Monday, March 3, 2014


my nose is running.
Slow sliding stuff,
sliding like Vesuvius -
down from my left nostril.
Uuuuuh! I assume it’s ugly -
like some of my life.
I can feel it  - but I can’t see it -
like so much of my life.
Forgot my handkerchief.
Can’t find a tissue.
Now what, Lord? Now what?
Oh my God, I’m 74 -
yet I’m hoping for more.
No - not the leakage or its
opposite - a clogged nose
or a clogged life - but to
breathe freely a lot more life.
Death? - Lord.  - Nope.  - Not yet.
Lord, my nose is running
and I’m still running and
I thank you for that and 
for a lot more than that. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Prayers, 2014

This is my 3000 piece on this Blog. I noticed # 1000 was also a prayer, so I’m happy to do the same for #3000. This prayer I thought should be more humbling. Notice I didn’t use the word “snot, ” but I was tempted. Never saw a prayer yet with that word in it.


The title of my homily is, “Katherine Drexel: She Slipped Through the Eye of the Needle.”


In today’s gospel - Mark 10: 17-27 - we have the famous biblical metaphor of squeezing or slipping or passing through the eye of a needle.

The man in the gospel asks Jesus the big question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

After finding out that he keeps the commandments Jesus asks the man to let go of everything he has and give it to the poor and then come follow me. 

Mark tells us that he walked away sad.

It’s after he leaves and his disciples are talking to Jesus, that Jesus makes reference how difficult it is to let go of everything so as to fit through the eye of the needle.

I heard that a hundred times as a kid - and in the seminary - and heard various explanations about the camel and the eye of the needle. However, once I saw a poetic type movie on the Sermon on the Mount and got the best take for me of what Jesus was getting at. A man is walking down the street with two big leather suitcases - a back pack on his back - and a shoulder bag on one shoulder. He stops on the street - when he sees a half open door - in a narrow doorway. Without letting go of any of his bags - he tries to fit through the narrow doorway. No go. No luck. No fit.

So he steps back and the camera pans back and the viewer sees him continuing down the street.  Just then a little boy - with not bags or baggage comes running down that same street in that same direction. He comes to the same doorway and runs right inside without any effort.

That spelled out for me lots of Jesus’ messages. Unless you are like a little child - you won’t fit into the kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven. Unless you let go of too much stuff, you won’t fit through the doorway - or the eye of the needle - and get inside of Christ’s way of doing life.


Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Katherine Drexel of Philadelphia.

She had lots of stuff - and lots of money - as a result she got to travel - and as a result she saw the plight of Native Americans as well as African Americans.

Like the man in today’s gospel she asked a question - he to Jesus - she to Pope Leo XIII - how about some missionaries for Native Americans. Well, the pope surprised her - like Jesus surprised the man in the gospel - when he said, “How about you doing it?”

Growing up, she had seen her step mom and dad being very generous to the poor and the hungry - so that helped her to make the squeeze through the eye of the needle. In time she started her own community to help the poor and the oppressed.

We can all picture the headline of the Philadelphia newspaper, The Philadelphia Public Ledger that said:  “Miss Drexel Enters a Catholic Convent — Gives Up Seven Million"


She died this day - in our lifetime -  at the age of 96, - March 3, 1955.

If you get a chance, take one of those bus tours and fit through the doors to Bishop John Neumann’s Shrine in Philadelphia and Mother Katherine Drexel’s Shrine in Bensalem.

Both will inspire and challenge us to diet regarding stuff, let go, and squeeze through the eye of the needle into the Kingdom of God. Amen.

Poem for Today - March 3, 2014

The Tree Is Here,
Still, In Pure Stone

The tree is here, still, in pure stone,
in deep evidence, in solid beauty,
layered, through a hundred million years.
Agate, cornelian, gemstone
transmuted the timber and sap
until damp corruptions
fissured the giant's trunk
fusing a parallel being:
the living leaves unmade themselves
and when the pillar was overthrown
fire in the forest, blaze of the dust-cloud,
celestial ashes mantled it round,
until time, and the lava, created
this gift, of translucent stone. 

