Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 30, 2018


The scent said, “Enough of this
only being on the back of her neck.
I want to explore so much more.”

So she slid off her owner's skin and
rode a dozen elevators, subways
and put 100 men into a pause!

“Now,” she said, “this is my destiny.”
She laughed because that was her very
own name on her very own bottle: “Destiny!”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018  

Tuesday, May 29, 2018



The title of my homily is, “Be Holy Because I Am Holy.”

That’s the last line in today’s first reading from 1st Peter 1:16. Peter says,  
“for it is written, ‘Be holy because I am Holy.’”

Where is that written?

It refers to the sacred writings in Leviticus 19:2 - in fact that whole section of Leviticus which starts with Chapter 17 talks about holiness.


In his Dictionary of the Bible - John McKenzie SJ - says, “In the opinion  of most scholars the Hebrew root KDS has the basic meaning of separate.”

Separate: as in the difference between holy and unholy….

Separate: as in the difference between sacred and secular.

That makes lots of sense to me.

There is a difference between a coffee cup and a chalice. If someone walks into the sacristy with a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup in hand, they might rest it or leave it on a counter - and then toss it in the garbage when they are finished. A gold chalice gets washed carefully and goes  in the safe.

Saints - holy people - are often portrayed as separate - different - very safe to follow.

We who are God seekers.  We are all safe seekers.  

Why are we here - in this church this morning - but to be with God? - we feel separated from God. We want to be with God, the Holy One. So we walk in here - into this holy place - called church - to be washed, to feel cleansed by God.

When we sin or make mistakes we feel unclean - even more separated from God.

The little kid who steals the candy - or breaks a dish - or spills the water - says, “Uh oh!” - lowers his or her head, and can’t look into the eyes of her or parent. They feel  separation.

The arrested person puts a jacket or a newspaper in their face when they are being marched into a court house.

Shame - shame on you. You’re not being like God. You’re separate in comparison to the bigger person - God - a parent - an authority figure.

The whole  Bible has the message - to bridge the separateness from God - to become holy - while at the same time talking about sin and uncleanness.

Priesthood means bridge. Christ is the Pontifex - the Bridge.  Christ is the Holy One - the One from God - who came to us - to bring us to God - and remove all barriers - separators - walls.  Christ is the Holy One.  Christ is the one who bridges the separation between us and God the Father.

If you get that basic idea of holiness - I’m happy with this sermon.

Holy means separate.

God and me - no comparison.

God and me - no connection.

God and me - so different - so separate.


Yet down deep -  we want to connect - be with God - perhaps starting - out of fear - but moving towards love and communion - holy communion.

Pope Francis - just recently came out with a whole document on Holiness.

It’s wonderful stuff.  You can get it and read it on line for free.

It’s basic. It’s simple. That’s Francis’ style.

The Second Vatican Council came up with Chapter 5 in its major document on the Church - that the whole church is called to holiness.

Merton, Von Balthasar, Both Teresa’s, most spiritual writers tell us we’re all called to be holy.

Their major message is communion - prayer - becoming holy like God - and then going out - crossing the bridge from holiness into sin and selfishness.

Christ calls us to work hard to make this world we’re in  - a better place - a better space. That’s why we have holy places like churches - sanctuaries - where we can become like God - Holy.


The title of my homily was, “Be Holy Because I Am Holy.”

 I was going elsewhere, but when I thought about the idea of separate, I said to myself, “Let’s explore that.”

I ask you to do likewise.

May 29, 2018 

Thought for today: 

“It is a test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.” 

G. K. Chesterton
May 29, 2018


Imagine if gnats and mosquitoes 
could think and talk and know 
which person to bug and pest - 
and who had the best blood 
in the neighborhood.

I guess if I knew they could do that, 
life would be that much harder. 
I wouldn’t be able to whack 
them dead or squash them with 
a Kleenex against a window. 

Yet again - maybe I wouldn’t. 
I totally ignore some people. 
Worse: I sting people and I bug 
people and I don’t ask what they 
think or ask what they are about. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018  

Monday, May 28, 2018



The title of my homily is, “Memories.”

It’s Memorial Day - and  it’s Memorial Day weekend, so why not a few thoughts about memories?


I used this story before, because it’s one of my favorite stories. It’s also one of my favorite memories, It happened to me when I was a little kid.

