Monday, November 4, 2013


There is something about bridges ….
Sometimes they shake - evoking
memories of past moments on the
other side of some place distant  -
down there on the other side
of the inside of something forgotten
or something about another that
we just - really - don’t understand.
They hint at hesitation - or maybe even
the need to stop - or to turn back to
some safer place than going ahead.

There is something about bridges….
We see them just ahead of us -
through the front windshield of our car -
but we also have an eye on what’s
behind - what’s in our rear view mirror….

There is something about bridges ….
We know they can help us to get
to a new place in a relationship -
or a situation - so we don’t make
the U-turn. We reach out to the other
with a call or with a handshake -
that ancient bridge made of flesh
and hope. We talk to ourselves:
"Maybe we can make the crossing
and arrive at each other - at their
elsewhere or their take on something -
a place we’ve never been to or
we’ve never realy understood - 
but maybe this time we can bridge 
the difference and arrive at place 
called 'Understanding! or 'Peace!'"

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2013

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