Saturday, June 27, 2020

June 27, 2020


Everyone of us at times is a little kid 
lost and looking for our mother – 
especially when we can’t breathe – 
especially when people are on our back – 
especially when we need help – and 
sometimes that’s a deep down perpetual 
feeling: “Help! Where are you Momma?" 
We’ve lost our way – our shoes are falling  
off and we don’t know where to run. "Help!" 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June   27,  2020

Thought  for  Today  

“The longest word in the English language is: ‘And  now  a word from our sponsor.’”


Friday, June 26, 2020


you get sick 
and someone 
gives you 
a puzzle
that is
more difficult
than a hill of beans.
Well, when they
are not looking
there is always

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June  26,  2020


Every day - like today - is special
to someone - but it's like any other
day to someone else. 

So, is there anything I'm supposed
to do about this today?

No, except to use each day to check in
on each other. Hey, you never know
about a day - what it means to another.

Like today: it's the 50th anniversary of
my father's death in Maimomides Hospital
in Brooklyn, N.Y. June 26th, 1970.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June  26,   2020

Thought  for  Today

“Odd thing, I’d never thought of my pa as a person. I expect a child rarely does think of his parents that way. They are a father and a mother, but a body rarely thinks of them as having hopes, dreams, ambitions and desires and loves .... I got to wondering if he ever doubted himself like I did, if he ever felt short of what he wished to be, if he ever longed for things beyond him that he couldn’t quite put into words.” 

Louis L'Amour, Lando
in  A Trail of Memories.
Picture: My dad at
Nabisco, where he 
worked most of his life
in the United States.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June  25, 2020


It takes time to sort out
who we are and what
we mean to each other -
husband and  wife, mom and dad
and kids and friends.

It takes time after one dies
to understand how much
we love and loved one another -
to really look at all those moments
and memories that were gifts that
we really didn’t notice at the time.

It takes time to grow a baby,
to live a life, to make a
marriage spring up in the field of
our life - along with so much more.

It takes time to pray - to sort out
our life -  to thank God for the
people who have been in our life.

It takes time to bury our dead
while the rest of the world
goes back to business and
we shed tears of sadness
and gladness and slowly
let our new world with and
without our loved one become our
new life. Thank God for children.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

June   25,   2020

Thought  for  Today

 “The  voice  is  a  second  face.”

Gerard   Bauer