Friday, October 26, 2007


“Death where is thy mortal sting?”

And Mary was assumed,
taken up to heaven.

And Mary went with haste
into the hill country.

“Eye has not seen,
nor ear heard,
nor has it entered into the human heart
what things God has prepared for those who love him.”

The Mother of God,
the Mother of Jesus,
the Mother of the Church,
was taken to the mansion prepared for her by her Son.

The New Eve,
the maid servant of the Lord,
is returned to the Garden of Paradise.

The assumption was an annunciation,
a visitation, a nativity, a presentation,
and a finding of Mary in the temple of the Lord.

The assumption of Mary
was a resurrection,
an ascension into heaven,
a message to all of us
that if Christ had not risen from the dead,
none of us can arise from the dead.

We believe in the resurrection of the body.

Christ is risen from the dead, Alleluia.

Mary is assumed into heaven, Alleluia.

All who die in Christ
are taken into the Father’s house,
into the banquet hall,
into the hall of Light.

This is our faith,
our belief in a beyond,
where with Christ
we will be whole again, body and soul.

We believe in life after death.
“O death where is your mortal sting?
O death where is your victory?”

O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to you.

And Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven.
The Son honors the Mother.

The Father honors the Daughter.

The Spirit honors the Bride.

And on her head is placed
a crown of twelve stars.

A great sign appeared in the sky.

And heaven rejoices in Mary’s crowning in heaven.

And earth sings her praises every since
in the Magnificat, the Salve Regina,
the Ave Maria, the Regina Coeli,
the songs, Hail Mary: Gentle Woman,
and Immaculate Mary.

And shrines are built at
Ephesus, Rome,
Chartres, Notre Dame,
Lourdes, Fatima,
Guadalupe, Medjurgoria.

Blessed are you among women.

And women and men after Mass in church,
and women and men driving to work,
and families ever since,
say the Rosary,
saying on and on and on,
“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.”

And icons, pictures, statues,
medals, churches,
have been made to her ever since.
Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help,
Handmaid of the Lord,
Queen of Peace,
watches over us your daughters and your sons. Amen.


as I grow older,
help me to be wiser,
having learned from my successes,
but especially from my failures,
becoming sweeter, not bitter, not sour,
not angry at myself or others
because of doors and dreams never opened.

as I grow older,
I don’t want to be a burden
to others, but if I need help,
help me to accept another’s hand
without resentment, without rejection,
growing older, ever so graceful,
ever so grateful. Amen.

(c) Andy Costello,  Reflections, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007



The title of my homily is, “Prayer Is A Humbling Experience.”

Today’s readings challenge us to reflect upon prayer – more specifically – prayer of petition – prayer of asking – prayer of requesting.

I found this theme from today’s readings about asking prayer to be tough stuff.

I understand prayers of thanks – prayers of sorrow – prayers of awe – but prayers of asking I find my mind hitting a wall at times.

And I’m not thinking of the simple issue of human pride – the difficulty we sometimes feel of not wanting to ask for help, “I can do it myself. I don’t need anyone else’s help.”

So I’m not thinking of the humility needed to get down on one’s knees and ask God for help. I’m thinking of the humbling experience of not understanding how the mind of God works – when we ask God for help.

Do we all say to God at some point, “You ask me to ask for help and when I do ask, you don’t seem to help? I don’t get it, God. I don’t get it.”

Does every person who asks God for something end up wondering, “Does God listen? Does God change things? Does God welcome our nagging prayers?”

These questions bring us right to the nature of God. These questions bring us right to the question of faith? These questions have pushed people away from God?

A child gets sick. A spouse gets cancer. A person is going for tests. Do we pray? Does prayer do anything? Have we ever had a prayer answered?

It seems to me, in all honesty, that at times we’re like a child in a dark room crying for a parent and nobody seems to hear us. Nobody opens up the door and turns on the light – and comes over to the crib or bed and picks us up, holds us and pats us on the back saying, “Everything will be all right. Everything will be all right. Mommy is here. Daddy is here.”

