Friday, August 12, 2011



The title of my homily for this 19 Friday in Ordinary Time is, “The Dream and the Reality.”

It could also be entitled, “The Ideal and the Real.”

Either way - it’s life.

We dream impossible dreams and hopefully we pull together some realities.

In the morning we plan on doing 10 things today. Hopefully, we finish at least one of them before we go to bed.

Do we look at what we accomplished or do we look at what didn’t happen?

Do we tend to see and dwell on successes or failures?

Is it a question of being an optimist or a pessimist?

“Two people looked out prison bars: one saw mud, the other saw stars.”

A couple look at their marriage: what does each of them see?

Is it a question of being able to laugh, to forgive, to accept, to understand and still to dream?

If there is no imaginary Kingdom - especially the one Jesus envisioned - we might never get out of our Lazy Boy chairsl


Today’s gospel which centers on marriage and divorce triggered the topic and theme of this homily.

The marriage vows were crafted from experience: for better and for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part.

But sometimes people part - and sometimes for very good reasons: abuse, alcohol, the kids. It just didn’t work. Sorry. We were hurting each other too, too much - but especially we're hurting the kids.

I sit with couples about to be married and we go through this big long questionnaire they take. A few years back they added 4 sections - in an effort to deal with divorce before people enter into marriage. One question is: “Even if a woman or a man thinks their marriage is bad, they should keep trying to save it.” Agree, Disagree, Undecided. Sometimes someone says, “It all depends what bad is.”


Am I realist or a dreamer? Does the ideal get in the way of the real?

I love the saying: “The glances over cocktails that seemed so sweet, don’t seem so sweet over shredded wheat.”

How many men and women whisper to themselves - or to another, “With that pot belly, my spouse doesn’t look as attractive as he or she looked those early years of our marriage.”

How many men and women whisper to each other - “You are looking better and better the more we are together." "Thanks for being you! I love your wrinkles." "I love your love handles!"

And so couples want to dance at their 25th and 35th and 50th wedding anniversary to the song, “Down through the years….”


In the meanwhile we need our dreams, our fantasies, our hopes, even when they are impossible, because if we don’t reach for the stars, we might never love being down to earth - with its dirt and crumble - its better and its worse, its richer and its poorer - till death do us part. Amen.

Quote for Today - August 12,  2011

"There is but one thing more dangerous than sin - the murder of a man's sense of sin."

Pope John Paul II, Quoted in the Observer, April 8, 1979

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Quote for Today - August 11, 2011

"Let us be patient, tender, wise, forgiving,
In this strange task of living;

For if we fail each other, each will be
Grey driftwood lapsing to the bitter sea."

Martin Armstrong, Body and Spirit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Quote for Today - August 10, 2011

"O, full of scorpions is my mind."

Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act ii, scene 1, line 56

Tuesday, August 9, 2011



The title of my homily for this 19th Tuesday in Ordinary Time is, “Uncontrollable: Words.”

I’m preaching this homily to myself this morning, because I want to get a handle on something that I find very difficult to control: words.

One of life’s lessons is the reality that once words are out there, out of our mouth, we can’t control them. I don’t golf or bowl, but I’ve tried both a few times way back when. I learned that once the ball is off the tee and into the air, it’s out of my control, so too a bowling ball. I can try to give them a good send off, but once they are gone - they are gone - out of my control. That’s obvious.

This is obviously obvious about words. Once they are out there - what we said can be interpreted in a way we didn’t intend - or words can be twisted intentionally or unintentionally - misunderstood or understood.

So my first thought is: "One of life’s lessons is the reality that words are uncontrollable. They are slippery eels."


That's us. What about others? We can’t control the words of others - what comes out of their mouths.

That is also very obvious and it can be a bummer.

Remember Art Linkletter’s old line, “Kids say the darndest things.” So too priests, so too husbands, so too wives, so too parents, uncles, aunts, the other person. You never know what the other might say.

How many times in a week, do we say, “I wish he didn’t say that!”?


If we say something in the pulpit that someone doesn’t like, sometimes they put their objection into words. Sometimes the pastor receives an e-mail or a letter or a phone call from the listener. It was Father Jack Kingsbury’s policy to forward the e-mail or letter to the priest with the complaint.
I don’t know what the new pastor, Father John Tizio, will have as his policy, but I assume it will be roughly the same. I’ve received a few of them. I didn’t like them, but it’s good that people have a chance to comment or voice their complaint to the priest in person and articulate what bugged them.

Not everyone likes the words that fly through the air. We all remember the proverbial, “I shot an arrow into the air ….”

However, words are what make us human - and communication is all about human words - as well as about the person on the other side of the tongue and ear.


Maybe you're wondering: What triggered this question and topic about "Uncontrollable: words?"

