Tuesday, October 8, 2019

October 8, 2019


She was the first child.

They knew they had no
clue about,  “Okay!” -
“What now?” - “What next?”

But life forced them
to focus on this child
and not get caught up
in hoping for the next
kid. Every kid needs
a brother or a sister.

But she ended up being
the only child and looking
back now, they realize
they did a good job.

These things take time
to figure out. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

October  8, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.”  

Lao Tze

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7, 2019

Too many times - I’m that  priest, 
not wanting to stop, 
not wanting to find out 
who this hurting other is. 

Too many times I’m not a Good Samaritan.
I hurry down this winding road,
heavy with the glue of my own busyness,
and the importance of my schedule.

Too many times I say,
“Finally he’s no longer in my
side or rear view mirrors. Phew”
as I’m heading for my next.

Too many times I realize I have
walked by my better self. I keep
moving - but I keep seeing
my brother hurting on the road.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019
The gospel for today Luke 10: 25-37
is the storyof the Good Samaritan -
but manychurches will use the
readings for the feast
of Our Lady of the Rosary.

October 7, 2019

Thought for the day:

"When I was young, my mother said, 'I want you to be something.'"


Sunday, October 6, 2019

October 6, 2019


There are moments when we have a choice.
Sometimes we forget that - but we can choose
to become  more  aware of the moments we have.

Some people make such a moment a morning prayer.
Some people make that moment a night prayer.
Some people make their only prayer - a mid-day prayer.

A song … A journal … A walk around the block …
A stop … A prayer chair … A kneeling at their bed ….
A dropping into a church in person or with closed eyes …

There are moments when we have a choice.
This can be such a moment.. Make it now.
Escape into your 3  minute moment. “Time out!”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

October  6, 2019

Thought for today: 

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” 

Groucho Marx


Today - October 5th -  is the feast of a not well known Redemptorist priest, Francis Xavier Seelos.  He was beatified by Saint Pope John Paul II in April of 2000.

I’d like to say a few words about him today - for my sermon - a sermon being  different than a homily - a homily centers on the scripture readings.

Father Francis Xavier Seelos died October 4, 1867 in New Orleans - of yellow fever - at the age of 48. Since October 4th is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi - Seelos’  feast was put on this next day, October  5th.

I know of him because like Father John McGowan and Father Bill Gaffney - who often said Mass here in Rumson - we are Redemptorists like Father Seelos.

I know of him because for the past 17 years I was in a Redemptorist parish in Annapolis,  Maryland - and Father Seelos worked in our parish down there in the mid 1800’s.

Father Seelos was born in Fussen, Germany and before being ordained a priest he joined the Redemptorists in order to come to the United States in 1843 as a missionary - for the Germans - who had a shortage of priests hrtr in the USA. He was ordained in our parish of St. James in Baltimore.

He preached  and did some work in  Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pittsburgh, Maryland, and New Orleans.

He worked for 9 years in Pittsburgh and was proposed as a possible bishop for Pittsburgh. He didn’t want that.

He worked with and was trained by St. John Neumann another Redemptorist.

He was known for the priest to go to for confession.

He was known for his smile and his sense of humor and his telling of jokes.

He had problems with another priest, a Redemptorist, Father Michael Mueller who was ultra-strict and ultra-tough and ultra-serious. Mueller  was known  around the United States as the Catholic Priest who said there was no salvation for anyone who was not a Catholic. “How to win friends ….”

Mueller didn’t like the way Seelos was with our seminarians - complaining that he wasn’t strict enough, etc. et. etc.

Mueller and Seelos were stationed in the same parish I just came from: St. Mary’s Annapolis. In the tiny vestibule that leads out of the church,  there is a marble plaque recognizing the first pastor of our parish there: Father Michael Miller.  You wouldn’t notice it - unless it was pointed out.

In our prayer garden at St. Mary’s - there is a nice metal park bench which has a statue on it - Father Seelos just sitting there on the bench. With the statue, it seats three.  Looking back on my 17 years in Annapolis, every day that had decent weather there would be someone sitting snug next into Father Seelos - maybe because we told  people to sit there and talk to him and surprise he’ll hear your confession.

After a year as an associate in our parish in Detroit, he was made pastor in our church in New Orleans and lasted 14 months - dying from Yellow Fever - taking care of the sick.

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos - pray for us. Amen.