Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 2015


The teen-ager couldn’t wait for summer,
couldn’t wait for all those summer mornings
he and his grandfather
went fishing, went talking.

“Grandpa, what’s important?”


“Well, you’ll have to sit back and listen to people
for the answer to that one.

“Or better, you’ll have to watch people.
Watch their hands, their faces,
but especially watch their eyes.
People always tell you
what’s important with their eyes.

“Why I once had a man tell me that his wife
was dead 3 years and 44 days
and he was still counting,
and his eyes were still crying

“Or listen to your grandma next time you take
her shopping. Listen to the things
she brings up -- the things she talks about
when she meets her friends.
I know you always find shopping
with her boring, but watch her
as she takes out her pictures of you
and all her other grandchildren
to show them to her friends.

“Watch people watch their watches.
They’re telling you an awful lot.
And yawns . . . Notice yawns.
They’re always a dead give away.

“Listen to the sounds behind words, behind voices . . .
what people get angry at,
when they get mad.
Then you’ll know when someone is stepping on somebody’s values or somebody’s nerves.
Then you’ll know that someone is going beyond
somebody’s ‘No trespassing. Private property’ sign.

“And don’t worry too much about people’s answers.
Listen to their questions.
Questions always tell you a lot more.”


“By the way, why did you ask that question?” 

(c) Andy Costello

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