Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015


What are the 10 most basic lifetime skills?

Are they:
·       the ability to smile;
·       the ability to cry;
·       the ability to hear;
·       the ability to point;
·       the ability to crawl;
·       the ability to stand;
·       the ability to walk;
·       the ability to make words;
·       the ability to hug;
·       the ability to laugh?

Which of those skills is the most important?

Are there any skills I'm forgetting?
When does the ability to forgive kick in?
Are anger and tantrums skills?
When does anyone realize, "I just hurt someone"?
How old does someone start to say, “Thank you!”
How old does one mean it when they say, “I love you!”
How old does one know what saying, “Help!” means?
Which comes first: “Help!” “Thanks!” or “Sorry!” 
How old does one have to be to pray?
What about the ability to draw?
About what age does one realize, “I am loved!" 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

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