Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April  7,  2020


How many people pause to think
what the other side, the flip side of
what they are looking at,  looks like?

Otherwise they might miss ½ of what
is right in front of them. Divorces are
inevitable and questions aren’t asked.

Wisdom comes by tragedy and stupidity.
Wisdom comes from questions and time.
Notice,  the wise in the word: otherwise.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

April  7,  2020

Thought   for  Today

“Nothing  is  worth more than this day.”  


Monday, April 6, 2020

April  6,  2020


Some words have speakers
attached to them  - like those
birthday cards that play music
when you open them up. They
call for double postage but
some of them are neat ….

Take gravel – when I see that word -
I can hear it squirm under the tire of
my eye - as I drive over it on a page –
so too mention of cockroaches and
mosquitoes and crocodiles.  They make
my face tighten up and squirm each time.

Then there are words that are as smooth
as butter or ice cream – blue sky words –
easy on the eyes – easy on the ear.
Well then, I hope my words bring peace
and serenity and nobody sees me as
an alligator coming up a gravel path.
© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

April  6, 2020

Thought  for  Today

“Every prayer reduces itself to this: ‘Great  God,  grant that two twice two is not four.’” 

Ivan Turgenev

Sunday, April 5, 2020


He had traveled down many streets before –
and roads and paths and ways as well.

But today – today would be different!

He hadn’t been on a donkey since
he was kid – before he could walk.

But today – today would be different.

He’d see faces he saw before, faces
that were question marks and periods.

But today – today would be different.

He would see faces that were exclamation points
and lips and voices that would be singing Hosanna.

But today – today would be different.

No parables, no miracles, no hands holding
rocks – no sons and daughters to be healed.

But today – today would be different.

He would go by the temple with  their money changers
and the birds of air in cages to be bought for sacrifice.

But today – today would be different.

He would go by the market places and see the
bread and wine for sale and people with pieces of silver.

He’d be walking with Thomas with his doubts and Judas
with his plans for  a different way to be doing one’s life.

But today would be different.

He would be thinking of his Father – his mysterious will –
and what would be happening this whole week.

But this week – this week would be different.

He would see Peter with hand on his knife and fear
in his closed fist trying to figure out who this Man was.

But this week – this week would be different.

He’d have his Last Meal with his disciples, wash their feet, tell them it’s about washing each other’s feet and loving one another.

But that night  - that night would be different.

He’d see John pulling together the words he spoke and
his eyes were filled with the insights he had passed over.

But that night – that night would be different.

He’d notice where the garden was – where he’d need help
to finally let go – and at least an hour in prayer together.

But that night – that night would be different.

He’d see his arrest, the kiss, the mocking, the beating,
the dragging to jail by those who wanted to erase him.

But that night – that night would be different.

He’d see Pilate and Herod and the High Priests conspiring
together because of the envy and fear that choked them.

But this Friday – this Friday would be different.

He’d see the crowds screaming for his life
And Barabbas being given a second chance.

But this Friday – the Friday would be different.

He see the same  streets he was about to see today
again next Friday – but filled with blood and skin and tears.

But this Friday – this Friday would be different.

He saw himself nailed to the cross with Mary and his
friends weeping underneath him as he dies on the cross.

But this Friday – this  Friday would be different.

But this Palm Sunday – this moment - it was time to get
up on the donkey – and proceed to his last week.

But this day, this week, this Easter, this year, will be different.

© Andy Costello
Coronavirus 19 Week

April  5,  2020


Why do we do what we do?
Do we really know or do we
do the things we do robotically?

There is such a thing as muscle memory.
Is there such a thing as choice memory?
Or do we just go with the flow or the crowd?

When it comes to reactions do we have
buttons that people push and  we laugh
or clap or vote the way others want us to?

Is the solution to self observe?
Is the issue: it all depends?
Is the solution, “Let’s go to the video tape?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

April  5, 2020 

Thought  for  Today 

“Sinatra. What's with this final curtain? Is God disturbed churches are packed Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas and not in between? Will we feel the fateful lightening of his terrible swift sword? Is this Armageddon?”

Buck Malachi