Tuesday, March 20, 2012



I would like to babble a bit about water this morning - just two pages - drip by drip, drop by drop. Today’s readings for the 4th Tuesday in Lent flow with water.

The first reading from Ezekiel 47: 1-9, 12, always triggers images to flow in my imagination. What would it be like to stand there at this temple that has flowing water everywhere. We’ve all seen modern buildings and museums that have water walls. Whenever I see one I stop I to listen to the sound of the water hitting flowing from top to bottom. How do they do this - engineer wise?

And today’s gospel tells of the pool at the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem in the 5th Chapter of John. It’s called “Bethesda” in Hebrew. It’s a healing pool. I’ve wondered if there is any significance in the mention of the man coming there for healing for 38 years. I’m sure with 2000 or so years of pondering these gospel texts, there are various understandings.


What’s are your water stories? What are you experiences, your ponderings, thoughts, wonderings, memories, feelings about water?

Much of my life, I’ve lived near water - and it’s been a blessing - and as I said in a St. Patrick’s Day homily, my parents grew up right at the edge of Galway Bay in Ireland.

I’ve been blessed to have been stationed for 12 years on the Hudson River in upstate New York - and I walked down to it thousands of times. I didn’t have a room with a river view all the time - but you knew the river was there. I lived on the Jersey Shore - on ocean front property - with an ocean view room - for 7 years. I lived on a lake in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin for 1 year. I lived near a stream, a small one at that - in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania for 7 years. And you might know that the word “hanna” is an Native American Tribe’s word for “stream” or “river” as in Susquehanna. For going on 10 years now, I live here at Annapolis - with a window view of Spa Creek.

So I sense water. As kids we’d go down to the New York Harbor, the Narrows, every Sunday with our dad - and Coney Island all summer with our mom.

What about you and water views and ocean, lake, river, experiences?

I love to quote the following from Moby Dick by Herman Melville, “Yes, as everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded forever…. Why did the old Persians hold the sea holy? Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity, and own brother of Jove? Surely all this is not without meaning. And still deeper the meaning of that story of Narcissus, who because he not grasps the tormenting, mild image he saw in the fountain, plunged into it and was drowned. But that same image, we ourselves see in all rivers and ocean. It is the image of the ungraspable phantom of life; and this is the key to it all.”

“Meditation and water are wedded forever….”

What are your meditations and reflections on water?

This past Sunday I got a call to visit someone who is dying. The woman’s son wanted to get his mom to the hospital because he said she was dehydrated. I saw a new born baby in the pediatric emergency section of Anne Arundel Medical Center a few days before that. The diagnosis was that the little guy was dehydrated.

A lady in the parish gave me a copy of a book by Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water. I found the book dripping with delicious comments.

For example, this Japanese doctor of alternative medicines says, “We start our life being 99 percent water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent. If we die of old age, we will be about 50 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water.” [pp xv]

If that is true, then Masaru Emoto stresses that it be smart if we have good water in our system - not just out there - but also in here - in our bodies. Stagnant water is dead water. Flow. Go. Move. Move it. Make our bodies flow.

Masaru Emoto in this book tells about his work with crystals - frozen water. Lots of people ridiculed and reject his theories and ideas. I found them fascinating. He worked for years freezing water to make crystals. Then he studied the photographs of them. If while freezing them you played Beethoven or Tchaikovsky or heavy rock music, you’d get different, very differently shaped crystals. Classical music had more beautiful crystals. The experiment that really seems weird was the one where he took a piece of paper and wrote words on it and then taped that sign to the water he was freezing. If the word had good vibes, you got beautiful crystals. It the word had negative vibes, you got definitely strange crystals - broken and disturbed. For example a sign with the words “Love and Gratitude” had most beautiful Chrystal formations - and another with the negative comment, “You fool” produced an ugly crystal.

He said, “Water has vibrations.” He added that the whole world has vibrations.


As I pondered that I realize that this is not strange. Everyone of us has a pulse - a beat - a bounce in us. Hook us up to machines in the hospital and our family around the bed hopes those numbers are right.

How about bread, wine, spinach and ginger ale? Do they all have vibes?

How about us? I preached to the kids yesterday at 4 sessions for confessions - one of my favorite questions: “What happens when you walk into a room?” Do you get an “Oh yes” or an “Oh no” vote.

What vibrations did Jesus give off when he walked into a room or at the pool at Bethesda? What does he give us today? Maybe he’s been waiting for us for 38 years? Maybe Christ wants to give us wine made from water. Maybe Christ wants us to go forth and give glasses of cold water to each other. Amen.


