Here are 25 questions or statements. The first 10 come out of
today’s readings. The other 15 come out of afterthoughts from today’s Biblical
If you want to use these questions or statements for a
husband and wife or family discussion, I’ll put these 25 questions on my blog.
Answer [A] for Agree or [D] for Disagree or [U] for Undecided.
Undecided can mean “undecided” or “It all depends” or “I have to think about this.”
If one of these 25 questions grabs you or gets you thinking,
or challenges you to consider changing your mind or attitude about
something, this test is a success. Agree [
] Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
1) Even though today’s first reading says, “Even if a mother
forgets her infant, God never forgets us", well I think God has forgotten me. Agree [
] Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
2) In the long run “Only in God is my soul at rest” as
today’s psalm - Psalm 62 puts it. Agree [
] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
3) God - as today’s Psalm puts it, is my rock. Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ] Undecided [
4) Only God - as today’s second reading puts it - knows the
motives of the human heart - including my heart as well. Agree [ ] Disagree
] Undecided [ ]
5) Forgiveness is more important than being right. Agree
[ ]
Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
6) Being a servant - as Paul puts it in today’s second
reading - or as Jesus puts it - being
served is being in the more important position, but here I am in your midst as
your servant - so you might do as well. Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
7) “No one can serve two masters", two Gods, as Jesus put it
in today’s gospel or as the Russian
proverb goes: “Chase two wolves, you won’t catch either.” Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
8) Life as today’s gospel puts it, is more important than
food and drinking. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
9) It’s not spring yet, but the flowers - which sometimes
only last a few days - are dressed
better than the kings and queens of fashion. Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Undecided
10) There’s nothing wrong with wearing socks that are of
different colors or what have you. Agree
[ ]
Disagree [ ] Undecided [
11) I have learned lots of other lessons from nature - from creation
- like watching the birds of the
air - they don’t worry - about where
their next meal is coming from. They find food to eat - in Ego Alley from
little kids tossing pieces of bread to them - as well as from people with
bird feeders or near the edge of dumpsters - or they swoop down into fields along the road. Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ] Undecided [
12) Having another child is more important than having more
stuff. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
13) One’s legacy - what one did and tried to do with one’s
life - is more important than the will - the money and/or property one leaves
to those who come after us. Agree [
] Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
14) We vote more with our feet, our eyes and our time, and
where we put our energy - than we do with our mouth and our words. Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ] Undecided [
15) At the end of the day, at the end of the week, at the
end of one’s life, what is important is the giving of one’s time and life to
others. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
16) When we’re young we’re into different issues and goals
than when we are near the end of our life. Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ] Undecided [
17) Reading
to our kids and grand kids is more important than complaining that our kids or
grand kids don’t go to Mass. Agree [
] Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
18) Respect is more important than recognition. Agree [ ]
Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
19) A beautiful heart is more important than a beautiful
face. Agree [
] Disagree [ ]
Undecided [ ]
20) I watch the Oscars to see the outfits - more than seeing
which movie wins what. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
21) A meal without cell phones is more important than a meal
with cell phones. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
22) Having a picture or a painting of a beautiful sunset is
more important than stopping to watch a sunset - without photographing it. Agree
[ ]
Disagree [ ] Undecided [
23) Watching NCIS together is more important than sitting at
table eating and drinking and talking to each other - long after the meal is
finished. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
24) The hand and heart behind the meal is more important
than the meal itself. Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ]
25) “Don’t worry
about tomorrow,” as today’s gospel puts it, “tomorrow will take care of
itself.” Agree [ ] Disagree [
] Undecided [ ] But what about the weather report?