Sunday, November 20, 2016

NOVEMBER 21, 2016


It's everywhere - these tiny dots of dust.
They are telling us that all is being chipped
away - off the old block. Skin is flaking.
Trees are losing some of their bark.

I guess what I want to see is resurrection -
new life - the coming together of dirt and
dust to make fruits and vegetables - cows
and chickens, you and me, new life.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016
November 20, 2016


Is there such a word as "turbed"?

I've never seen it.  But we all know
the meaning of "disturbed".  Is turbed
its opposite? Probably not.... It doesn't
sound too peaceful and we know the
meaning of turbulence - when it comes
to weather when it gets nasty or when 
a crowd gets dangerous or rowdy. 

But I still want to feel the opposite of disturbed.

                                                                                                      © Andy Costello, Reflections 2016



The title of my homily is, “What’s He or She Like?”

That’s a question everyone asks at various times throughout our lives.

“What’s he like?”

“What’s she like?”


Your son or daughter announces they are dating someone.

“What’s he like?”

“What’s she like?”

You get a new pastor or a new boss or a new neighbor.

“What’s he like?”

“What’s she like?”

“What are they like?”

Your mom or dad gets remarried. What’s the new one like?

I was giving a priest retreat once. I’m babbling away with a talk around 4 in the afternoon. A priest way back in right hand corner of this big room holding about 90 priests  taps a priest on the shoulder in front of him - hands him a folded piece of paper and whispers something to him and points to someone near the front of the room. That priest does the same thing - passing the piece of paper - and whispering - and the paper moved forwards. While speaking I’m watching this note and this offertory procession moving towards the front.   The paper gets to a guy in the 4th row - who looks at the note - takes out his ballpoint pen - writes something on the paper note and sends it back - person to person. All this took about 5 minutes. It didn’t bother me - but it did intrigue me. Interesting.

After the talk the original sender came up to me to sort of apologize. He told me that they just heard they were getting a new bishop and they were dying to find out about him. They knew the guy up in the 4th row knew the bishop whom they were about to get and they wanted to know, “What was he like?” Then he added that the guy in the front simply wrote, “Good guy!”

“What’s he like?”

“What’s she like?”

I remember being in a rectory basement with about 25 couples and kids enjoying a Super Bowl Game on TV. The highlight every year was not the game but the commercials, the TV ads. I remember the one that got the greatest reaction was a scene - I don’t remember what the commercial was for - of two guys in an apartment. One says - “My new girlfriend is coming over with her mom.”  The other guy says, “What does her mom look like?” The guy says, “I don’t know. I haven’t met her yet.” The other guy says, “Well if you want to know what your girlfriend will look like in 20 years, take a good look at her mother.”  The doorbell rings. The guy looks out the peephole and sees the face of his girlfriend’s mom. Absolutely gorgeous and he gives with a great smile - a thumbs up to his buddy. He opens the door and in comes his girlfriend and her mom and dad - and her mom has a big…. Better not go any further behind that….

Well at that Super Bowl party, I noticed that here were  mixed reactions to that TV commercial. Some guys were laughing - some guys were very quiet.

“What’s he like?”

“What’s she like?”

How do we react to comments that trigger thoughts about ourselves, or others,  how we look, how we are? Size and shape and personality?

What are we like?

Here’s a self test: Check three:

Sensitive?____ Aware?_____ Not aware? _____ Hurtful? ______ Listens? _____  Learns ______ Clown______ ? Prudent? ______  Smart? _______
Stupid_________ Thoughtful_________

“What’s he like?”

“What’s she like?”

What am I like?


What’s God like?

If we read the scriptures, we’ll find out that there are all kinds of descriptions of God - just as in the Koran and various other sacred writings.

Today’s feast is, Christ the King.  What kind of a king is Christ?

He was certainly not like King Saul or King David - kings mentioned in today’s first reading - 2 Samuel 5:1-3

Last Wednesday - in the weekday gospel from Luke - we heard the parable of the nobleman who went to a far country to obtain a kingship. Before he left he gave 10 of his servants each a gold coin and told them to trade with it  till he gets back. We also hear that this nobleman was despised. We also hear about him coming back and asking each servant how each did. The first said, “Sir, your gold coin has earned ten additional ones.” “Well done good servant,” the nobleman replied. “You have been faithful in this  very small matter; take charge of ten cities.”  The second made 5 more and got charge of 5 cities. The next servant said he was scared - scared of you - and because he was afraid - he stored the gold coin away in a handkerchief. The nobleman got really angry - told his servants to take that gold coin and give it to the guy with the 10. Then the parable has the nobleman saying, “Now  as for those  enemies of mine who don’t want me as their king, bring them here and slay them before me.”

