Monday, June 27, 2016


 The easiest prayer to say and the most difficult prayer to pray consists of just one word: “Help!”

How many times in our life have we been too proud to ask for help?

“Help” is not in our vocabulary when all is going right, when we’re independent, when we’re in control, when we don’t need anyone or anything.

“Help” arrives as a word in our throat when we are stuck, when we are sick, when all goes wrong, when we have to depend on others.

The unknown author of the famous English spiritual book, The Cloud of Unknowing (c. 1370), teaches this message very clearly in Chapter 37. The best prayers have the shortest words. When there is a fire, we cry, “Fire!” When we need God, really need God, we cry, “Help!”

Isn’t “Help” a one word translation of the famous Psalm 130, “Out of Depths”? A man is drowning and he screams out, “Out of the depths I cry to you, oh God.”

Isn’t “Help” the behind the scenes word for John 21:18? “When we are young, we can walk anywhere we want to walk. When we are old ... someone else will put us in a wheelchair and take us where we don’t want to go.” “Help!”: the cry that echoes down every nursing home hall.

Isn’t “Help!” a one word translation of St. Alphonsus’ whole message about grace and prayer of petition? “Pray and you’ll be saved; don’t pray and you’ll be lost.”

Isn’t “Help” a one word translation of the famous picture of “Our Lady of Perpetual Help”? Jesus has a nightmare or a vision of the cross and he runs as fast as he can and leaps into his mother’s arms for help?

Isn’t “Help!” a one word translation of the scene in Luke’s gospel, when the disciples come to Jesus and say, “Lord, teach us how to pray?”

“Help!” Want to learn how to pray? Look at the icon of Perpetual Help. Ask Mary, ask Jesus, to teach you how to perpetually ask for “Help!”

© Andrew Costello, CSSR

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