Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 21, 2017


[To make the “pfttth” sound, place your upper teeth tightly over your lower lip and blow  breath coming up from your lungs out as a“pfttth” shout.]

When someone gives a dirty look
or makes a shush sound to parents
of kids making baby sounds in church,
return the favor by going “pfttth” at them
[Not too loud, you’re in church.]

When someone makes fun of someone
who is gay or lesbian or LGBT or who
have you, make the “pfttth” sound to them.
Now, if they make further comments,
ask nicely, “Don’t you have family members
who are different than the way you are?”

When someone complains about t-shirts
or jackets or clothes or a hat that has
writings on them, go, “pftth” - especially
if that person add comments like, “It’s dumb
to wear clothes with ads or advertisements.”
Say, “Celebrate the way t-shirts and clothes
get people talking to each other. Oh yeah….”

When people complain about an extra
eulogy at a funeral - especially when its
a 4 year old granddaughter reciting a
poem she wrote with crayons - and she
rhymes “resurrection” - yes “resurrection”
with ‘direction’ - as she says, “Grandma
I’m going to miss you as your take
this brand new direction in your life.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

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