Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Isn't this a great picture? Someone dropped it off in our rectory [St. Mary's Annapolis, Maryland] - along with two other pictures.

I took it out of its frame, so that I could scan it.

Surprise I found the following handwritten comment on the back of the photo: "Convention in Ashville, North Carolina, Week of July 4, 1927. Mrs. McWilliams and myself attended."

By the banner one can see it was a Catholic Daughters of America Convention.

What was that like in North Carolina in 1927? I don't know who the "myself" is. It's signed what looks like T.A. D. I'm not sure, but I'll do some further investigation. Mrs. McWilliams was a long time parishioner here at St. Mary's Parish, Annapolis, Maryland.

Take your mouse and tap, tap the picture and you'll get a bigger version of it.

Save those old photos!

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