Wednesday, September 15, 2010



The title of my reflection for today is, “Our Lady of Sorrows.”

This feast logically follows yesterday’s feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Christianity is a world religion because it deals with life and all its experiences. Life has not only joyful, glorious and wisdom or light bearing mysteries, but it also has sorrowful mysteries.


The key text is from Luke 2: 33-35 - when Mary is told by Simeon that a sword of sorrow shall pierce your heart so that the secret thoughts of many hearts will be seen.

Based on Mary’s life and based on that text, Christians down through the centuries feel God knows – because his Mother and his Son had to deal with the stab and sword of sorrow and pain.

The 7 sorrows of Mary are:

1) Simeon’s prophecy at the Presentation (Luke 2: 25-35);
2) The escape to Egypt (Matthew 2: 13–15);
3) Jesus’ being lost and found in the Temple (Luke 2: 41–50);
4) Jesus meets Mary while carrying the cross (4 Station of the Cross);
5) Mary under the Cross at Jesus’ death (John 19: 25–30);
6) Mary holds Jesus’ dead body (13 Station of the Cross);
7) The burial of Jesus - (Luke 23: 50–56).


Artists down through the years have sculpted and painted Mary and her sorrows.

We are all familiar with images of Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows – from the Pieta of Michaelangelo to the painting of our lady of Sorrows by many Spanish Artists like El Greco and Murillo.

Those in Redemptorist parishes all know about Our Lady of Perpetual Help – being a Lady of Sorrows. This is part of it’s popularity. We all have the image of the cross, the nails and the spear, in the background of our lives.

Picasso picked up on that theme with over 60 drawings of the crying woman – especially when he experienced the suffering women of the Spanish Civil War.


What are the biggest sufferings in life? What would be seven swords, seven sorrows that people have to deal with? Are they different for every person.

At first glance – first instance – I would list these seven:

· The loss of a child,
· betrayal,
· having enemies trying to get us,
· rejection.
· being attacked without being listened to,
· the loneliness of being misunderstood,
· death.

I guess better or worse, we have to name our own. Reflection on the life of Jesus and Mary – certainly will help.


Paintings: Top Center, Picasso; Middle Right, Titian; Left bottom, El Greco

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