Picture in the middle: Tobyhanna Falls, Monroe County, Pennsylvania

Front Cover of Masaru Emoto's book, The Hidden Messages in Water, Beyond Words Publishing Company, 2001


March  20,  2012

Quote for Today

"Here are your waters 
and your watering place.
Drink and be whole again 

beyond confusion."

Robert Frost [1874-1963], Directive, 1947

Monday, March 19, 2012



The title of my homily for this feast of St. Joseph is, “Would anyone name their kid after you?”

I thought of that as a title and a theme for a homily on this the feast of St. Joseph.

I’ve never been in on the naming of a child - yet I have baptized many a child. To me a significant moment happens when the priest or deacon asks the parents, “What name do you give your child?”

I’ve heard stories where priests have erupted a bit when they heard the name the parents were going to give the child and the priest didn’t like the name. Grouch! Grouch! “It’s not a Saint's name!” Or “It has to be the name of a Saint!”

As far as I know the priest or deacon can’t do that.

Moreover, I sense that people today give as much care to the name they want to give a child as they did in the past - maybe even more today - with parents having fewer children than past generations.

That’s been my experience - hearing parents saying they take a lot of care in selecting their child’s first name - as well as their second name - if given.

I’m asking in this homily, “Would anyone name their kid after you?”


In the past some kids were named after a parent - especially a dad? Is there an equivalent for "Junior" for a  daughter who receives the same name as her mom?

In the past some kids were named after a grandparent - with a first name or a second name.

In the past some kids were given the name of a saint - and sometimes if the child is born on a Saint’s day - that name is given the child. Martin Luther was named after Martin of Tours. He was born on the feast of St. Andrew, but was baptized the next day, the feast of St. Martin of Tours. I was born on the feast of St. Andrew Avellino - so I got the name Andrew - and then my father added Jackson - because there was a story told in Ireland that Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States might have been a Catholic, if there were more priests in the United States - as in the United States south.


Since today is the feast of St. Joseph, I think of various  people I’ve known and met who were named Joseph because of St. Joseph. I’ve thought of all the kids who had the power to choose a Confirmation name and how many chose Joseph. They looked at the lives of the saints - in search of a Saint they liked - and chose Joseph because he was a man of courage and strength - a protector. I like the image of Joseph representing all those strong foundation type fathers - dads - who are quiet - but always there. That’s how I see Joseph - and to name a child that - praise God.


The title of my homily is, “Would anyone name their kid after you?”

Wouldn’t that be a great compliment?

I guess the main message for this homily then would be: “So act that people who know you - would name a child after you!”

I’ve only had one kid named after me. It wasn't a  relative. Don't my nieces like me? Don't they think "Andrew" is a great name? Smile. It was a kid named Andrew Fredholm - who was born on June 20, 1965 or that was the day Charlie Fredholm and his wife adopted him. Charlie was the kid next door - when growing up in Brooklyn New York.


March  10,  2012

Quote for the Day

"Fanaticism is ... compensation for doubt."

Robertson Davies, The Manticore, Viking, 1972

Sunday, March 18, 2012



The title of my homily for this Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year B, is, “Remembering and Forgetting.”

These are 2 things we human beings do so well and so often. We forget things and persons; we remember persons and events.

Like the optimist and pessimist saying: some people only remember the mud and some people only remember the stars - and forget all the rest. How about you?

When hurting go outside on a clear night and stop to look at the stars; - if cloudy, drop into St. Mary’s Church and look at the ceiling - and sit and pray.

Remembering and forgetting ….


That’s the reality that hit me when I went through today’s readings to come up with a homily for this Sunday. Three, six, nine, forty five years ago, something else jumped out at me from the readings. As you heard today’s readings, what hit you? What questions popped up? This Sunday for me it was something in the Psalm for today: Psalm 137 - the theme of “Remembering and Forgetting.”.

As a Psalm, Psalm 137  has one of the strongest and most violent images in the Bible. Because of that, it is often skipped - or the violent verse is left out - like it is in today’s liturgy. However, once you hear it, once you hear the last verse, you won’t and don’t forget it. It comes back every time you hear the first verse of the song: “By the streams of Babylon….”

The Psalms are songs. Music plays on the strings of our memory. Someone was in love with someone - in some distant day. This day they are in a store. The music is playing. A certain song comes on. It was their song. Then they were dumped, dropped or divorced - or the loved one has died. This time that song hurts. Tell me where it hurts! Like sandpaper, the song rubs the scars in one’s soul the wrong way.

The movie Casablanca can get us every time. As time goes by …. Play it again Sam. Memories….