Prayer is often misty, foggy stuff – and that’s why I entitled my homily for today: “Prayer is a Humbling Experience.”


I was at a wedding yesterday and it had rained big time the night before. Yesterday was a beautiful day for sailing. It was a beautiful day for a wedding. And I’m standing there talking to someone at the wedding celebration afterwards – on the outside deck of Carroll’s Creek Restaurant and this man says, “Well, we have this beautiful day because of you.” Translation: your prayers did it. I laughed and said, “No! No! I won’t go there with that one.”

Like everyone, I do pray for rain when we need rain. I do pray for hurricanes to go out to sea – yet I realize I have no clue to the mind of God. Yet, I know like everyone else that hurricanes damage – sometimes big time – but they also bring water big time.

The farmer prays for rain; those having an outdoor wedding reception pray for a beautiful clear day. The football team having a horrible season might love rain. Hey, you never know who might win on a wet or muddy field.

I remember standing there as a kid about to start a basketball game and we’re praying and I look over at the team on the other side of the court. They are also praying. It was a moment of insight. Do we pray for these sorts of things? Does God get involved in high school basketball games?

When Eastern Michigan came here to play Navy back in 2003 the coach called St. Mary’s the week before. “Could a priest come and say mass on the Saturday morning of the game for the team?” I went to the Radisson Hotel on Riva – very nervously – worried that someone might see me. Do I dare pray for someone to beat Navy in a Navy town? Navy won 39-7.

We’ve all seen the movie “Patton” or heard the story about how Patton called for a chaplain to write a prayer for a break in the weather in the Battle of the Bulge. The weather report on both the German and American sides called for continual rain that time in December. The Chaplain wrote the prayer and Patton had 450,000 copies printed on post cards for his army. The weather changed and got better. How do these things work?

What about the millions of people who have been massacred who cried to God for help – and they were shot or burnt or gassed to death?

How does all this work. Does God reverse weather and cancer and football games? Why doesn’t God get all these groups in Iraq to think and then say, “This is crazy. We’re killing each other.”
Prayer is a humbling experience.


Today’s second reading from Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy gives some comments about scripture itself. Of course, Paul is talking about what we call the Hebrew Scriptures – or the Old Testament. The Christian Scriptures – the books of the New Testament – were still being formed. Surprise! His letter becomes part of that scripture. He says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”

The Hebrew Scriptures are filled with texts and examples of people who cried out to God for help. The Hebrew Scriptures are filled with teachings about asking God for help. The Hebrew Scriptures are filled with examples of God answering prayers – as well as the Psalms which often yell at God for being deaf and not answering prayers.


Today’s Gospel and today’s First Reading fit together with a stress on the necessity of continued prayer – persistent prayer. Keep asking.

We are being told in the first reading that Moses stood on the top of a hill praying while the Israelites fought down below. When Moses raised his arms in prayer, the Israelites did well. When his arms started to fall, the Israelites would start to lose – and if he raised his arms up again they would fight better. And so they got a rock for Moses to sit on. Then Aaron and Hur supported his hands and arms – one on each side – till the battle was over and the Israelites won the day.

It’s a great folk tale about the power of praying for others. I don’t know God’s mind on all this – but I do know that we do better when we know other human beings are praying for us. We can understand this very clearly from sports – when the crowd and the cheerleaders try to scream and cheer our team to victory. We know that kids look to the stands from the soccer and field hockey fields to spot their mom and dad present for them.

We are being told in today’s gospel to be like the nagging widow who nagged a tough judge till he gave her a favorable hearing in a case. And Jesus said, “Keep nagging God. Keep being persistent.”

And Jesus said, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge said to himself. ‘I may not be scared of God or human beings – but I’m going to settle in favor of this widow lest she drive me crazy or come and hit me.’”

Jesus often tells us to pray like that. Prayer of asking was one of his big themes. Wake God up in the night – like someone who knocks on a neighbor’s door after all have gone asleep – and the man will open up his door eventually and give bread to the man asking, seeking and knocking in the night, just to get rid of him.

