Wednesday, July 12, 2017



The title of my homily for this 14th Wednesday in Ordinary Time is, “If My Life Was A Novel….”

If my life was a novel, what would be its title.

I think of that idea when I hear the Book of Genesis read. We are listening to it at these weekday Masses.

It has plots, sub-plots, twists, turns, and wonderings, “What’s next?”

Well grab a seat and start turning the pages.

It has characters - men, women and children.

It has surprises.  It has murders.  It has marriages. It has family - wow does it have family.


One of the great  gifts of old age - not everyone makes it - is reminiscing. It’s looking at the stories of how we got to where we got to - and who have been the people in the pages and stories of our life.

Hopefully everyone has a porch or a place equivalent to a porch - where we can ask each other about who the other persons are and were in our family tree.

Hopefully, we all have collectors of the stories. Who in our family or families knows the story?

Hopefully we listen. Hopefully, we ask an old aunt or uncle, “Uncle Jake, you’re being quiet. How did you get from Vermont  to Maryland? Did you know your grandparents?

A Jewish family the middle of Tennessee were asked, “Why in the world did you settle here in this little town ?” Answer: the horse died.


I suggest using writing pads that have the wire spring down the left side of the notebook - and write a name or place or possible idea on top of the page and then ask Uncle Jake or Aunt Sarah, “What’s going on with you now?”

The stories are out there. The stories are in here.

By writing down what you’re hearing, you have leads to the past and to the future.

Ask questions

Ask about our faith. It can be lost.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could find out who started faith in our family 5 generations back.


How did the Israelites get to Egypt?

Well, to be honest, some brothers didn’t like one brother and they sold him out.

How did the Israelites get to Egypt?

Well, truth be told, they ran out of bread?

How did the Israelites get established in Egypt?

Well, the brother who was sold out, forgave his brothers and first he cried.

Read the story - right there in Genesis.


When we get to it, read what happened next - especially the Exit or Exodus.

My life. It’s novel. It’s a page turner.

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