© Pablo Neruda


The title of my homily for this 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A -  is: “We Can Be In Two Places At The Same Time.”

We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t be in two places at the same time.”

Someone wants us at their house - and someone else wants us at their place at the same time. Help. And we want to say, “Hey, I can’t bi-locate.”  Or we want to say, “I’m sorry.  Life - for me - is too often a tug-of-war between time and effort - pulls and pushes.”

Well, I’ll be saying in this homily, “We can be in two places at the same time.”


Sometimes it can be a plus. Sometimes it can be our loss.

It’s a plus,  it can be to our benefit - when we use it as a skill when we are at a boring homily or a boring class or meeting. We can go elsewhere in our mind and our imagination. In our present space - we can escape to another place.

So yes, we can be in two places at one time.

I remember hearing a story about a meeting. The boss was running it. The participants around the table found it  boring, boring, boring.

People started shuffling their coffee cups and computers and paper clips and pads. They started looking at their watches - coughing - moving back in their chairs. Scratching. Itching.  Rubbing their neck. Well, the boss didn’t get the message.

Later on - well after the meeting - and a safe distance from the boss, a guy says to this other guy, “That was the worst meeting I was ever at - but you seemed so calm and cool and present.”  The other guy said, “Well, to be honest, after about 10 minutes, I was fishing up on this lake in Minnesota. You should have seen the trout I caught. It was one perfect day.”

So yes, we can be in two places at the same time.

It can be a minus when we are pulling ourselves apart because of choices we make in the actual situations of life.

For example, we can’t be in High School A and High School B at the same time. Pick and choose. Choose you win and choose you lose.

We  can’t be in the band and be on the football team at the same time. Chose one.

In football, sometimes when the game comes down to whether a kicker can make a field goal or not, sometimes the opposing team call “Time Out!” to maybe make the kicker start worrying about past misses.

So yes, we can be in two places at the same time, but at the same time, we need to build skills how to deal with this skill we have.

We’ve all seen people spaced out. We put out hand out and wave to them and they don’t see our hand. They are out in left field. So we say, “Hello! You hoo, where are you?”


One of main themes of Jesus is: “What’s going on in your heart?”  In other words, “Where are you?”

In today’s gospel, for example, Jesus wants us to see what we worry about. Is it clothes, food, drink, the look? Is it worry about the future?

So today’s gospel begins with Jesus, “We can’t serve 2 masters. We will either hate one and love the other or be attentive to one despise the other.”

So the question is: What’s going on in our heart? Who’s running our show? Who’s in charge of our life?

To find answers to this question we need to watch ourselves for a month. Maybe a year would be better – and to monitor first of all what we are doing, where we spend out time, where we rather be at times, etc. This should lead us to our motivations. This should lead us into our heart. That’s where Jesus is always trying to get people to go. Go into your heart. Find out what’s going on there.

What I’m getting at is Jesus’ theme of the divided heart. It’s his call for self unity.

Jesus is aware that people can be divided. People can try to go it with two bosses in their heart. People invite both the devil and God to eat with them every day - and as a result they eaten up by too many inner desires and fires - fires that need to be attended to.

What’s in your heart?


I’m sure everyone has seen state lines - as they drive along the highways of life. Welcome to Maryland. Welcome to Delaware. Welcome to Virginia.

I’m sure some of us have stood on actual state lines.

I’ve never been to the Four Corners Monument in the Southwest - where one can stand in 4 states - Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado at the same time.

I noticed in the pictures of the place that they have benches - probably for ceremonies at the spot. I wonder if they let marriages take place on the spot. If yes, how are they registered? I’m sure older folks sit in those benches and watch kids dancing and stepping back and forth in those 4 states - almost at the same time.

I was thinking what a great metaphor - for the power of the human mind to choose.

The first step would be to look at the possible states of the human mind.

