Thursday, February 14, 2008


Come Holy Spirit
during these 40 Days of Lent,
lead me like you led Jesus,
into the wilderness, to the mountains,
to the temple, to those places within me
that I need to go to face those temptations
in my life that I need to face and overcome.
Give me words, Sacred Words,
like you gave to Jesus,
so that I might challenge and face
my hungers and my needs,
my demons and Satan, the tempter within.

Come Holy Spirit
during these 40 Days of Lent,
give me the strength you gave Jesus
to face the great temptations of life:
the temptation to take the easy way out,
like changing rocks into bread,
without working and sweating for our daily bread;
the temptation to reach for power and self glory,
Satan’s kind of power, not God’s power of humility;
the temptation to place myself in dangerous situations,
saying that God will watch over me,
and in the process stumbling,
because I said, “It’s all up to God”
without any decisions coming from me.

© Andy Costello, Markings Prayers

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