Sunday, August 12, 2012


Quote for Today - August 12,  2012

"Then one day it stops.  Other people keep going. Somewhere on the board, somebody is just getting started. But for you, the game is over. Did you play wisely? We all want God, Anne Lamott writes, but left to our own devices, we seek all the worldly things - possessions, money, looks, and power - because we think they will bring us fulfillment. 'But this turns out to be a joke, because they are just props, and when we check out of this life, we have to give them all back to the great prop master in the sky. They're just on loan. They're not ours.' They all go back in the box."

John Ortberg, When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In the Box, page 16, 2007. I'd recommend this book by John Ortberg. He begins with the image of playing Monopoly with his grandmother - and all she taught him. On the cover of the book is the wooden letter holder from the game called Scrabble. Check it out. What's in your box? What games are you playing? Are you winning? Losing? How much longer will the game go on? What have you learned in the moves?  I bought this book in a bookstore in Ireland and remembered it when I was working on my sermon for this Sunday: "What's Inside The Box?"

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