·        Worry -            vs. -     Not worrying
·        High Anxiety - vs. -     Calm Peacefulness
·        Sad -               vs. -     Happy
·        Ungrateful -    vs. -    Thankful
·        Lost -              vs. -     Found
·        Bored -           vs. -    Excited

Then to ask: “Hello where am I right now?”


Here are two states of mind to avoid getting stuck in:

1) Resentments
2) Regrets

They overlap, but in general  resentments have to do with others and regrets have to do with ourselves.


Resentments often revolve around fairness issues.

Listen to little kids. They are often screaming inwardly, ‘Unfair!”

All my life I have not forgiven a guy named Walter Eckard who coached our Little League team when we were kids.

I wanted to play first base - for our team - the Bay Ridge Robins - but Walter put his brother at first base - and I only got into one game - for one out - the whole season.


I even got my own brand new first baseball glove - just like the one my brother Billy had - but he was a lefty. I practiced, practiced, practiced. I got the needsfoot oil and broke that glove in - keeping a baseball in the pocket - and rubber bands around it - to make it the perfect glove.


My red Bay Ridge Robins top had number 4 on the back. Hey that’s a starter’s number. That’s a start’s number. But I never got a chance to star or start.


How about you? Do you have a teacher or a coach or a dad named Walter and you have deep resentments against him all these years.

Who are your Walter Ekhards? Everyone has at least 1 of them all their lives.

Resentments: Ongoing “Ugh” Ongoing Mad. Ongoing anger. Fairness, teachers, could be unfair, could be our unfairness. Not studying, teachers. Father Tom in miniature golf. Baseball.

Resentments can be about looks, height, weight, acne, Christmas gifts, skills, studies, marks, what have you.

Resentments can be about relationships - how so and so walked away from us - or how mom and dad treated another in the family better than they treated me - or how so and so got the promotion and I didn’t.

Well, I’m saying here that some people can get stuck in the state of resentment all their lives and then won’t move - or can’t seem to move - out of that state.

Check it out. There are other states - like the state of joy or celebration or being able to humble or laugh at oneself.


I have to think more about this, but I think that regrets have to do more with me - my attitudes, my mistakes, my hurt, because of me, myself and I.

At times I regret that I gave up playing the trombone - and only after two weeks.

I regret a moment in my life - when I chose to play a pick-up game of basketball in Connecticut - instead of driving back to New Jersey and finish a term paper. I got back 4 hours later than I would have - finished the paper - which I got a C in - and ended up with a C in that course - and that dragged down my marks - and they are forever chiseled in stone in the report card in my memory.

I can stay in that state and not remember my A’s and B’s.

If you ever have a chance, read John Updike’s 1960 novel, Run Rabbit Run. It’s a classic story about living in the past. It’s about how Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom gets stuck in what might have been. I have to reread that book, but I assume that he spent the rest of his life rejoicing in his great high school basketball career - but also regretted that he never moved onwards.

Run Rabbit Run.

Move to a new state.

Scratch the surface of any person - and listen carefully - you’ll hear the regrets of a person’s life. They will take up a lot more air time than one’s smart moves.


The title of my homily is, “We Can Be In Two Places At The Same Time.”

It’s good at times - to grab some time - and ask ourselves, “Where am I spending most of my time? What state am I living in? If it’s in the state of resentments or regrets or what have you, at that same time, we can move in our mind and attitude - to a better state of mind.

The next step is to start moving towards a better place to be.

As Lao-Tzu, the Chinese philosopher put it,  “A journey of a 1000 miles begins with that first step.”

As Christ put it: “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Poem for Today - March 2, 2014
March - National Poetry Month

Silent, But ...

I may be silent, but
I’m thinking.
I may not talk, but
Don’t mistake me for a wall

                   - Tsuboi Shigeji 

Shigeji Tsuboi: ‘Silent, but ...’ from The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse, trans. Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite (Penguin Books, 1964). trans. © Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Twaite, 1964, p. 191. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Books. Ltd. 

