Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

Conversations get cut off because
we trigger each other’s stories. For
example, I  mention rum raisin ice
cream and that reminds you of
a summer moment  - when you
were 15 - and your twin brother
got the last 2 scoops of rum raisin
ice cream at Rita's Ice Cream - and
you had to choose different flavors.
Then, nice, he gave you his cone - 
but after 4 licks - and a smile and 
you gave him your cone - 2 scoops 
of butter almond - no bites - no
overlapping or licking from you,
and he drowned 3 weeks later and
you mentioned this in your eulogy
at his funeral and how much your
lives had overlapped till then. Then
life has not been the same since.
Life became too much silence and too
much sorrow licking at your sures.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

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