Uh oh! Is this mid-east way of thinking?

Uh oh! Is this the way some people see God?

If God is noble, if God is a king, if God is our Father, what kind of person is God?

Do we have to die to find out?

As priest I’ve heard all kinds of descriptions about God? I’ve heard all kinds of assumptions about God?

What is God really like? What’s been your experience of God?

What is your image of Jesus? Is he the visible image of the invisible God - as we heard in today’s second reading from Colossians 1: 12-20.  If yes, the question still remains: how you see Jesus? What is he like to you? What texts do you build your image of Jesus on?

When I’m sitting with someone in counseling or what have you, I sometimes  ask: “Okay you die. You meet God. What’s God like? What’s going to happen?”

There is often a pause right there.

It’s my experience that people often give God a good report - but then comes the, “I hope so. I hope I’m right.”

If God is a Father, what kind of Father is God like?

Does how our own dad is make a difference?

If God is a Mother, and that image is in the scriptures, and Pope John Paul I, described God that way, does how our own mom is make a difference in our understanding of God?

What happens if mom is very tough and dad is a piece of cake - or vice versa? How does that effect our image of God?

You’ve heard, I’ve heard 1,000 sermons - from deacons and priests and preachers, does how they are make a difference.


How do I conclude this?

Be a thief…. Be a good thief.

Today’s gospel has the good thief on the cross saying, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus replies to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” [ Cf. Luke 22:35-43.]  

I noticed a lot of people made use of the holy doors in this year of mercy. It ends this Sunday - more or less. So there will be no more so called “Holy Doors of Mercy” for a while  - but let’s hope our churches are always places of welcome and places of mercy - please God forever.
However, the Stations of the Cross remain in all our churches.

I suggest whenever you come to church, sit under the 12th station and say the prayer of the Good Thief. “Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom” and hear Jesus say, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

Then say, “But not yet, O God, not yet.” 

Painting on top by Andrew Wyeth

Saturday, November 19, 2016

November 19, 2016


It’s nothing - doing nothing - just
sitting there in a calm - in an emptiness -
not having to start or finish anything -
till peace sneaks in - till laughter -
till tears - till light and love or the
Divine Darkness of God comes and sits
with us in the nothingness of not trying
to meditate - just letting go and
letting God be under and in everything -
till we rest in the Lord - knowing
we are not the Lord. God Is.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

NOVEMBER 18, 2016


Jesus , I've seen you on 100 crucifixes
and in a 100 broken persons, but Jesus,
I need to get away from these Good Friday moments. I need you to backtrack and 
see me up a tree like Zacchaeus and 
call me to come down - so we can sit down 
and have a good meal and a good talk 
together - and then plan a future together.

                                                                                                              © Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17, 2016


Jesus walked down our streets,
stepped up our steps, stopped into
our stores and bars, slipped through
our alleys - took our trains, planes,
and buses and saw all the people he
spotted the last time he made this trip.

But this time he scratched his head.
This time something was different.
Martha and Mary were not talking and
Mary was not complaining. They were
alienated  from each other …. and didn’t
seem to feel that Lazarus had died….

And the father didn’t run to hug his lost son ….
nor did he walk out into the field to talk with
his older son who was working, working, all
by himself. The blind man didn’t cry out that
he wanted to see …. The lady on the sidewalk
didn’t reach out to touch the edge of his cloak.

The thief on the cross didn’t talk to the other
thief on his cross. They just hung there as if someone was missing. For Jesus it felt like Birmingham [1] - not Calvary - but it was worse.
Everyone was silent - looking at their phones -looking all alone. Jesus didn’t know what to do.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016


[1] Poem by Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, "Indifference" or "When Jesus Came to Birmingham."


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16, 2016


We do have a choice,
well sometimes, well,
most of the time … the
more we get the knack
of responding instead
of reacting to others.

It can be in traffic. It can be
in a conversation or a conflict.
Tell me the key? It’s time.
Taking the time to reflect,
to refigure - but especially to
walk, walk, before talk, talk.  


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016