I’m in the front room of our house in Brooklyn. We called it the Sun Porch - but it was indoors. My dad is sitting there in the corner - on a dark green -vinyl easy chair - reading the paper. I’m standing about 10 feet away looking at my dad’s collection of books - one of which is Best Loved Poems in the English Language.

I’m paging through it. Surprise I spot a dark red rose petal. It’s dry. It’s dead. I must of sensed it was very fragile - so I barely touched it.

I turn and head for my father - holding the book like one of the gifts at the  offertory procession at Mass. Showing him the open book with the dark red rose flower petal, I ask my dad, “Daddy what’s this?”

He asks, “What’s what?”

I said, “This rose petal.”

He looks at it and smiles his great smile, which different people told me that I got it as well.

He says one word, “Memories.”

That’s a very important moment and story for me. It’s life.  It gave me an important life lesson.

Every one of us has our red rose petals: a marine pin in a lapel on a suit jacket, a death card of a mom or dad or child, a baseball in  a box in a bottom drawer, an athletic trophy from our high school days, a two dollar bill signed by Bobby Kennedy, a wedding photo on a dresser top, a brick from our first house ….

Memorials …. Mementos …. Memories….

If it rains today - and you’re looking for something to do - get a pen and paper and find 25 rose petals among your possessions. Translation: find at least 25 mementos from your life.


There is a long term and short term memory.

There is also working memory - which is a combination of long and short term memory.

There is number memory - word memory - visual memory - emotional memory.

Animals have memories as well - long term and short term.

After humans, dolphins might have the best of memories - along with elephants and ravens. Yes ravens.  But I haven’t read enough of the research in all this.

And research is ongoing  - with lab rats, monkeys, humans.


When is our memory at its best?

Everyone over 67 talks about forgetting things - not remembering things.

We all know the experience of older folks repeating themselves - telling their war stories - as well as - losing it.

I was in a play in the second year of high school and I had the lead and had to memorize about 440 lines in 6 weeks. Did it.

Could not do that today.

I gave some high school retreats with a priest who could memorize the name of 100 kids in about 5 hours.  And he gave me his secret ….

My sister  told me that she had a photographic memory. In high school, she could see the page the information was on - in the book - that was inside her head - and she could it put it right down on test papers with ease.

My Aunt Kathleen remembered what people wore at every family gathering there ever was and she would let people know it  - which really endeared her to others - especially other women.


We want to remember our dead.

On memorial day weekend we remember especially those who served our country and our world in the different branches of military service  - and who have died.

We pause and remember moments at funerals for veterans and burials in Veteran’s Cemeteries like Crownsville and Arlington.

At funerals when I’m stuck - and really don’t know the person who died I like to say I once  saw on TV - in a documentary on our evolution as human beings - that it was a big day when primitive peoples - didn’t just toss a dead body off a trail - and continue on hunter gathering treks thru the forests and mountain trails. No! At some point a group buried a loved one - said some prayers and words or incantations - and left a marker - to remember that spot when they happened down that trail again.

Someone said the 2 major issues of life are death and family.

And we think of death moments of family members - especially.

We bury our dead - their bodies, their remains, in sacred places called cemeteries. Tombs have markers, crosses, gravestones. At the end of a funeral sometimes people take home a flower and put a petal in a book and sometimes a little kid will accidently spot that petal and ask, “What’s this?



We church goers believe that here is where our religion comes in.

We believe there is life after death.

We believe that Christ’s life tells us about life: loving one another, burying our complaints, and connecting with one another.

We believe that Holy Communion is with Christ - in all his members - as well.

We believe it’s important to say, “Thank you to those who were willing to lay down their lives for their friends.”

May 28, 2018


It was raining
that day
in the Veterans Cemetery ….
Rain rested silently
on top of the marble stones ....
It was row after row after row 
after row of names and numbers ....
It was worn out forgotten flowers ….
Then we got to our brother.
We stood there -
each remembering - in our own way -
the moments and memories
we had when he was with us.
Tears were bouncing off and
pinging our umbrellas.
Tears of rain began resting
silently and salty on our faces.
Iraq - another  war that was wrong  -
wrong - for US and for the Iraqis
Who says it doesn’t rain in the desert?
Who says mistakes are never made?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018  

May 28, 2018 

Thought for today: 

“Life is the art  of  being well deceived.” 

William Hazlitt  [1778-1830]
Painting by Mia Bergeron