Jesus said, “Ask!” “Seek!” “Knock!”

Jesus said, “Pray!”

And the last line of today’s gospel has that powerful wondering, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

Prayer is a humbling thing.


We pray. We ask God for help! We also wonder at times how God works.

I stand there in the hospital as priest listening to people filled with sickness – and I don’t know what to say – other than to pray for them.

I also know life has term limits – that we need to eat right, exercise - but we all will have our own unique story of death.

Prayer is a humbling experience.

I might make comments at time – but I know I’m in the same boat as this other person screaming in the night.

Last Monday we celebrated the feast of St. Teresa of Avila and one of her interesting comments was, “There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.”

Isn’t there a song by Garth Brooks entitled, “Unanswered Prayers” – where he and his wife go to a football game and he spots an old flame and he ponders how he prayed to God many a night that he would marry her and now thinking of his wife in comparison he says to himself, “Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers.”

I love the saying, “Pray for potatoes, but pick up a shovel.”

“Pray for daily bread; but start plowing and planting wheat seed.”

And we all know the story that was popular twenty five years ago. I’m sure you heard it in a dozen sermons – the story about the man in the house who was told to evacuate his house because of the storm and he said, “I am staying in my house and I’m praying to God for help.” The water rises. A row boat with State Police come and once more he says, “I am staying in my house and I’m praying to God for help.” The water keeps rising till he’s on his roof and a helicopter comes and someone screams, “Grab the rope ladder!” and once more he says, “I am staying in my house and I’m praying to God for help.” And he drowns and yells at God for not answering his prayers and we know God’s response, “I sent police to your door. I sent a row boat and a helicopter. So quit you’re nagging.”

We know the story. We know we don’t know or notice how or if prayers are answered at times.

But what happens if a State Trooper of a fire fighter doesn's show up at our door? What happens if we have a heart attacik and there is no helicopter to fly us to Washington Hospital Center? What happens if we don’t experience the great doctor who saves our loved one from cancer?

I don’t know.

Prayer is a humbling experience.

In the meanwhile I do sense that prayers of asking and petition do work when I ask God for strength to bear with life’s sufferings. I sense God helping me with changes of attitude.

I might not be stopping a drought or a hurricane, but I am starting to learn more and more in my attitude how to deal with droughts and disasters.

I sense that Christ made a great prayer for help on the cross and then made a great prayer of acceptance.

Of course, he could have skipped the trip to Jerusalem for a Last Supper. That night he could have skipped the garden and headed north by some back road and lived to 70.

But no: he had the meal – said some powerful things – washed his disciples feet – gave us the Eucharist – and then left the Upper Room, headed for the garden – and prayed some deep, very humbling prayers.

And with his example, having reflected on his life and story, we enter into the realities and mysteries of life – with its good times and its bad, its sickness and its health, till death do us part. Amen.

And we end up knowing that we really don’t know that much about prayer and God and life – and like Christ we have to die and rise to new life – to experience the Father opening the door of the dark room of death, turning on the light, and then reaching out to hold us and embrace us and hear him say, “I am here!” And we will experience the deepest love of forever and ever, resurrection. Amen.

As I said over and over again in this sermon: “This is hard to understand. Prayer is a humbling experience.”

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Gerard or Gerry or Jerry has become a very popular name - often because of St. Gerard.

He died of tuberculosis at the age of 29 - being a Redemptorist for only 5 years - but in those few years he accomplished a lot.

Somewhere along the line he became the patron saint of mothers - because women prayed to him for a child as well as for help in a difficult pregnancy. They reported that they were helped. At his beatification he was described as "il santo dei felice parti" - the saint of an easy or happy birth.

In Italy, San Gerardo, is a very popular saint - people making pilgrimages to his shrine at Materdomini where he is buried.

He was born in the town of Muro on April 6, 1726 and died in Materdomini on October 16, 1755.

Here is a new prayer to use when praying to the Lord and to St. Gerard for the blessing of having a child.

Creator of all life,
we beg you in prayer
for the gift of a child.