Psalm 137 talks about forgetting and remembering. The song writer is sitting by a stream in Babylon - an exile captured and brought north from Jerusalem. His captors taunt and torment him. They ask him to sing of song from back home. So the singer sings about sitting by the streams of Babylon weeping and crying. He sings, “We hung up our harps on the poplar trees there - because who wants to sing?” Yet the singer sings. He sings a lament - a sad song. He sings in the third verse, “May my right hand wither or be forgotten if I forget you Jerusalem.” In the next verse he sings, “May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I remember you not O Jerusalem and make you not the main joy in my life.” Then comes the last verse, which is not mentioned in this Psalm reading in church today. It’s an R rated verse because of it’s violence, The singer sends blessings on the one who takes Babylonian babies and bashes them against a rock. Talk about vengeance and mid-East and human violence. We still hear about the same kind of vengeance and violence till today.


The human brain is amazing. We remember what we want to forget. We forget what we want to remember. Some memories we can’t shake. Some things we can’t remember.

The human brain is amazing. We can recall something our Aunt said to us when we were 12 years old and when we tell our Aunt about just that - she has no clue - no memory of the moment. Good news: that conversation, that compliment we give her then becomes a grateful memory for her - that she might remember for the rest of her life - on a train or a plane - or while sitting waiting in a doctor’s waiting room.

The human brain is amazing. In our lifetime we’ve seen computers go from just a tiny bit of memory to 500 Gigabytes and now Terabytes of memory. We are amazed at times while watching Jeopardy at what we remember and at other times we feel so stupid when doing a crossword puzzle. Our own Random Access Memory is a very interesting part of our territory inside our skull - called our brain or our memory. Sometimes we marvel at it; sometimes we yell at it.


Here is a short questionnaire - just 7 questions. If at some time you want to answer them and you can’t remember what the questions are, I’ll put this on my blog - which you can access from the St. Mary’s, Annapolis, web site.

1) What is your earliest memory - and why do you think you remember that particular moment or incident?

2) What is your best memory of your mom or dad?

3) What was your biggest forget - something you wanted to say to your dad or mom or a friend - some place or event you were supposed to be at - and you totally forgot about it?

4) What is a memory of something you did that you’d love to erase or have it disappear?

5) What is something someone keeps bringing up and you wish they forgot about it?

6) What is something about you that you wish another would remember - but they seem to forget?

7) When you meet God - is there something you hope God remembers about you and is there something you want God to completely ignore and forget? Or if you think God remembers everything, then what is it that you want you and God both to have a great laugh about after you die - because you suspect you’re going to walk through death with the memory of it on your backboard?


Life is history and mystery.

Life is twists and turns.

Life is surprise and stuff around the curve that we didn’t know was there.

Life is lots of reminscing and rehashing and remembering.

Has anyone ever read the complete works of Marcel Proust [1871-1922] - Remembrance of Things Past - who seems to have written down everything that ever happened to him? Why read him when we have our own inner library to intrigue us?

In today’s first reading from the Second Chronicles - part of the historical writings of what happened to the people of Israel - we read about something that happened to them in some 500 years before Christ. It’s something that I wish would happen every other year in our world.[Cf. 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23]

If you know Jewish Biblical History you know that one of greatest moments and memories that was never forgotten and always remembered and re-enacted, was the Exodus. We know the Passover was not passed over every year - but remembered. Surprise a group of people who were enslaved escaped - passed over the waters with the hope of entering a Promised Land - a Land of Milk and Honey. The Passover Feast was celebrated every year in memory of that event - starting in that first year in the desert as we heard about in today’s gospel - with the story of Moses and the serpent in the desert.[Cf John 3: 14-21]

If you know Jewish Biblical History you also know that the Israelites were dragged out of Jerusalem and Israel in 587 BC and brought up to Babylon as heard about in today’s first reading. This was called the Babylonian Captivity and it lasted till 537 BC. Surprise Cyrus - a Persian - now Iran - conquers the Babylonians and sends an edict to send people back home.

Like our personal histories and memories - the histories and memories of the Bible go through a lot of reconstruction in the retellings - but there are rough basic truths in the stories.

I don’t say that flippantly. I say that because that was the way I was taught to understand the riches in our Biblical History - both the Jewish Covenant and the Christian Covenant. I agree with what Ulrich Neisser once said, “Most of our oldest memories are the product of repeated rehearsal and reconstruction.” [Quoted by Sharon Begley, “Memory”, Newsweek, September 29, 1986]

So the Exodus was a surprise. Slavery can end. The end of the Exile was a surprise. It ended by an edict. Isn’t that the dream of history?


