Sunday, December 24, 2017



The title of my homily for this 4th Sunday in Advent [B]  is, “Who’s Afraid?”

This is a homily -  that I basically came up with while walking home last night. Then I typed it up this morning.

Being afraid - being fearful - being scared - is a theme that shows up in everyone’s life.

Who’s afraid?

We hear it from our parents - who want us to fall asleep - sleep in our own bed - as they say, “Don’t be afraid of the dark!” so “Go to sleep!” - so we can relax and watch NCIS or NCAA basketball or what have you.

We hear it in children’s literature, “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” And we hear it in adult literature and plays and movies, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?”

We hear it all through scriptures: Adam and Eve were afraid and hid from God. So too Abraham, Moses, Joseph, the Prophets. 

Now,  today in our gospel, the angel Gabriel says to Mary, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”

Who’s afraid?


Last night I walked back from the Annapolis Maritime Museum. I   was at a wedding reception after a wedding I had here at St. Mary’s at 3 PM.  The Annapolis Maritime Museum is at the other end of the Maritime Republic of Eastport. It's about a 20  minute walk from St. Mary’s to there. I wanted to get in my 10,000 plus steps on my Fitbit. I got 12,000 steps yesterday.

Back to my story. 

It was dark - walking back - through the streets of Eastport.

I was thinking while walking - that I need to get back here and finish my homily for this morning. After reading the gospel yesterday after noon, I had decided that I wanted to think  out loud about,  “Who’s Afraid?”

I asked myself while walking, “Are you afraid of the dark?”

It was dark. I was all by myself. There was not that much light. I haven’t heard about robberies at night in Eastport. Was I afraid?

Nope. But I was afraid of stepping into a big puddle of water in the dark.

And as I walked up Severn Avenue  I was afraid - for a moment there - of cars - because I had to walk in the street in two spots because of some big puddles. It had rained heavy. Moreover, it was Saturday night and there are a lot of restaurants on Severn Avenue and people drink. So I was careful. I didn’t want to be splashed or hit by a car while walking. That’s a fear - but not a big one.

So there are fears: big fears and little fears.

As I walked along  I was thinking of that Charlie Brown cartoon that talked about different types of phobias: potaphobia, fear of drink - not of getting a pot - but that can happen Then there is  elevatoraphobia, fear of elevators or  agoraphobia, fear of crowds or the marketplace. Well, then to top everyone, Charlie Brown says he has Pantaphobia. “What’s that?”, Lucy or someone asks.  He answers, “Fear of everything.”


Here are some questions for all of us on this question of being afraid or being filled with fear. 

What are your phobias, fears? What are you afraid of?

Fluaphobia, Icyroadsaphobia, canceraphobia, Traffictieupaphobia, deathaphobia, governamentaphobia, nuclearwarphobia?

The title of my homily is, “Who’s Afraid?”

Is everyone afraid of something?

Is everyone afraid of someone - some specific person?

Is it all relative?

I remember a lady - someone in some other assignment - at a coffee break or during an after church conversation - telling me, “Whenever it hits July 4th - yes July 4th - I feel myself getting nervous?"


"Why?  Well, because Christmas is coming and we have to see my husband’s mother in California. every Christmas.”

As I was walking home last night - back here to St. Mary’s - I said, "That's stuff is about others. What about you, Andrew. What are your fears?"

As I walked I began thinking. Then I remembered something that happened to me every year in January of 1984 to 1993.

I would get a nasty pain in the back - above my right cheek - just below my belt -  every year near the end of January.

I’m slow, but it took me 5 or 6 years - probably by 1990 - to realize what was causing this pain in the butt.

I had a job called “Novice Master” - and I would have around 10 to 12 novices for a year and a day. I did that 9 years for 9 classes. It went August to August. Well, January was the mid-point and I had to screen these future Redemptorists. That meant I might have to cut some folks.

It took me 5 or 6 years to realize how tough that is - dealing with the future of someone’s life. I used to hear when I went through the seminary system that this was God’s will. I didn’t believe that. I still don’t. I don’t want to - or pretend to - know or be God’s will.

I had to make the decision - along with an assistant - but I was the main guy - whether this other guy goes on or not.

I was dealing with another’s life….

Looking back further - in our 4th year of college - our second year of philosophy - in Ethics class - we were given topics for debates. We were paired up with one other guy. One was to be pro and the other con on an ethical issue. Myself and a guy name Ray were given Capital Punishment. He was told to be pro - for - Capital Punishment - and I was to be con - against - Capital Punishment. I spent a good 3 weeks reading all I could about Capital Punishment - pro’s and con’s  - facts and figures.  We had the debate. I lost big. The professor was all for Capital Punishment.

Looking back I realize I lucked out being given the assignment to be against Capital Punishment - because that’s me. I don’t want to play God. I’d be afraid of being part of the taking of a person’s life - and who knows? Mistakes can be made. People can repent. Etc. Etc. Etc.


I’m not in a debate here in this sermon.

I’m simply in this homily addressing the question and issue of being afraid.

I’m asking, “Who’s afraid?”

I’m asking all of us to look at what we  are afraid of?

If you’re scared of dark streets, call a Uber - unless you have Uberaphobia or go in your own car - or tell people you can’t make the reception that night. Sorry.

If you’re afraid, do what Mary does in today’s gospel, “Ask questions” and then when satisfied, say what Mary said, “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

And ooops, I better add a very important closing comment here - which you don’t have agree on - and from my experience - some of you will not agree upon. Life - a lot of life - is very much up for debate.

I believe that phrase, “according to your word” - does not mean - what a lot of people thinks it means - that God has a specific plan for all of us - what we are to do that day - detail by detail.  I see “according to  your word” to mean that God’s plan for all of us each day is to love the Lord our God, with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves today - and then watch and see what unfolds. Amen.

December 24, 2017


The shepherds knew….
The Innkeeper didn’t.
The donkey, the ox,
the sheep and the lamb,
sensed something was different.
This night …. It was different….
The Magi figured and followed ….
Herod knew enough to plot and kill….
Jesus and Mary were okay up to now….
Me? It’s been years now.
I still don’t know if I slowly getting it.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Saturday, December 23, 2017


December 23, 2017


Sometimes God winks through
a morning cloud in the east  - in
a shaft of light - dawn, “Here I am.”

Sometimes God waves to us with a baby’s
hand and a smile from a shopping cart
in the bread aisle at the supermarket.

Sometimes God seems to be hiding
in the hospital waiting room or in the
dark night of my soul - way past midnight.

Sometimes God, I doubt your presence,
that is, till I kneel there at the Christmas
crib and it dawns on me: you are… I am.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22, 2017


Salt and pepper on every table….
Better: love, talk about the day …
and bread and wine becoming
the Body and Blood of Christ  -
at every meal - every  table -
in every marriage - every family.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Thursday, December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017


Everything has consequences:
a scratched match, side alley gossip,
promises made with a drink in the
blood, a lie we know to be untrue,
a prayer, a curse, a question,
and a key vote at a crucial meeting.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
Painting: Degas, In a Cafe

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20, 2017


Rocks, water, woods, walkways,
along the edges of our lives -
remind us that there are limits.
Fences, walls, rules and regulations,
signs, saying “Closed” or  “Dead End,”
tell us there are edges beyond
which we cannot go.  Not yet ….

Yet our eyes and our minds see
what's on the other side of fences 
and the beyond - beyond our boundaries.
It’s then we know we are made  
in your image and likeness, O God.
It’s then we know these are only the
edges of endings which never end.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017