Friday, July 22, 2011



The title of my homily for this feast of St. Mary Magdalene is, “Read the Last Chapters!”

Today’s Gospel story of Mary Magdalene from Chapter 20 of John, which most consider is the original last chapter of John, 21 being an appendix and add on, triggered for me the title and theme of this homily, “Read the Last Chapters.”


There have been a lot of funerals lately - and those of us who reflect upon death - wonder at times the universal question: “Is this all there is?”

Is this life, it?

For many death is the last chapter of life - but is it?

If you want the answer to that question, read the last chapters of the 4 gospels - and I would add, “Read the last chapter of 1st Corinthians.”


We’ve all seen movies when someone has a stone pinning them down - on their legs or even more of their body - and they can’t escape. Then he or she is discovered and different people unpin the person.

Well, many people have a big stone pinning them down to earth. They think the tombstone is it. They think the cemetery is it. Some want their ashes scattered on the bay or kept in a urn on a mantelpiece. Maybe - stress on "maybe!" - there are many motivations and sometimes they are mixed - they see these moves as ways of hanging around.

The Christian teaching - belief - is that Jesus lifts that stone - rolls back that stone - tosses aside that stone - and we rise to eternal life in Christ - because of Christ.

Matthew has Jesus earth quaking that stone - and he rises to Eternal life.

It’s a great day, an Easter Day, when we experience Jesus as the Risen Lord - not just Jesus as this famous historical person - who died on a cross a long time ago - or Jesus the great teacher in the gospels.

The experience - that meeting - is like the scene in today’s gospel - when Mary first thinks that this person talking to her is the gardener. He is a stranger - till he speaks her name - and then she says, “Rabbouni!” “Lord” - “Master!” and embraces him.


Read the last chapters of John, Mark, Matthew and Luke.

Ponder them. Savor them. Compare them.

Next read the last chapter of First Corinthians - then close the book - and hear Jesus call us by our first name - our baptismal name - or God’s pet name for us - or as others call it, “Our First Name of Grace” - the name God used in sending us into our mother’s womb - the name God uses when God pictures us - knows us - loves us.

Hear Jesus calling you - Listen - and you’ll cling to him - like Mary Magdalene did - and you will rejoice like she did.

And the stone called death will no longer pin you down.

And you’ll find yourself proclaiming your faith - that Jesus died and was buried - but that’s not the end. Jesus is Risen. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

1 comment:

Mary Joan said...

That was powerful .

I will take your suggestion and read the last chapters .

Hopefully , I will keep the image of the stone in my heart .

Thank you .