Thursday, October 9, 2008


There was this fly who was bugging me.
I grabbed the fly swatter
and got him on a closed window
on my second attempt.
That was three days ago.
Today in a quiet moment
it hit me, “Not fair!
Why didn't I give him or her a chance for more time?
What’s their life span: 15 to 30 days?
I couldn’t tell if he was a she
or she was a he or how that works with flies
or how old it was."
Then further thoughts:
“Isn't it Jainism – that Indian religion -
that advocates this non-killing
and they have to have
a lot more flies flying around than here?”
Then further thoughts:
“How many people have I swatted
with my interruptions
and never let them finish their comment?
How many people have I hurt
and they are still feeling it
a lot more than 3 days later?"

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2008

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