We pray also to St. Gerard,
the Patron Saint of Mothers.

During the life of St. Gerard,
a pregnant woman was worried
about losing her baby, so she
asked Gerard to pray for her
and to bless her.
And she was blessed
with a healthy baby.

So as millions of married folks
before us have prayed to St. Gerard,
we pray for the blessings
of becoming pregnant
and bringing a healthy baby into our world.

All this we ask through Christ, who said,
“Let the children come to me,
for they are the ones who teach us
about the kingdom of God.” Amen.

Sunday, October 14, 2007



The title of my homily is, “What’s It Like?”

This is a question and a theme we ought to reflect upon from time to time.

It’s a question that jumps out at me regularly – and especially from today’s readings.

Today’s First Reading and Gospel trigger the question: “What’s it like to have leprosy – a skin disease – when everyone goes, ‘Oooooh! Disappear!’?” Today’s Second Reading triggers the questions: “What’s it like to be Christ or Paul?” or “What it like to be denied or to be seen as a criminal or suffering or dying?”
What’s it like?


What’s it like to be alone at a wedding – and your spouse has died or left you or you had to break up – or what have you – and everyone seems connected to someone and you feel so single, so singular, so all alone?

What’s it like to have AIDS?

What’s it like to be out of work – and you have sent your resume to every company and every country on the planet and nobody seems to want you?

What’s it like to expect to make the team and you don’t make it?

What’s it like to have more acne on your face than a stop sign has paintball gun splotches on the first road outside a paintball gun shooting range?

What’s it like to come into church late because it was tough getting an aged mother or four kids organized for church and the traffic was crazy and the only seats are the front row of church?
What’s it like to have an emotional “Thing” and on planes or in church you have to sit in an aisle seat and you’re getting dirty looks for not moving in and you can’t explain your quirk in church?
What’s it like to have a couple of kids – and you do everything possible for them and two of them never ever say, “Thank you!”

What’s it like to have had an abortion and you come to a church that seems to only have pamphlets and pictures at every entrance about abortion – and you don’t notice anything else and you have made your very difficult and painful peace with God twenty years ago - but it seems to get triggered every time you come to church?

What’s it like to be a kid that loves skateboarding and everyone curses you?

What’s it like be wound up and your spouse is not wound up?

What’s it like to start telling a story – and you’re cut off by someone who wants to tell their story – which your story triggered?

What’s it like to be preaching and you notice 37 yawns and 23 watch watchings – in your 9 minute and 49 second homily?

What’s it like to be a Catholic and a couple of people at work say things like: “I would think someone like you would be a reader or more intellectual that that?”

What’s it like to have 5 great suggestions to solve the parking problem here at St. Mary’s or the traffic flow in Annapolis and nobody seems to care about your suggestions.

What’s it like to live in a dysfunctional family?

What’s it like to have had a mastectomy?

What’s it like to be overweight and you’ve tried 316 different diets and you have estimated that you have taken off 3,160 pounds in your lifetime so far – and you’re 6 pounds more than when you started your last diet?

What’s it like to have had plastic surgery and you overhear some friends in the other room laughing at your plastic surgery?

What’s it like to be me?

What’s it like to be you?


One of the key words to understand in Christian theology is the word, “Incarnation.”

This can be a bit heavy - but I want to give some bread today - not just jam or peanut butter. You know the complaint about homilies: "All fluff; no stuff!"

So let me say a few words about incarnation – because underneath it is the theme of this homily: “What’s it like?”

The incarnation is saying, “God knows what it’s like to be human, because God became human – so we can become God.”

That’s a key message in the theology of Incarnation.


We know the Latin word “carne” means “flesh” – from words like “carnivore” – “a meat eater” or “carnival” – “Celebrate – because Lent is coming. Say ‘farewell’ to meat”.

The great Christian message - the great Christmas message – is that God became one of us – in the flesh – in the person of Jesus.


That’s an amazing message – a gigantic teaching – that Christ was both one of us and God at the same time.

