September 1, 2023
Today I arrived in a new place:
Ephrata, Pennsylvania.
New life, a new place to live.
It's from the word, "Ephrath".
That's the Syriac, Aramaic, Hebrew
name for Bethlehem where Jesus was born.
What will, what can, what hope
do I have for this interesting name
of a place in Lancaster County, PA?
Our religious community, the Redemptorists,
came here in 1914.
Ephrata was started by another religious community,
a semimonastic order of male and female
Seven Day Dunkers - back in 1732.
It's now a town of about 14,000 people.
Interesting! We'll see. What's next?
(c) Reflections, Andy Costello
September 1, 2023