I assume that people who come to daily mass have the assumption that the priest will say a few words about the readings or a reading.

Well when I read today’s first reading, I said to myself, “Oh no! No! No. No. Not again!”

Today’s first reading - Deuteronomy 31: 1-8 - is one more reading where it has God zapping and destroying people.

I remember a rabbi saying to me that I have to read the Koran - if I am going to be a priest in today’s world. So I bought a Koran and read it. I began to notice example after example of God burning and destroying people and the call to exterminate people.

I began wondering: Is this Islam? Is this why there was September 11th or what have you? Then I began noticing that our scriptures have some of the same violence - God destroying people.

Another two questions popped up: Should we avoid all these texts? Should we only use texts that say just the opposite?

Thinking about all this: I couldn’t come up with a good reason for us to proclaim this violence in church. Should there be censorship? Should we avoid these R Rated readings - R for Violence.

Who would be the censor? Is the plan to put it all out on the table?

Nope. I assume the reason is because the Catholic Church decided to give the People the whole Bible over 2 and 3 year periods. Once you decide that, then there are some readings some people will like and there are some readings people won’t like.

Of course, at weddings and funerals people get to pick - sometimes or most of the time - in some places.

In the meanwhile we get all these readings from Jesus telling folks to put down the rocks and the swords  along with texts about hellfire and the grinding of teeth and people being wiped out.


Then once more it hit me loud and clear, I have no control over any of this.

And the more I learn that I have no control over the readings at Mass - plus how people hear the readings at Mass - the more peaceful I can be.

The message is loud and clear: I can’t get my way.  This is the way life works.

As priest I still hear people complaining about what some nun taught them in catechism as a kid and it drove them away from church - or made them scrupulous - that everything is sinful. Why do they keep on picking on nuns? What about all the good they did?

They pick on priests as well. There is always the someone who was hurt by something a priest said to them in confession. Or someone mentions how their outlook on God is a hell and damnation God - because of words they heard years ago from the pulpit.

One of my favorite string of words is from the Talmud: "Teach thy tongue to say, 'I do not know!'"

Maybe I ought to follow: "Teach thy mind to say: 'It's out of your control.'"

Control. Uncontrollable. It’s life.

Who can control the wind? Who can control the words? Who can control the reactions?

Okay we can turn off the TV or turn off some of what we’re taking in - but I’m saying here, to be human is to enter into the world of thoughts and words.

So sometimes I can’t even control my own mouth - let alone my thoughts and judgments and distractions.

And obviously, I can’t control what comes out of other people’s mouth.

Someone just mentioned yesterday that he heard on EWTN that a priest said that getting a tattoo is sinful - because it’s destroying one’s body. “Is that true?”

I said, “I disagree.”

I wasn’t going to get into that one.

Afterwards I said to myself, “Good move keeping your mouth shut - except for 2 words!” Then I laughed to myself, “If that’s what the guy heard the priest say on TV, I’m sure I’ll hear that question or comment again.”

Well, if anything, that comment will get people to think. It will get people to say to themselves, “You don't have to believe everything you hear on TV or from the pulpit.”

Think. Process. Go figure. Talk. Communicate. Read. Study. Google. Learn.

No kidding.

I can also hear people thinking:  “What are they going to say next: pierced ears are wrong too? Try that one and see if the fund raising goes down. As to the tattoos, it will be a conversation starter for the next 50 years. Mommy what were you thinking when you got that tattoo on your back?”


So I have no control over what others say - only what I say or don’t say - and only sometimes.

That would be the message I am talking out loud about today.

Driving back today I might say to myself, “Dumb move with that sermon. It was too, too wordy. You could have said what you said in 25 words or less - or talked about the Gospel and the Kids or Lost Sheep." 
Yet I think it’s something worth addressing - and talking about - because when we forget this reality about, “Uncontrollable: Words” - we get ourselves upset from time to time - and sometimes big time.

Then I laughed again, because I then said to myself, “Actually, after we get over being the little children Jesus talks about in today’s gospel. [Matthew 18: 1-5] we are all called to grow up and become adults who know that much of life is all our of our control. It’s uncontrollable. Amen.”


Quote for Today - August 9,  2011

"The most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking: love for those you are cooking for."

Sophia Loren

Monday, August 8, 2011


Quote for the Day - August 8, 2011

"Desire and longing are the whips of God."

Anna Wickham [1884-1947], Sehnsucht. This the name of a poem by Anna Wickham. Sehnsucht is the German word for "longing". "Sehnen" means "to long for" and "sucht" means addiction. So the word connotes a deep intensive addiction to longing. May we all have a deep longing and hunger and thirst for God. May we see in all our hungers and thirsts the hunger and thirst for the ALL - GOD.