The title of my homily is, “Picturing
What I’m Reading.”
When you hear the Mass readings - for
today, the 6th Monday in Ordinary Time, can you picture what you’re reading?
If you’re the type of person who
pictures what you’re reading, I’m sure you would find today’s first reading -
Acts 16:11-15 - a gift of words. It pictures cities and places with fascinating
names Samothrace and Neapolis. It tells
about the city gates and the river where
people gathered to pray. We’d see Lydia
- a dealer in purple cloth. Was that what she usually wore?
Do you think in pictures?
It’s been my experience from going to various
workshops on communication skills - people usually love personality tests. I
assume it’s because we want to know ourselves and others better. We know we are
different - and we want understand our differences.
I like the work of Carl Jung - and his
so called Jungian types. His first dividing line is: Some people are
introverts; some people are extraverts. There are degrees of course. Next comes
how we function or how we operate: Some people are dreamers; some people are
doers. These are the intuitive creative types compared to the realistic
practical types. These are the neat time conscious types vs. the sloppy types like me who do various
things at the same time. Then there are the thinking vs feeling types. Head or
heart. Some people think their feelings; some feel their thinkings. All of us
are combinations and a bit of this a bit or that.
I also like the Firo Test created by
William Schultz to find out who is comfortable with whom if together in a
submarine. It gets at how we use 3 factors: wanting control, wanting affection
(one to ones) and wanting to feel included in the group or the team. One of
these is our main desire. Some express their need; some have a need - but don’t
express it. For example - my number 1 of
these 3 is the desire to control, but I don’t let that be known. Sneaky - and I
usually deny it.
I also like the Enneagram - which is a
9 personality type way of looking at people. It gets at our sinfulness more
than our strengths. Interesting. It has the 7 capital sins - plus 2 more. Each
of us has one sin that predominates. Mine is the sin of pride - which I didn’t
like to hear about. It’s a theory and a map that gets us to look at ourselves
so we can know ourselves and grow ourselves.
All that so far is a preamble to get
at a thought for the day on how we hear the words of the readings for Mass.
We hear them differently.
Someone came up with another way of
looking at stuff.
There are three types: Audio, Visual, Kinesthetic
Audio types like to talk, to listen,
to hear words and sounds and music to get in touch with what’s going on. They
learn the best by questions and words.
Visual types learn best by pictures,
writing, graphs, charts.
Kinesthetic types learn best by their
senses - feelings, tasting, smelling, texture, colors. They want to see the big
picture - as opposed to seeing the tiny details. They want to know where’s all
this this going. What’s going on here?
I’m saying all this to lead to one
main point: we learn, we experience, we know, differently.
So we’re sitting here in church. The readings are read - not everyone hears
the same way. Some people want to have a Missalette in hand. Some want to close
their eyes and hear the words. Some
people need to get a feeling about what’s going on in the gospel or the first
reading to figure out the message.
Standing here in the pulpit I see all kinds of faces and I know from
experience, I don’t know what’s going on here.
I’ve had lots of people say to me: I
had no idea what you’re talking about. No clue.
Well, I keep cool about that - because
3 people later walking out of church - might say to me, “Thank you. You really
hit home today.”
Same message - different people.
So today’s 2 readings. Some people
will love today’s first reading: telling
us about sails, wind, names of cities, travel, scenes of people being baptized
in water. Some people will hear the gospel and scratch their head - or sounds
go in one ear and comes out the other ear.
Close your eyes. Look at the red candles flickering. Close
your eyes till the consecration or communion. Smell the roses this afternoon.
Taste the bread. Savor the wind. Really pray the Our Father. Laugh. Pray, “Come
Holy Spirit.”