Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018


Just traveled down most of Route 13
and then back in Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, on the Delmarva Peninsula -
heading back and forth for Thanksgiving
Week with the family in Sandbridge, Virginia. 

Found it déjà vu like with birds on wires and
birds in the air - all the way down and back  
in the car on Route 13 with my sister.

I’m wondering about when I was with family everyone had a cellphone in hand - sort of like
a bird in hand - waiting for calls - from the air -
or through wires - if that’s the way this works.

Me? I don’t have a cellphone - so I’m talking
to myself - to my sister - to others - the old
fashioned way - face to face - eye to eye.

Me? Wondering: to whom are they talking -
and listening to? I’m don’t want to be labeled
out of date or an old grouch, but I tempted
to say “This new way is for the birds.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

1 comment:

Mary Joan said...