Christ is human and divine. It took the church centuries of theological struggles – heresies, councils, in-fighting, etc. to finally come up with what we have in our Creeds.

For example, the great Council of Nicea (which is now part of modern Turkey) gave us the Nicene Creed in 325 which we say together after the homily each Sunday.

Arius, a priest in Alexandria, Egypt, got into a fight with his bishop, Alexander of Alexandria - on how and who Christ was. Arius didn’t believe that Christ was consubstantial or coeternal with God the Father. The Council of Nicea said to him and his followers, “Wrong!” and Arius and his followers were excommunicated.

We – who make the sign of the cross – believe there are three persons in One God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and all are equal – and all are One God. And Christ, the Second Person became Human – and has both a human and a divine nature.

This is tough stuff to fathom, understand, and believe – yet this is central theology to our faith.

The Incarnation – Mary becoming pregnant with God – with Jesus – is a big teaching to accept. Yet we’re all here week after week – because we believe.

Amazing. Not everyone on the planet accepts that.

We believe the great teaching of the Incarnation. We proclaim our belief every time we say the creed. “For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.”


God became one of us.

We have heard and have read this mysterious message over and over again – especially in the Gospel of John.

Did God after creating us ask, “What’s it like to be human?” and finally become one of us?

That might be the 20th Question we’ll ask God after we die.

Christian theology asks the other question: “What’s it like to be God?” and God sometimes whispers, “Become Christ.”

Paul says that over and over again.

Christian theology says the Bread becomes the Body of Christ – and take and eat. Become what you eat.

Incarnation: bread becoming the body of Christ.

What’s it like to be Christ? Take and eat. Chew on Christ. Digest Christ. Become Christ.

What’s it like to be Christ? Take and read. Chew on the Word. Digest the Word. Let the Word become you. Become Christ.

At every meal we eat and talk.

At every Mass we eat and talk.

And hopefully by eating together we become each other – by sharing communion with each other.

Husbands and wives do this in the great Christian sacrament called “Marriage” – two becoming one flesh. Incarnation.

Good marriages and good families know this. That’s why there is so much hurt and pain when another dies or moves.

Great parishes are hard to leave. We’ve become one – a communion – a community – a parish family.

Great neighbors are hard to move away from.

We’ve become one.


As I listen to the scriptures I often think that Christ must have stood there or sat there for his first 30 years in Nazareth wondering.

What’s it like to be Christ?

I see him first of all as a watcher. I see him as a questioner? I see him as a wonderer before he became a wanderer.

I hear him thinking: “What’s it like to be a Pharisee? Why are they the way they are? Why are they so hard on themselves and other people?”

I see him standing in the temple and saying, “What’s it like to be a widow in a temple putting in her two copper coins and nobody notices her – not even herself – but every one notices the Pharisees and their loud coins?”

I hear him wondering:

· “What’s it like to be a person with leprosy and everyone shuns you?”

· “What’s it like to be a blind person or a widow and your only son dies?”

· “What’s it like to be deaf or a cripple or a child in the market place and nobody wants you on their lap to watch and explain the world as it goes by?”

· “What’s it like to be caught in adultery and the whole village wants to stone you?”

· “What’s it like to be a foreigner – a Samaritan – and nobody likes you?

· “What’s it like to be hungry or thirsty and nobody will give you anything to eat or drink?”
What’s it like?


The “What’s it like?” question can lead to incarnation.

The “What’s it like?” question can lead us to greater understanding of each other.

The “What’s it like?” question can get us to talk to each other and really find out what the other is thinking and feeling – by simply saying at the end of a day, “What was it like to be you today?”

The “What’s it like?” question can lead us to call up our parents and say, “Thank you!” or if they are dead, to talk to them in prayer and say, “Thank you!”

The “What’s it like?” question can get us to understand who Christ is and what he was about – that by taking time out to watch and wonder about others, we will see lots of folks all around us – whom we might not be seeing.

The “What’s it like?” question will help us understand the story we heard from Luke’s gospel today – that Christ also felt bad when only one person in ten came back to say, “Thank you.”

