Monday, March 24, 2008


I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Giver of Life.

I believe all will rise again,
like the sap in the trees,
the wheat in the fields
and the grapes on the vine.

I believe that there is life beyond the funeral
and resurrection on the other side
of every tragedy,
just as sure as the flowers will bud
and the spring rains will come.

And as I see long armies
of birds marching and spelling out
V’s for VICTORY across the highest skies,
I know that once more sparrows
and robins and the rest of creation
will music my mornings.

I believe that the greening of trees
and the warmth of the sun
will once again fill our days
and take away the skin tightening
cold of the long winter.

I believe that kids and lovers
and all of nature will yell
to the rest of us to wake up
and never give up on life.

I believe YOU are saying to us:
“Rise from your death.
Come out of hibernation.
Stretch your limbs and be people of life.
I believe in you.”

© Andy Costello,

Markings Prayers

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