Monday, June 11, 2012


June 11,  2012  Quote For Today

"It is never too late
to be what you
might have been."

George Eliot [1819-1880]


What is you wanted to be or to do and you're still planning to be that way or to do that thing?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst, how would you rate yourself as procrastinator?

Do you have a story about yourself - when you finally did something - you always planned to do - and you finally did it?  A trip? A job? A cleaning? A degree? A call?

What did you want to be when you were 13?  Did you become what you wanted to become? What happened?

What did Marian Evans Cross want to be when she was a teenage girl?  Did anyone tell her, "You'll never make it as a writer?"  Was she angry at herself for going under a pseudonym?  Why did she pick George Eliot?

Is there something or someone  in your life that you want to dynamite out of your life?

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I did not know,
Are you aware,
You could just dynamite someone you abhor.
But would I dare!

I do not know.
It might be quite a chore,
Will Johnny Law appear with the cuffs?
Will I regret it “forever more”?

I should know.
It would be very tough.
Will I have to talk with my conscience quite a lot?
Or will the absence be enough?

I know.
I must decide what I have wrought.
Would it make me grow, would I be all aglow.
I really think not.