Tuesday, July 24, 2012


All of us are writing our own book,
          our own story,
          our autobiography ,
          chapter after chapter.

And the story contains every page
          of our lives,
          our parents,
          our family,
          and all the people and places
          we’ve touched so far.

And the first and most obvious thing
          we all would like to do
          is to rip out certain passages
          of our book,
          stories that sound so stupid,
          stories about broken relationships
          and sex,
          but we know
          we can’t tear out
          anything that is part
          of the pages of our life.

And then there are those sections
          we keep re-reading
          getting angrier each time,
          sections where we we’ve been hurt
          or rejected by parents or lovers
          or accidents that scarred us,
          sections that blur possibilities
          for our tomorrow’s,
          because we can’t forgive
          our yesterdays.

And every once in awhile
          we have to sit back from our desks,
          and ask ourselves
          the significant questions,
          the meaning questions:
What’s the plot?
          Am I doing  all this for myself
          or for others?
          Am I growing older
          but not growing up ?
          Does the God of Love,
          the Lord Jesus,
          appear in the pages of my life?
          Is my story just happening
          or am I making it happen?
          Whom am I writing this book for?

©   Andrew Costello, Listenings, page 76-77

          is here with us,
          at least one other person 

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