served at the dinner. Is watching and listening as good a course as a college course while serving a 4 course dinner?


In today’s first reading from Ezekiel 28: 1-10, the prince is stupid with all his wisdom and intelligence,  if he thinks he’s a god.

Doesn’t he realize what is about to happen?

Once we think we’re god, we might think nothing is going to go wrong. After all, all is in our power.

The poor - the powerless - often don’t know what’s going to happen in the next hour. They certainly know they are not God!

Not knowing what’s going to happen next, knowing things are out of our control for the most part, can trigger nervous habits - or better bending skills. It all depends.

Of course there are things we can control. We can pitch our tent not so close to the river in the rainy season.

Earthquakes?  Yes - some know where some of the fault lines are.  Yes - some places are worse than others. Yet, our whole kingdom could quake and crumble at any time.

I’ve heard that dogs get the signals that an earthquake is coming - long before humans know.  And when the earth  crumbles - when it’s attacked, the real me - is more or less -  human like every other human being. We are not a god.

So in today’s first reading Ezekiel the prophet is saying to the rich and the powerful: wake up - the future is fragile.

And in today’s gospel from Luke 19: 23-30, the one who is the fat cat ain’t going to be able to slide through the eye of a needle.  Nor will the loaded down camel with all the riches in the world  - be able to fit through the eye of a needle.

Camels think thin....

Both Ezekiel and Jesus are telling us to let go - lighten up - simplify - smart up - then we will be able to start slipping through the needle into God’s kingdom.

It’s then we can get glimpses of God’s plan for all of us - that we’re all brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children - with the same Father - the true God of all of us.  We’re all called to serve - as well as to have a seat at the table. We’re all rich. We’re all poor.  

So it all depends what we’re looking at - and what we're learning. 


The poor, the people of Aleppo in Syria with battle raging right now, the person out of a job and on the street - are in a bummer of an experience, but they could become better by those  experiences or worse.

It all depends.

Experiences can make us better or bitter.

Absence can make the heart that much smarter, fonder, quicker - but also angrier.

Poverty can bring us to our knees in prayer.

Poverty can bring us to go back to school for new skills.

Sickness, cancer, can get us to grasp what’s really important.

We’ve all heard the saying, “Experience is the best teacher.”

I’ve heard people say to that, “Not necessarily so. People can have the same experience a dozen times and still be stupid.”

So once more, it all depends.

So the secret to life is learning from life.

So a secret is to ask: “What’s the lesson here?”  “What’s the message here?” “What’s going on here?” “Where are you, God, in this darkness or blinding light?”

Those who learn - can become the wise - and then they can bring their gifts to their others.

The poor, the uneducated, can become very rich and smart - with inner insights - even when there is nothing in the refrigerator.

Once we learn - that we don’t know - that we’re poor - that we’re not god almighty - then we can start to listen to others. It’s then the true richness of others starts to appear.

So the poor can know more.


Once we have that attitude towards others - that we really don't know each other - that we're not better than others - we are becoming rich with attitude.  

Once we know that the waiter and the waitress, the wheel chair bound and the toll collector at the bridge - the guy with the lawn mower - who can’t speak English - who is illegal - as well as his wife who cleans big houses - are all members of the kingdom  - are all children of God - then we’ve slipped through the eye of the needle - and now we can sew together the world God has called us to be part of - in this quilt called, “Creation.”

August 16, 2016


Since we keep so many things quiet,
we try to pick up the meaning of small
hints from each other - when we’re
miles and miles away from one another.

Slight signals - infinitesimal signs …
hints that we’re still in this for the long
run - that this trip was worthwhile …
that we’re making the right choices.

God, I’m talking and thinking about you.
At times, I’m not so sure of you in all this.

Am I supposed to pick up a message
from corn on the cob - the grab of a
lobster - a cloud silently sliding by
or a V flock of geese heading south?

Or should I spend my time talking to
those I’m with when I get home -
instead of trying to figure out every hint 
from a distance - far, far from home?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15, 2016


The bell sounds from the church
tower - there in the valley - telling
all  - there has been a death - and
the old people on the porches hear
the warning and say a prayer - and 
the young people hear nothing. 
They're dead. They haven't risen yet.
They don’t have the imagination - the
feeling - the inner scream for God yet.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016



The title of my homily for this 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time [C] is, “In The Pits.”

For the sake of transparency, I’m an optimist, but today’s 1st reading from Jeremiah 38: 4-6, 8-10, and today’s gospel from Luke 12: 49-53 basically talk about being in the pits.

Today’s second reading from Hebrews 12: 1-4 tells us to start running. Run away! Rid ourselves - “of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.”

A homily calls us to reflect upon the readings of the day….


In today’s first reading - the King, Zedekiah, crumbles in - to the princes - who want Jeremiah silenced, removed. 

The king abdicates. He tells the princes: “He is in your power.”

They took Jeremiah and threw him a  cistern.

The text says “threw”. However,  they describe it as lowering him down into the muddy hole with ropes. It had no water - only mud.

What would that be like? I picture being dropped  into a big bowl of chocolate pudding.  Uuuuuh!

