December 27, 2011
Quote for Today
"Suppose all the joys, the cares, and the opportunities afforded you in life could be gathered into a bag which you could carry on your shoulders. And suppose each person in the world brought his burden to one common heap, there to be given the privilege of depositing his bag and selecting any other bag of his or her choice. Do you know what would happen? Invariably, each one would be content once again to pick up the bag he had deposited on the heap and go his or her way."
Based on Plutarch,
Consolation to Apollonius. I've heard variations of this metaphor using the image of the cross rather than the bag.
Task: Take a blank piece of paper and make three columns. Put on the top of column 1, "Joys", on the top of column 2, "Cares" and on the top of column 3, "Opportunities". Then start to list your's under those 3 columns. Use 2, 3, 4, 10 pieces of paper, whatever it takes - or do this on a computer screen. If you do this with another, you can compare - and start a good conversation. Another trick would have another write your's and you write their's. Then compare. Very interesting.