The “What’s it like?” question will help us understand Christ was not just a beautiful baby – but he was also like those with leprosy: the outcast, the rejected, spit at, laughed at, nailed to a cross, and crucified – and when it happens to us, we look at Christ on the cross and say to him, “Thank you. Now I know you know what I’m going through. Thank you. And now I know what you went through for us. Thank you.”

Wednesday, October 10, 2007



The title of my homily is, “What Is Your Motto?”

When bishops get made bishops they choose a motto – that tries to sum up their vision – their hope for what they envision for their future.

What about us? Do we have a motto? A vision? A goal?

I love the line in today’s first reading from the prophet Habakkuk, “Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets.”

One English wording of the Hebrew translates the next line this way, “so that a runner may read it.”

Our translation is not as poetic. It translates the Hebrew words this way: “so that one can read it readily.” (NAB – Habakkuk 2:2)

I like the other translation: “Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that a runner may read it.” (NRSV - Habakkuk 2:2)

We are all on the run – being interrupted – cell phones ringing or buzzing all the time – text messaged – paged – e-mailed, voice mailed, “Hey you’ed”. With all these different visions, we can forget what we’re doing – where we are – and what we’re about.

So some people step back and spell out for themselves their vision for their life.

What is my vision for my life?

Write it down. You don’t have to write it in cement.

But once you write it down, it does something to you.

You might look at it and say, “No! That’s not me.”

Or you might say, “Yes! That’s me!”

You might say, “I have to do more homework on this.”

If you need more work, write down 5 visions. Some will be divisions – divisive. But jot down various visions – various mottos for yourself.

You can always change it, till you get one that is you – that focuses you – that translates you – that energizes you – that stirs the fire, the flame, the gift of God in you that we hear about in today’s second reading.

And next month or year or ten years from now, you can change it.

Or read other people’s mottos and visions. Maybe they have one that grabs you a lot more.
Then read Jesus and see how he challenges you – and maybe you’ll change your motto again.


Different individuals and groups have different mottos – one liners that try to sum up the vision or the goal of that group.

We all know that hospitals and parishes in the last 25 years – especially with a push and a stress on all this by Steven Covey – have drafted a mission statement. Mission statements, vision statements, are usually longer. They have a preamble and then 3, 5, 7, 10 goals or visions or hopes.

Mottos are usually one liners.

Think about coming up with a motto. Share it with each other. Put it on your refrigerator door. Have each person in the family come up with their vision – and maybe even come up with a family motto or vision.

Our new bishop for this diocese, Edwin O’Brien, chose as his motto, “Pastores Dabo Vobis” – “I will give you shepherds.” Is he going to make vocations – getting more priests and deacons – his primary goal? Is he going to challenge us to be better shepherds – reaching out for Lost Sheep? The words are from Jeremiah the prophet – and it was the title of a 1992 document by Pope John Paul II – on training priests.

I know that our new bishop was involved with training seminarians and future priests up in New York as well as in Rome.

Cardinal Keeler had as his motto, “Opus fac evangilistae” – “Do the work of an evangelist.”


The Redemptorist motto is, “Copiosa apud eum redemptio” – “With Christ there is fullness redemption.” (Psalm 130: 7)


The motto for the United States is, “In God We Trust.” That goes back to 1864. It had been “In God Is Our Trust.” That was Francis Scott Key’s words in the final stanza of The Star Spangled Banner – which goes back to 1814. Our motto before that was, “E Pluribus Unum” – "From Many One” – which goes back to 1782 – being rejected in 1776.

Maryland’s motto, “Fatti Maschii, Parole Femine”. I read it’s the only U.S. state motto in Italian. If I read correctly, it has never been officially approved. It’s been translated: “Manly deeds, womanly words” or “Facts are male, words are female” – obviously, causing many words to be spoken in English about such a motto. Attempts have been made to retranslate it - so as not cause “Uproar”. For example, translate it, “Strong Deeds, Gentle Words.”