How many movies have we seen where they throw someone into solitary confinement - to silence them - to shut them up?

How many Rambo and Chuck Norris movies have we seen where there are POW’s in concentration camps and Rambo or Chuck are flown and then dropped into the jungle or wilderness to rescue people who are trapped.


In today’s gospel, Jesus talks about family fights - where there is no peace - only division. “From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against a son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”

Talk about mud and mudslinging.

As I read that - I wondered about how many people hearing this reading around our world today - will actually hear it. It’s the same readings in lots of churches - not just Catholic - but we’re worked out with many Protestant Communities - to have the same readings - at least on Sunday.

How many people will get antsy and edgy and “Uh oh-ing” when they hear Jesus’ words about family divisions?  

His stuff - especially about forgiveness and putting down the rocks and loving one another - can cause division.

We’re all been part of the drama of our own family stuff. We’ve been on stage or we watched from the audience.

We all could have written Tolstoy’s well know comment in Anna Karenina, “Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

There will be at least 1 million, 999 thousand - phone calls today or bar talk or beach chair conversations about unhappy family situations. that people are in.

It’s being in the pits.

Many people feel like King Zedekiah in today’s first reading: there are people we can do nothing about. We want to push them out of our lives and say to someone else, “He is in your power.”

We want others to solve the problem that we can’t - even if they have to throw that person down into a muddy hole - to hide them away.

So and so is drinking and drinking and drinking some more.

So and so is mouthing off - again and again and again - and they can’t let go of something someone else said or did - last week, last year - 25 years ago.


Yogi Berra - in one of his many truisms - said, “It’s déjà vu all over again!”

If life is anything, if family life is anything,  it’s repeat performances. Could you repeat after me,  “It’s déjà vu all over again!”

I’ve seen this play, this movie, this scene before, over and over and over again.

So Yogi Berra knew life when he said, ““It’s déjà vu all over again!” 

He was also right when he said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

He was right when he said, “I didn’t really say everything I said.”

He was right when he said, “We made too many wrong mistakes”

What to do: first step - STEP BACK!

Yogi Berra also said, “You can observe a lot by watching.”

He wasn’t just a player. He was also a manager.

It takes time and lots of watching and learning and figuring, to figure some things out about our family - and our life and how the game is played.

And remember two other things, Yogi Berra said:

“The future ain’t what it used to be.”

“If the world were perfect, it wouldn’t be.”

The world, our family, our marriage, our parish, our job, our evenings, our days, our past, our future, are never perfect.

And sometimes they are the pits.


Two years ago someone sent out thousands of those refrigerator magnetic stickers. I have one on a metal door in our second corridor at St. Mary’s.

It has a smiling picture of Pope Francis and it says, “Pope Francis says: you need 3 phrases in a family: 1) May I? 2) Thank you. and 3) I’m sorry.”

Come to think about it, Pope Francis does look a bit like Yogi Berra. That's an aside!

If you want more from Pope Francis - much more than what a refrigerator door can hold, read his 225 page exhortation: Amoris Laetitia, The Joy of Love.

If you want more of Yogi Berra's quotes simply type that into Google.


Or if you want just one word to work on - it’s “forgive”.  It’s that 3rd family message from Pope Francis: “I’m sorry.”

That second reading for today tells us to get into that Olympic “running the race” with Jesus and crowds and crowds of other people - who want to go for the gold in life.

If anyone was hoped to be silenced - like Jeremiah thrown into the muddy pit - it was Jesus - nailed to the cross - to shut him up. One of his seven last words or statements from the cross was, “Father forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.”

You probably heard me say this before, but I’ll say it again and again, because it works and people told me that it works.

Find your rosary. Keep it handy - in your pocket or your purse. A rosary is not just for Hail Mary’s.  Every day - while driving - or just sitting there - take out your worry beads and say, 59 times - or just 10 times, “Father forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.” “Father forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.”

And I guarantee,  if you say that enough, if you pray that enough, you’ll say and pray that the next time you and your family or someone is in the pits.

People are dumb. They don’t know what they are doing. Forgive the jerk. It could be you - déjà vu - all over again.


Painting on top: Jeremiah in the Pit by Marc Chagall, 1931-1939.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

August 14, 2016


What have been your  “Hallelujah!”  moments? 

A moment when you sang a song or danced
a dance and the whole room clapped for you -
and you were 2 years old - and you saw a
Super 8 movie of it years and years later. Wow!

Or was it a moment you had the winning hit in
a ballgame and the whole crowd clapped and
screamed and your team lifted you up. Wow!

Or in high school you read a poem you wrote and
all became silent - really silent - and some cried -
because you talked about a friend who had died. 

Or it was your wedding day and you walked down
the aisle with your dad - who said he would make it
3 years earlier when he was diagnosed with cancer.

Or you coached - you were a volunteer coach - and
one of your kids won gold in the Olympics. Wow. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

August 13, 2016


Ring! Ring! Ring!
Right in the middle of silence….
In the library, in church, at the
meeting, in the doctor’s office….
Different nexts for different folks….
Some silence the side of their phone….
Some peek to see who’s calling….
Some stand up and answer - and
loudly - for all in the room to hear….
We are not alone….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016