Sunday, February 23, 2020



The title of my homily for this 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time [A] is, “Become a Fool, So As to Become Wise.”

That’s a wisdom statement from Paul in today’s second reading.

Think about it: “Become a Fool, So As to Become Wise.”


Today’s three readings tell us to do some foolish things.

Today’s first reading tells us no hatred, no revenge, and cherish no grudge against any of your people.

Today’s second reading presents the message of this homily, “Become a Fool, So As to Become Wise.”

Today’s gospel tells us if someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other one to them as well.  If someone takes you to court over your  raincoat, give him your umbrella as well.  If somebody pushes you to walk a mile with them, go two miles. If someone wants to borrow something from you, don’t disappear, let them borrow it from you – even if you’re thinking: “Kiss that baby good bye!”  If  someone hates you, love them back.

There’s some dumb counterintuitive behaviors to try right there.


Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday.  

It’s kind of weird – kind of different  -  kind of dumb to have someone smear some ashes on your forehead and wear them that day till they fade away during the day.

Why would anyone do that – or allow that to happen to them?

Lent is 40 days  - to try some spiritual growth stuff.

How about a good spiritual reading book?

How about an extra drop into this church or some church or some sacred spot – like at the ocean. Walk.  We haven’t had snow yet this winter.  It might yet. In the meanwhile,  walk around Takanassee Lake – 20 minutes – or use the Long Branch or Asbury boardwalks – breathing in some fresh air and stretching your legs once or twice a week for these 40 days of Lent.

How about skipping one lunch – put the 10 or 15 bucks in an unmarked envelope and give it to someone anonymous – on the street – or in the mall – and keep moving – not wondering if they are poor or rich or what have you. Surprise folks with random acts of kindness.

Got a paper calendar. Check off three things you’ll try each day of Lent. Make up your own three: compliment one person behind their back; compliment one person to their face; make a comment to a total stranger  each day. Initial in your calendar box for each day of Lent:  BB for a compliment about someone behind their back; FF for a compliment face to face; and HS – a hello to a stranger.


Years ago a heart doctor in California or somewhere suggested the next time you’re on line in a bank or any place where there are lines  - pick the longest line – if that’s the way it works in the bank or in the wherever. Then we’re you’re about 2nd on line, get off the line quietly – and walk to the back and get on the longest line. Do it smoothly – so as not to be noticed.

I thought that was weird when I first read it - but I tried it a bunch of times. The heart specialist – use the time on line – trying to remember say all your classmates in your high school graduating class.  This spiritual exercise can teach you patience – laughter.

It can teach us how to watch. It can teach us how to be calm when stuck in traffic or at long lines in banks, air  ports, movie theaters, etc.

It gave me a high school graduation commencement address which I entitled, “What Ever Happened to What’s His /Her Name?”


Lent starts this Wednesday. Do some stupid or foolish things for this Lent and by the time Easter is here you will have risen at least 25%.

And you too will say, “Become a Fool, So As to Become Wise” – smart move.

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