[Self test # 8]

The title of my homily for this Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - is, “What’s Important? This Is A Test.” 

Here are 25 questions or statements. The first 10 come out of today’s readings. The other 15 come out of afterthoughts from today’s Biblical readings.

If you want to use these questions or statements for a husband and wife or family discussion, I’ll put these 25 questions on my blog.

Answer [A] for Agree or [D] for Disagree or [U] for Undecided.

Undecided can mean “undecided” or “It all depends” or “I have to think about this.”

If one of these 25 questions grabs you or gets you thinking, or challenges you to consider changing your mind or attitude about something,  this test is a success.  Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

1) Even though today’s first reading says, “Even if a mother forgets her infant, God never forgets us",  well I think God has forgotten me.  Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

2) In the long run “Only in God is my soul at rest” as today’s psalm - Psalm 62 puts it. Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided [    ]

3) God - as today’s Psalm puts it, is my rock. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

4) Only God - as today’s second reading puts it - knows the motives of the human heart - including my heart as well. Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided [    ]

5) Forgiveness is more important than being right. Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided [    ]

6) Being a servant - as Paul puts it in today’s second reading  - or as Jesus puts it - being served is being in the more important position, but here I am in your midst as your servant - so you might do as well. Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided [    ]

7) “No one can serve two masters", two Gods, as Jesus put it in today’s gospel  or as the Russian proverb goes: “Chase two wolves, you won’t catch either.” Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided [    ]

8) Life as today’s gospel puts it, is more important than food and drinking. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

9) It’s not spring yet, but the flowers - which sometimes only last a few days - are dressed  better than the kings and queens of fashion. Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided 

10) There’s nothing wrong with wearing socks that are of different colors or what have you.  Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

11) I have learned lots of other lessons from nature - from creation - like  watching the birds of the air  - they don’t worry - about where their next meal is coming from. They find food to eat - in Ego Alley from little kids tossing pieces of bread to them - as well as from people with bird feeders or near the edge of dumpsters - or they swoop down into fields along the road. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

12) Having another child is more important than having more stuff. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

13) One’s legacy - what one did and tried to do with one’s life - is more important than the will - the money and/or property one leaves to those who come after us. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

14) We vote more with our feet, our eyes and our time, and where we put our energy - than we do with our mouth and our words. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

15) At the end of the day, at the end of the week, at the end of one’s life, what is important is the giving of one’s time and life to others. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

16) When we’re young we’re into different issues and goals than when we are near the end of our life. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

17) Reading to our kids and grand kids is more important than complaining that our kids or grand kids don’t go to Mass. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

18) Respect is more important than recognition. Agree [   ]  Disagree  [   ]  Undecided [    ]

19) A beautiful heart is more important than a beautiful face.  Agree   [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

20) I watch the Oscars to see the outfits - more than seeing which movie wins what. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

21) A meal without cell phones is more important than a meal with cell phones. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

22) Having a picture or a painting of a beautiful sunset is more important than stopping to watch a sunset - without photographing it. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

23) Watching NCIS together is more important than sitting at table eating and drinking and talking to each other - long after the meal is finished. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

24) The hand and heart behind the meal is more important than the meal itself. Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]

25)  “Don’t worry about tomorrow,” as today’s gospel puts it, “tomorrow will take care of itself.” Agree [   ]  Disagree [   ]  Undecided [    ]  But what about the weather report?

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Poem for Today - March 1, 2014


Three things there are more beautiful
Than any man could wish to see:
The first, it is a full-rigged ship
Sailing with all her sails set free;
The second, when the wind and sun
Are playing in a field of corn;
The third, a woman, young and fair,
Showing her child before it is born.

© W.H. Davies

Painting on top: 
"The Artist's Wife"
by Laurits Anderson Ring 
- 1897. This is L.A. ring's
portrait of his 22 year old
wife - Sigrid Kahler. 
He was 42 and this
was a year after
their marriage.