Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 27, 2019


A garbage man, 
yeah, one of those guys 
who pick up trash and toss it in the back 
of a garbage truck picked up a tissue
that fell from a big blue plastic garbage can -
a tissue he was about to ignore and just
leave  on the macadam street - but instead
he picked it up and pocketed it. After all,
isn’t this what garbage men do?
They pick up thrash.

A garbage man,
yeah, one of those guys
who pick up thrash found the
tissue in his pocket when
he got home and was about
to flush it down the toilet - but
instead - his imagination took
over and he wrote a poem
about 13 people who might
have tossed that tissue.

A garbage man,
yeah, one of those guys
who pick up thrash loved
to sit down at night and
write poetry - especially
about what he saw that day.
And he always liked  
Wallace Stevens poem:
Thirteen Ways of Looking
at a Blackbird.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fr. Andy,

It was great to see you this morning and your looking so well. It has been a privilege to know you and you will be missed. We will keep following your blog. Best wishes in your new assignment.

God Bless You.

John Poindexter
VADM, USN(ret)