Tuesday, January 7, 2020

January 7,  2020


People judge my motive.
I hear them do this at times.

What I wish they would realize
is that life is a multi-motivated thing.

In fact, most of us don’t know
why we do what we do.

Didn’t Jesus say something
like that up there on the cross?

“Father forgive them because
they don’t know what they’re doing.”*

A week, a month from now,
we’ll see another why to our why.

So enough with the judging.
Enjoy the  complications.

© Andy Costello, Reflections
*Luke 23:34

January 7, 2020

Thought for Today:

“Everyone wants to understand painting.  Why don’t they try to understand the singing of birds?  People love the night, a flower, everything that surrounds them without trying to understand them.  But painting – that they must understand.”

Pablo Picasso,
Quoted Gerald Brennan,
Thoughts in a Dry Season, 1979

Monday, January 6, 2020


Does God love it when 
people go toe tapping? 
I know I notice toe 
tapping when people are 
just sitting there on the 
subway heading home 
or uptown or downtown or
in church during hymn time. 

How about music makers:  
do they try to build toe 
tapping into their pieces? 
If they do that, I’d like to 
know just how they do that, 
so I can build some bounce  
and joy and toe tapping into 
every place I dance into. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

January  6, 2020

Thought  for  Today 

“I  always  tell students that it is what you learn  after you know it all that counts.”

Harry S. Truman

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Well, I don’t want to say it like that.
But sometimes I just want space.
I just want some time to be alone.
I want to just do nothing but read,
walk, think, pray, and be with myself.

How about you? Are there times
that you too want to be alone, to
have some space – to ponder, to
wonder? Hey Jesus had his garden,
his cave, his 30 years of privacy.

Wait a minute. Saying it that way,
seems too much. I need a minute or
a hour to think this all out. When
things are moving too fast and all are
talking, I simply want to slip slide away.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

January  5, 2020

Thought for Today

“Consistency is contrary to nature. Contrary to life.  The only consistent people  are the dead.”  

Aldous Huxley, Collected Essays, 1960

Saturday, January 4, 2020



The title of my homily is, “There’s Big Moments, But Don’t Forget  It’s  the Little Things That Make Up A Lifetime.”

When I read a short life of Mother Seton last night – today is her feast day – the thought that hit me was the big  details that went into her life.

Then it hit me, “That’s everyone’s life.”

Then it hit me: “What were the little details that also made up her life – the ones that don’t make the book?

So, my thought for today: We have our big moments, but it’s good to take the time to look at the little things that made up a lifetime.

In doing this a surprise happens. We remember the big moments: babies arriving, marriages, graduations, entering the military and getting out of the military - as well as big hurts, divorces, being dumped, deaths, hospital stays. The surprise is the remembering of little things - and most of life as the book of a few years ago said: Most of life is the little things – the things we don’t sweat.

I once spent 5 weeks in a summer taking a course on the Better World Movement. It was at Convent Station, New Jersey – one of the key places for Mother Seton’s Sisters of Charity. Looking back the most significant moment of the whole 5 weeks took place about a dozen times. I would walk the property - and visit a cemetery.  I would stand there on the cemetery grass and there were all these stones of countless women who gave their lives for others and for God. But I never heard of any one of them. In the silence, standing on the summer grass, that’s the thought that hit me every time I dropped into that row after row after row of same stones cemetery.

It was different than another cemetery I used to visit up near Poughkeepsie, NY. That cemetery was on the grounds of the Culinary Institute of America – the  former Jesuit Novitiate of St. Andrew’s. As I read those stones I had heard of the names of some of the Jesuits buried there: Martindale maybe, John Wynne, the founding editor of America Magazine, and especially Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The cemetery key guy says that 10 to 15 people visit that grave per week.

But for some reason I remember the Convent Station cemetery of little old nuns more.

I have read a lot of poems but for some reason I remember a poem by a little-known Irish poet named  William Allingham.


Four ducks on a pond,
A grass-bank beyond,
A blue sky of spring,
White clouds on the wing;
What a little thing
To remember for years–
To remember with tears!


So, Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton was born in New York City, August 28, 1774.

Her mom died when Elizabeth was 3 years old.

A year later her dad remarried. In time she and her older sister had to adjust to 7 half brothers and sisters. That marriage wasn’t always easy for Elizabeth and her older sister. What were the little things that annoyed and bothered her?

They had money. They had the Episcopal church.

Elizabeth got married at 20 to William Magee Seton and they had 5 kids.

Then they were hit with financial troubles.

They were hit with sickness in William’s body.

This brought William to religion  and then to Italy to recover where William dies an early death – and in time there Elizabeth discovers Catholicism thanks to an Italian family who takes good care of Elizabeth.

She comes back to the States – struggles with finding a job –
teaching – then in time she starts her big life work – Emmitsburg – taking care of kids, religion, Catholicism, helping the poor, seeing two of her daughters, Rebecca and Anna Marie die – and then various sisters in her community.

A life….


But what were the little things – that gave her everyday courage – to live the life she lived?

I don’t know – they don’t make the biographies – so we have to look at our own lives and notice the things that make our day – as well as the lives of those around us. Amen.

Let me close with a poem by Archer prince – which my niece Monica gave a framed copy to at her parents 50th Wedding Anniversary:

Blow me a kiss across the room;
Say I look nice when I'm not.
Touch my hair as you pass my chair:
Little things mean a lot.

Give me your arm as we cross the street;

Call me at six on the dot.
A line a day when you're far away;
Little things mean a lot.

Give me your hand when I've lost the way;

Give me your shoulder to cry on.
Whether the day is bright or gray,
Give me your heart to rely on.

Give me the warmth of a secret smile,
To show me you haven't forgot;
For now and forever, for always and ever,

Little things mean a lot.