Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12, 2015


Sometimes in explaining myself, it’s
been cut and paste. Sometimes in doing
that, it's a lie. It’s a forgery. And yet
sometimes... sometimes it's the only way 
to survive around here. At least that's my excuse - my way of rationalizing. The reality is laziness and not enough time to get to the things I'm asked to do. So I have to dance with partial truths and partial lies. But the lie will only bind me -  - while truth will set me free. As they say, sometimes the surgery was a success, 
but the patient died. So when I lie, I die -
because the real me whom  you see standing here before you, is not the person I really am. You're looking at a lie and I know only by voicing the truth I will be set free, but first it hurts.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

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