Thursday, October 4, 2012


Quote for Today  - October 4,  2012

"The repercussion of one person living in stubborn gladness are incalculable."

Martha Beck, O Magazine,  p. 67, September 2011

St. Francis of Assisi - Today is his feast day. He lived from around 1181 to 1226. His repercussions are still felt today. I'm never heard him described as glad - but I also never heard him described as not glad. As i reflect upon his life that's the theme that hits me: gladness. Joy to the world the Lord has come - once more to me - and I share that joy to the world. This does not mean that someone is glad about suffering - and suffering came to Francis - but underneath it all I sense and see in Francis of Assisi a stubbornness - a gladness - a joy - a peach - in both seeing the cross and seeing the birds of the air. "Oh how they sing!"

Picture on top: a fragment of a fresco in the lower part of the basilica of St. Francis in Assisi.

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