Tuesday, December 5, 2017



The title of my homily is a question: “Where Are You?”

I don’t remember homilies or sermons.  Do you? I never remember what was said. Do you? Does anyone remember sermons? I’ve asked people that question.  People usually pause when asked that question.  Then sometimes, someone mentions one or two homilies.

That used to give me pause. That used to get me to ask another question: Then why preach.”

Then I realized I don’t even remember the ones that I preach.


Thinking back,  I do remember a sermon I heard some 40  years ago by a priest named Andy Cusack. Then every time I hear today’s first reading from Genesis - for this feast of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, I remember that sermon by Andy Cussack.

Now I don’t remember the whole sermon or what was the occasion -- whether it was the feast of the Immaculate Conception or what, -- but I distinctly remember his main point - “Where are you?”

He preached on the key question in tonight’s first reading from Genesis, “Where are you?”

“Where are you?”

After that I don’t know what he said, but that question was enough.

Where are you?

Isn’t that a great question.

And for the last 25 years on and off I have remembered that question in that sermon. Moreover, I have found myself answering that question on and off.


Where are you?

You could answer that you’re here at St. Mary’s Church, Annapolis, Maryland and it’s December 8, 2017.

Adam doesn’t answer, “In the garden….”  He says, “I heard you in the garden, but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself.”

Then Adam unravels…. and we find out that Adam has changed.

He has moved from innocence to shame - then blame….

He - along with Eve - find themselves in a new place.


Now we can  answer the question - “Where are you?” in various ways.  We can answer where our soul is -- where our heart is -- where we are in your life.

“Where am I?

We could say, “Well, actually, I’m in a good place.

We could say, “In fact, I’m in a better place than I was 10 years ago.

“I’m more patient.

“I’m more understanding.

“I’m certainly more humble. I guess making a lot of mistakes helps one be just that. Humble

“I’m more at peace with myself and with those I live with.”

Where are you?

Or we might answer just the opposite.

“Where am I?

“I’m not so hot lately.

“I’m edgy. People are getting on my nerves a lot more than usual.

“To be honest, I guess I’m being over sensitive. Things that never use to bother me are bothering me now.

“I’m not praying enough and I’m not trusting in God enough.

“I’m lazy or I’m too tired lately.

“I’m being difficult with those I live and work with.

Where am I?

Or we might answer, “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about that.

“Let me become quiet and let me think about that. It’s a good question.”


Where am I?

To be naked, to be honest,  I’m sort of like Adam and Eve in this reading tonight.

I’m blaming others.

I’m hiding from God.

I’m not being honest.

I’m running.”

Where am I?

Or I might be like Mary in tonight’s gospel.  At this stage of my life I want to ask God questions. Unlike Mary, who asked questions early on, I’ve put off my questions to this stage in my life.

Where am I?

Or I might say, “Well, to be honest, I’m very grateful to God for the good things that have been happening in my life.

“God is very good to me.

“He’s giving me lots of graces.

“Now I’m not full of grace like Mary here, but I have been given some grace.

“God is very present.

“My prayer life is much better than it has been in the past.

“I’m no longer just saying prayers. I am able to question God like Mary does here. Praise God.

“And when I do pray, God seems to send me to those who need my gifts. So like Mary here I’ve been more aware of those in need.

“Now I’m not saying that I’m like Mary and I’m without sin in my life. There has been enough of that in my life, but right now I’m getting there. I’m being blessed.


Where are you?

Each of us has to answer that question.

It’s the first question in the Bible and it’s a good one.

I suggest you take the next 40 years and every once and a while ask your self that question or better as in today’s first reading, hear God asking you the question, Where are you?

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