Saturday, December 30, 2017



The title of my homily for this Sixth Day within the Octave of Christmas  is, “Please Write.”

Last night I got that thought after reading today’s first reading from the First Letter of John 2: 12-17

We heard in today’s first reading 6 times “I am writing” or “I write to you.”

So an obvious message for a short reflection this morning is, “Please write.”


On Thursday night I caught a Book TV program in which Charles Gibson, the old Television guy, interviews David McCullough.

They began talking about how the writing of diaries - memoirs - journals has sort of disappeared.

McCullough asked: “Do you want to last forever?  Do you want to be historic? Keep a journal and when you finish, get it into an archives and people will be reading you for ages to come because you’ll be it - the only thing written.

Then McCullough - in talking about his research when  writing his historic books on John Adams and Harry Truman and others - how wonderful it was to read countless diaries and memoirs and journals and letters, about the times and places and situations people  found themselves in.

Each diary takes one into a different era and a different place.

What would it be like to be living in a small house in Ohio or Indiana in 1790? If we read diary entries about that period, we’ll read about what was going on in people’s lives and minds.


Well, thank God people wrote down the sayings and stories of Jesus - like today’s gospel from Luke about Anna the Prophetess - telling everyone in the temple in Jerusalem who were awaiting redemption - here he is - our redeemer.

And we noticed in Matthew the other day that the holy family headed for Egypt - and Luke has them going back to Nazareth - and because of that written discrepancy we know what kind of writing Luke and Matthew were giving - especially that Jesus was seen as the New Moses - and had to get him to Egypt - to connect Jesus with those writings.

And thank God we have all these letters from the Early Church that tell us what was going on then.


Get a good ball point pen and a good spiral pad and write your life - whom you met - what you saw.

David McCulllough the other night said that John Adams or someone in that time wrote, “I went into this room yesterday to think.”

He then implied in his writings we don’t do enough of that ourselves.

I think we do - but we don’t write down what we think - or we do on twitter and facebook - and it’s stuff we really don’t think out.

And to contradict myself, I keep reading that everything on the internet lasts - but there is no access  - unless Robert Mueller  and his team will be investigating us.

December 30, 2017


Forgiveness is the get to get.
Forget everything else as Hafiz
the Persian poet from way back
in the 1300’s put it. “Forgiveness
is the cash you need” “to craft
your falcon wings / and return
to your true realm, our true realm
of divine freedom.”* Jesus got
this - along with Hafiz - along
with anyone who wants true
freedom and to live with empty 
hands without rocks.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

*Cf. A Year With Hafiz, released by Daniel Ladinsky 
into English and entited Daily Contemplations 
[Penguin Books, 2010] page 354, November 18.

Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29, 2017


To pause is good - before we throw words
or  rocks or respond or react to another.

To pause is good - when we think we know
why another said or did what they did.

To pause is good - when we are going to
buy a new car or house or horse or idea.

To pause is good - before we stop listening to
another because something they said, triggers 
a similar story in us which we want to tell.

To pause is good - when we are going to
pray - and so we say to God, “Before I start, 
is there anything you want to say to me?”

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Thursday, December 28, 2017



Today - on this feast of the Holy Innocents - I would like to reflect upon the basic themes of light and darkness.

They are big themes in all religions.

Another way of wording it could be, “dreams and nightmares”.

Each of us and all of us in both our own private world - as well as in our public world - experience both light and darkness - dreams and nightmares - good and evil - right and wrong - grace and sin - ying and yang.


In today’s first reading John tells us this message very clearly. If we don’t admit that we make mistakes, that we sin, we’re liars. We’re in darkness and we don’t know it.

But in God, he tells us, there is no darkness.

Carl Jung, fools around with the thought of darkness in God, because of the themes and reality of sin and evil in the world as part of reality.

Other religions propose a God of evil and a God of good; a God of darkness and a God of Light.

John tells us that in God there is no darkness.

John of the Cross and Dionysius the Areopagite tell of the divine dark. I suspect that an evil dark doesn’t exist in God - but it does exist in us. So  I don’t know about this divine dark. Of course, when it comes to God, we are in the dark. And when it comes to us, we are often walking in darkness - especially when we sin.


So the theme of dreams and nightmares, light and darkness is in each of us.


In the gospel for today we have Joseph and Herod. Joseph’s dream is to go to Bethlehem with Mary, to register and then to come back home to Nazareth. The trip began with a nightmare. There was no room in the inn for them. The trip ended with a nightmare: Herod’s plan is to kill all the males. In a dream, Joseph is given the light. Go to Egypt. All this stuff in Matthew are ways that Matthew brings in his theology - especially using OT stuff.

We’re all called to redemption  - to get out of slavery - Egypt - to go through the waters of Baptism - the Red Sea or Reed Sea - and to head for the Promised Land.

But let’s develop the darkness and light, nightmare and dream theme a bit more.


If we reflect  upon all this we have to admit that we do have dreams and nightmares. We often wake up in the morning in a dream, or just after a dream, and often we say at breakfast, “Wow did I have a weird dream last night.” And sometimes we wake up during the night in the middle of a nightmare.


Analogously, we have to admit that sometimes we have dream days and nightmare experiences, when we are awake.

So dreams and this unconscious life are going on 24 hours.


A plane ride is sometimes seen as a dream.  We look ahead to a warm place in the middle of a cold winter. We’re going to have a dream trip - a dream vacation.


Then - sometimes there is a nightmare. It’s snowing big time in Erie or Chicago and our flight from BWI or wherever - is cancelled because of flight delays - because of the weather.


