Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017


There are some who don’t believe in a
heaven or hell - an afterwards - becoming
atheists-  throwing out God - to boot.

There are some who don’t know
they believe in a heaven or hell -
here and now - in their inner circus.

There are some, you can follow them -
and you’ll hear them say, “The hell
with you!” - or “Go to hell - you ____.”

There are some, you can watch them.
They want Paradise - Heaven - Love -
here and now  - in their inner circle.

There are some - who learn, who change -
who convert - moving from hell to heaven -
and some who give up and go to hell.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

I made up two new words for this reflection:
ahellists and aheavenists.  We all know the word
atheists.  All three words begin with the
so called, "Privative Alpha".  Alpha is the first
letter in the Greek alphabet.
Alpha-Privative words are words that have
the prefix "a" before a consonant and "an"
before a vowel. Notice the word privative.
The privative-alpha takes away from the
rest of the word. Some examples:
agnostic, without knowing. We are
unable to have knowledge of God.

Abyss - means without a bottom.

Anorexia - without the desire for food.

Amorphous - without a form.

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