Friday, November 7, 2008


I don’t know
any of your Saints personally,
but I do know mine:

- a lady in our church
who quietly and faithfully
has run the soup kitchen
all these years;

- a guy at work
who would give you
the shirt off his back;

- my mom and dad
who taught me how to love,
how to forgive
and how to pray;

- a friend who always listens
when things just aren’t going right,
and you can count on this:
that’s as far as it goes.

Oh yeah, there’s this old nun in our parish
who takes care of the school library in the morning,
visits some people in the nursing home in the afternoon,
and answers the rectory phone in the evening.
She just doesn’t want to retire.

Lord, I don’t know any of your Saints personally,
but I’m sure you know mine.

Andrew Costello
Markings Prayer 
for November 1995

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