A relationship looks beautiful. Sometimes it becomes a nightmare.


I remember reading an article about Glen Close the actress in U.S.A. once. She said she was  the good girl in the movie, The Natural, and The World According to Garp, and some other movies. She said she wanted to play the part of someone who is evil. So that’s what she got when she played the evil Alex in the movie, Fatal Attraction. Then there is her movie, Dangerous Liaisons - which is all about Good and Evil.


A guy I know - Joe Leddy once said, “A professor at Manhattan used to say that all of us could become Francis of Assisi or Joseph Stalin."

All people, all trips, all plans, all days, can become a dream or a nightmare.


Alfred Hitchcock thrived on all this, loving to point out, the possibility of danger in a quiet country motel or on the symbol of security, Mount Rushmore.


Surprise. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows.


Does one become a pessimist or remain an optimist?

I would suggest being a realist.

Trust but verify.


As regards self, to admit that I could be like Herod and become filled with bitter jealousy, fear, bitterness, lack of trust, those feelings taking over, and I end up destroying innocent life.  Or I can become like Joseph: a rescuer.


The title and theme of this homily for this feast of the Holy Innocents has been, Light and Darkness,  Dreams and Nightmares.

Often we are in the dark. So we need Christ the light of the world.

Look at the history of the world and see what happened when Christ came into our world. Amen.

Here's an E-Christmas Card - Christmas in a Child's Gaze
from the Redemptorists 
in Australia.

December 28, 2017


Who is holy and who is innocent?
Does the child who whines and
wants her way - is she breaking
her innate goodness? Is she
being selfish - at its early stages?

How about the boy who knocks
over the other kid’s sand castle
at the beach - when strangers stop to say
to the builder, “Nice job. Nice job!” and
all the breaker made was a mud puddle?

How about the other end of life?
Who is holy and who is innocent?
Is it the old guy or gal at the end
of the nursing home corridor who
spreads smiles and joys to all?

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017



Today, on the feast of St. John, I would like to preach on the calling of each Christian to be a saint by mirroring and practicing a specific feature of Christ.


Chesterton once remarked that Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, “It has not been tried.”


Gandhi, when asked about his thoughts on Christianity said, “It sounds like a good religion. I’m still waiting to see someone live it.”


A Chinese person after listening to some Christians said, “Christianity: it’s a very talky religion.”


To counter these objections, Christianity has often pushed its saints. Here are some of the people who lived it. These are some of the people who did it.

Just as Jesus is the word of the Father, so the saint is the word of the Father and / or the word of the Son or both or add the Spirit for all Three.

It's an exaggeration, but we could say that Jesus is all the colors of the rainbow - while the saints are pictured as one specific color.


For example, St. Stephen’s feast day was yesterday. He is presented as enfleshed forgiveness. He is the word “forgiveness” personified.


St. Augustine has various appeals. To many he is the saint who put things off - like practicing chastity.  He would say, "Not yet." Then one day he changes. We all put things off, especially our conversion, especially habits that we know we ought to change. Someday maybe we too will change.


St. Andrew in the gospel of John is featured as the one who brings his brother to Jesus.

In the other gospels, he is featured as the one who sort of silently steps in when needed.

I see him as the patron saint of background stories - always there, but rarely noticed - only when needed.


St. Peter appeals to us as the saint who puts his foot in his mouth, who makes promises,  who brags,then climbs into his mouth with both feet. Don’t we all make promises that we don’t keep?


And St. Thomas the Apostle gives glimmers of hope to all those who have lots of doubts, who want to see before they will believe. “Proof: I want to see proof. Show me.”


These saints show us that we still have a choice based on our personality.

We can put our foot in our mouth, and take it out again. We can recover. We can make up for our mistakes.  We can have doubts. We can put off our conversion, but hopefully, someday we will change. Someday we will become our best self. Someday we will become saints. Someday we will be one of the colors of the rainbow called, “Christ.”

Maybe we’ll be an example of forgiveness like Stephen. Maybe we’ll be an example of poverty like St. Francis. Maybe we’ll be an example of prayer like St. Therese of Lisieux.


Since today is the feast of  St. John the Evangelist, what does he  represent?

What color of the rainbow is he?

I see St. John as a poet - a bringer of Good News - by using everyday images: bread, wine, water, perfume, light, wind.

He is the one who tells others, about Jesus.

He has the need to tell, to brag about Jesus.

He tells us he had stuff to give away to follow Jesus. He left all to follow Jesus.

He tells us that his mom once pushed to have him and his brother be seated at the right and left of Jesus in the kingdom.

Jesus said, “That’s not mine to give.” But there he is at the last supper next to Jesus. And when the others took off scared, he stayed. And there he is under the cross next to Jesus.

He tells us that he could run faster than Peter, but yet he respected Peter as the head. Peter saw and believed -but John believed first.

In all this I think John is doing what we all do. We want to share with others directly and indirectly what we’ve done and where we are.


And why did John share? He gives us the reason in today’s first reading. So that the joy he feels, we’ll feel. He wants to share in our joy as well, otherwise he won’t be complete.


So that’s a bit about St. John and some saints.

In the past, Saints tended  to be put on pedestals - statues with eyes raised to heaven - maybe with hands folded in prayer.

Today we’re back to the older way of presenting saints. They are presented as being on our level and featured with a specific agenda - in everyday life. We look at them, see their specific feature, and then we ask if we can see ourselves being called to that feature, which then fills out all the colors of the rainbow, called, Christ - for our world to experience.

O  O  O  O  O  O  O

Painting of St. John the Evangelist 
by David de Haen