Thursday, May 11, 2017


Each day my whole being
proclaims the mysteries of the Lord.

Each day my whole being is a calling:
to bring Jesus into our world,
to bring Jesus to others.

Yes, swords pierce hearts.

Yes, life has its sorrowful mysteries.

Yet, each day is also filled with
life’s joyful and glorious mysteries:
rushing in haste into the hill country of others
to be present with them in their needs;
to find and to help others
when they run out of the wine of life,
when all that is left is
emptiness, blood and water.

Yes, there are agonies 
in the garden of the soul.

Yes, there is the carrying 
of the cross to Calvary.

Yet each day my whole being
proclaims the mystery of Jesus’ presence
in our world: Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost,
then the Lifting Up and the Crowning
in the Kingdom of Heaven.

© Andrew Costello


Mary joan said...

That is beautiful !

Thank you .

Unknown said...

Thanks, Andy, great refleciton!