I have here a piece of the rock - which I keep on one of my bookshelves in my room. It's a small plastic case with a piece of the Berlin Wall - which was up from 1961 till 1989. It came down. To me it's a symbol of hope - that walls can be removed.

I was totally surprised that the wall of Apartheid in South Africa came down without the bloodshed I expected.

Don’t we all pray and hope that surprises like that would happen in Afghanistan, Korea, Sudan, Iran, and so many other places in our world? Don’t we wish people in our families would forget something that happened 25 years ago - that those personal walls will fall? And on and on and on.


The title of my homily is, “Remembering and Forgetting.”

We come here to Mass to lift up bread and wine in memory of Jesus that we might leave Mass each time and lift up each other in memory of Jesus who lifted up so many people in his lifetime.

We come here to Mass and look at the cross and remember he said from the cross, “Father forgive them because they don’ t know what they are doing.” In other words, “Forget about it. Forget the hurts and the words and the nails that sting - and forgive one another.”

This is the stuff of Lent and the Stations of the Cross and the upcoming Holy Week and Easter celebration.

Don’t forget. Remember these moments.


March  18,  2012

Quote for Today

"Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it."

Michel de Montaigne [1533-1592]

Saturday, March 17, 2012



The title of my homily for this feast of St. Patrick is, “Gee Geography!”

And I’m not stuttering. And I’m not spelling G, “G”, but “GEE!” as in calm or exited amazement.

Haven’t we all said, “Gee!” when we look around at our surroundings - as in a mountain meadow or we’re in a small boat on a luscious lake or bay or standing midtown in a big city or we’re a visitor at the bottom of Main Street - Annapolis, Maryland and looking up the street on a Sunny Crowded Saturday afternoon, we say, “Gee. Look at all those Red Bricks! Did some mayor own a red brick factory? Gee, look at all the people. Gee, look at the T-shirt and Trinket Shops, Ice Cream Places, restaurants, O’Brien’s and McGarvey’s. Am I in the middle of Ireland? Gee, and I thought there was also a place named Riordan’s around here.”

Turning around 180 degrees, “Gee, look at the water - the yachts, the sails." Looking to our left, “Gee, the Naval Academy for the whole United States.” Turning to our right, “Gee that’s an old, tall, church spire up there: St. Mary’s Annapolis.”


Geography - we’re in it up to our shoe laces - if we’re standing. Geography we’re in it up to the seat of our pants - if we’re sitting. Wherever we are - we’re in geography.

"Geo" - the Greek word for earth, soil, ground….

Gee Geography - having a sense of space and place - sights and sounds - being grounded where we are and where we are from.

How good were you in Geography when you were a kid?

When your brought your report card home to be signed by a parent when you were a kid, did you get an A, B, C, D, E, F or a G - G for Good?

Are we our geography - where we’re from - where our parents are from? Are we nature or nurture or both? Do we have the geography of our parents in our body - in our looks. De we have our dad’s ears, our mom’s nose, our grandparents smile? Do we have the accent or our neighborhood - from our family and from the kids and teachers of our schools? Are we our geography?

Would we be any different if our roots were Switzerland compared to Sligo or Syracuse in Sicily or upstate, New York State?

Would we be different if we were brought up along the waters of Galway Bay - where my mom and dad were brought up in Ireland - and where their brother and sister - who also married each other - raised their children - while their brother and sister went to America and married over here and brought up their children a few blocks from the waters of the Narrows in New York Harbor - in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn New York - at 326-62 Street?

How much are we our geography?


Mark Dorley - a big broad shouldered - Holy Name Society Man - in Lima, Ohio, my last parish before coming to Annapolis, heard I was going to Israel for 13 days in January 2001. He asked, “Every night when I watch the Evening News and they show pictures of Israel, I always see dust and desert, brown and tan earth - and no grass. Well, when you get over there, find out what the sheep eat?”

The plane landed in Tel Aviv in early evening - but I had an aisle seat, so the only geography I saw was the inside of our big plane. By the time we got in the bus, it was dark and so I saw very little geography of Israel on the way to our first hotel - in the north - in the town of Tiberius - on the Lake of Galilee.

The next three days we toured the north - and there was green grass in lots of places - but especially - I could see great green fields and stuff growing as I looked down on the valleys and the plains from up top - on the Mount of the Transfiguration. So when I got back home to Lima, Ohio two weeks later, I was able to tell Mark Dorley, “The sheep are well taken care of, mind you.”

Gee Geography. As I stood there at the Lake of Galilee - as I looked there from bus windows - as I walked there in Nazareth - I kept thinking, “I’m seeing what Jesus saw. I’m seeing what Jesus saw: the birds of the air, the flowers of the fields, the fish of the lake of Galilee and the mountains and hills around and surrounding him.