We had a plaque in our front hall growing up with our Costello family motto: “Ne te quaeseveris extra.” I translated it: “Don’t let anyone beat you.” We used to joke about that in playing family cards. But the better translation is, “Look not for yourself outside yourself.” or “Seek nothing beyond your sphere.”


Today’s gospel talks about the mustard seed and faith – as well as serving – and to serve becomes the motto of so many people.

Think about the mustard seed and Jesus' idea of the need for faith – when planting seed. There’s a great motto here: “Have faith like a mustard seed.”

Various Christian groups have chosen the mustard seed image as the vision and motto of their group.

Start small. Start at the local level. Bloom where you are planted. You can’t change the world, but you can give one kid a head start or a pair of shoes – or an education – or a medical test, etc.

Make the world better – one kid at a time – one person at a time.

It’s difficult to stop the craziness in Iraq or Afghanistan or Darfur, but we can do what we can do in our own family – in our own circles – in our own groups.

As Tip O’Neill loved to say, “All politics is local politics.”

Is all church the local church or the local parish?

Is all world my family and the places in the world I walk each day?

I’m 67 and when I was 27 my motto was, “Always Available.” “AA” I wanted to be a priest who was always available.

It was sort of like, “Semper fidelis” for the U.S. Marines, “Always Faithful” – “Always There for us” – or the Boy Scouts, “Always be prepared.”

“Always Available” is no longer my motto. I need to hide more. I need to escape more. I need to stop scheduling things on my official day off: Thursday. I need to do better for vacations. Looking at my life, I know that’s true – and I have not been smart in this area.

I thought about my dad. He taught us a great lesson that I had forgotten. Every Sunday after Mass and breakfast, he gave my mother a break from the four of us – taking us to the park or to ball games. He was letting mom take a good nap. He was giving her an escape from us.

Jesus escaped.

Jesus stressed the importance of the Sabbath. It’s a day off – a day to relax. If you have to work on Sunday, find another day. Jesus said the Sabbath was made for us. Not us for the Sabbath. Sunday is a holiday – a holy day – a day to be whole. He saw how the Pharisees could tie people up in knots with religion – especially with the Sabbath. (Cf. Luke 6:1ff.; Luke 13:10 ff.; Luke 14:1ff.)

At one point in my life I found out by accident that people saw my main message in life was, “Relax!” I laughed when a few people told me that.

That hit me with an “Uh oh!” But it got me to reflect upon my vision of what life is about – something we all need to do.

I like and love the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales whose words I distilled to two words, “Con calme” – “with calmness” or “Omnia suaviter” – “All sweetly” or even one word, “Reposo!” – “Relax”.

An old priest whom I worked with for a couple of years used to love to say, “I don’t think Jesus aimed to make it all that difficult.” He would say that in regards to priests we both knew who were rigid – tough – strict – with themselves and others.

Who’s right? Who’s wrong?

Benedict Groeschel, whom I love and took a year’s course with in spirituality – one day a week etc., used to say, “Tell me your favorite scripture text and I’ll tell you who you are.” He added, “Scripture texts are like Rorschach blots”. People put into what they read, who they are.

The weekend after saying that I was giving a retreat and I asked the men on retreat their favorite text and this guy went off on how lax the church was and how priests weren’t strict enough, and all that, and he said his favorite text was, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15).

I said nothing.

Tell yourself your motto, your vision, and you’ll be telling yourself who you are.

I sat down today and said to myself, "If I’m going to ask you to do this, I better do it myself first." So here is a new first draft of what my vision or my motto is.

The answer is: “Everyday is an Epiphany” – Translation: “Everyday is filled with epiphanies, revelations, moments of light, eye openers, but we have to be open to eye openers, ear openers, heart openers, God moments, Gospel Openers.” Sometimes we see them while they are happening; most of the time it takes years to see what we’re seeing today – but not seeing today.

Relax – some things take years to happen.

Relax – mustard seed plantings start small – but eventually, you’ll have mustard.

Everyday is filled with epiphanies.

I hope this sermon is one of them – or that it at least be a mustard seed.