The title of my homily for this 24 Friday in Ordinary Time is, “Contentment.”
In today’s first reading - from Paul’s
First Letter to Timothy - Chapter 6, verses 2c to 12, he talks about being content.
It sounds like some folks in one of those Early Church communities were not content.
Discontent shows up in meals, marriages, and church - as well as in traffic, politics, and the ways people line up while waiting in restaurants.
On a scale of 1 to 10 - ten being the highest are your content with your life - your age - your weight - your look - your neighbors - your family - this parish - church - world.
In this first reading Paul challenges those with an itch to complain.
It seems there is a lot disagreement going on - arguments and verbal disputes.
Folks have morbid dispositions - as Paul says.
I have never examined my life on that one.
Paul continues: there is envy, rivalry, insults, evil suspicions, and mutual friction.
Then comes the word - “
autarkeias” - which most translators turn into the English word, “contentment”.
We’re familiar with the prefix - “
aut(o)” - meaning “self” - and then part two is “arkey” - meaning “sufficient”
So do I have
A S - auto sufficiency?
Today’s gospel has Jesus calling people to discipleship. Notice the mention of Mary Magdalene - who is described as having 7 demons cast out of her.
I checked out today’s first reading again to see if I could find 7 demons there - that are the opposite of contentment. I found: “envy, rivalry, insults, evil suspicions” - that’s 4.
Could I find 3 more? Love of money, using religion for gain (prestige, position, robes, recognition, priest, pope) and I was stuck for one more. Or should I be content with just 6?
Nope. I needed a 7th.
The 7th demon would be: not being satisfied with what I have.
That could embrace weather, wages, where someone is sitting - my seat - etc.
Let us be content with today. It seems pretty neat till now.
Here are seven quotes in case you’re not content with my sermon.
1. Bake with the flour you have.
2. Plough with the oxen you have.
3. Gnaw the bone which is fallen to your lot.
4. If you cannot get bacon, be content with cabbage. Danish Proverb
5. If you have a great seat, don’t go to the bathroom. [Mine]
6. If you're poor and you're content, you’re rich.
7. Contentment lodges more often in cottages than palaces.