How much did geography become Jesus? When he got down south to Jerusalem, they noticed the accents of Peter and the disciples and the hint is they looked down on these hillbillies from the north. “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” [Cf. John 1:46]

Gee Geography. How much does geography form and mold and sculpt us?

In America, as they say, the first question is, “Where are you from?” or “I noticed your accent. Where are you from?” When asked that I love to answer, “62nd Street, between Toid and Foooorth Avenue, Brooklyn New York. Why do you ask?”

I grew up hearing my mom and dad speaking Gaelic to each other at times - and English to us. And the only Gaelic they said to us - especially my mom - were sayings with a smile when she called me an “Amadan” or a “Gom” - or when she’d describe a short, clumsy person, as a “Crabadan”.

How much did their Geography form them?

My mother often said in English to us, “Ireland has nothing!” Then she sometimes added, “When I got back to America after my first visit home to Ireland, I got down and kissed the earth of Boston.” She loved Boston, but she came down to Brooklyn to marry my dad - after working 10 years as a maid and servant in Boston to make money to bring her brothers to America.

I also loved to hear stories about Ireland from my mom and dad - especially on a day like today - St. Patty’s Day - when we’d go over by subway to the big parade - and then visit some relatives in Manhattan - who were also from Ireland. They lived in an apartment that had the smallest kitchen in the United States.

These memories and their comments - plus the photographs - I looked forward to the day I’d get to see where they were from in Ireland.

In 1996 - I finally got the chance to go to Ireland. My mom and dad were both dead many years by then. I went with my two sisters and one brother-in-law. My brother Patrick had also died - from Melanoma - the fair skinned cancer killer - back in 1986.

We get smarter as we get older. This time I had a window seat. Getting closer to Ireland - after coming across the waters from America - the pilot announced - early in the morning, “There she is, down below - the great green fields and hills or Ireland.”

Tears and cheers - but no beers in the morning. I don’t drink - but the beers would come later at my Aunt Nora’s place in Ballynahown, County Galway, a half hour from Galway City - past Salt Hill and Barna on the road along the Sea. On the ground, green, green, hills and earth were everywhere.

When I saw where my mom and dad were from, I realized from the geography what my mother meant when she said, “Ireland has nothing.” I could see poverty and possibility - but the possibility would be elsewhere. My grandmother - on my mother’s side - raised her children with the message, “America!” She had been here, but her father tricked her back home with the words and letters, “I’m sick and I’m going to die soon, so come back.” Guilt, Irish guilt brought her back home to Ireland where she got married off to my grandfather.

That trick by her father got my grandmother to send my mother, her oldest to Boston, to make money, to bring her 3 brothers over. The rest is history - but oops, I’m talking geography here.

In that first trip and my other trip to Ireland in 2008 with Dave and Hilda Alland and some of you, I saw that my mother was wrong. Ireland has riches - wonderful people - beautiful green mountains and hills - and the Celtic Tiger was let loose and was roaring. Right now Ireland has to start rattling in her cage again and get out and get loose again. And of course, if Ireland saved Western Civilization - she can save herself. Her people have plenty of Irish brains and slippery thinking to do just that. I love the story - I never found out if it was told by a graduate of the Blarney Stone or not - that when Irish farmers and shepherds found out that the European Union gave subsidies in  Euro’s based on the number of sheep you have, and they counted them by plane, the Irishman painted lots of rocks down below white!


The title of my homily is, “Gee Geography!”

On a day like St. Patrick’s Day, we celebrate our roots, our heritage, our stories, and how we got to be where we got to be where we are today.

On a day like St. Patrick’s Day, we who are Catholic, American Catholic, Irish Catholic, we come to a sacred place and space like St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City or St. Mary’s Annapolis, and we sit and stand and kneel in prayer - prayers of Thanksgiving.

On a day like St. Patrick’s Day, we who are Catholic, Irish Catholic, American Catholic, we worry that some of our children, some of our brothers and sisters, have strayed like lost sheep, looking for green grass, and they are not finding it in the geography of church - for various reasons - bad, mediocre, bored, lazy or sinful priests and bishops - whatever or whoever -  or what have you - so we hope and pray, the geography and the people in our church - will roar again - with a renewed faith and hope and charity - and the tiger of Celtic Spirituality will roar again in the geography of our souls. Amen.



Picture on Top - by Jim Malloy - from our Irish Trip in 2008

Picture of Galway Bay by Mary Connolly - Pittsburgh - what my mother saw when she looked out her back door.

Picture of the lake of Galilee in the distance - by someone.