Sunday, May 14, 2023

 May 14.2024



Off to the side a moment

after our birth – our mother steps back.

But if we looked at a mother’s face

at that time – we’d see the joy

Jesus talked about when

a new kid has come into the world?

Who doesn’t stop to wiggle

their fingers at a new born baby’s eyes?

The kid – we haven’t had the time yet

to mess up – so we all celebrate a baby –

but moms are with us forever -

always looking at their kids – hoping -

in the forever after that - no matter what.

© Reflections, Andy Costello


 May 14, 2023

Quote for Today

"Mothers hold their child's hand for a moment ...

and their heart for a lifetime."

Saturday, May 13, 2023

 May 13, 2023



I’m telling a joke,

someone walks in and my audience

walks away – looks  away. They

start talking with the others – not me. So

I’m dropped. It’s seems to be  happening

more and more lately. Feeling: I guess

I’ve become rather boring.

Two people are whispering – hands

covering their mouth. I feel I don’t count.

Do I?  Aging seems to be a death sentence

and I am not ready for that right now.

I feel like I’ve become a me to me situation –

a me to me – me plus me situation. I feel sorry –

sorry for being me right now.



© Reflections, Andy Costello

 May 13, 2023

Quote for Today

"I never felt so lonely as in that particular hour when I was surrounded by people but suddenly realized my ultimate isolation. I became silent and retired from the group in order to be alone with my loneliness. I wanted my external predicament to match my internal one.

"Loneliness can be conquered only by those who can bear solitude. We have a natural desire for solitude because we are men. We want to feel what we are - namely, alone - not in pain and horror, but with joy and courage.  There are many ways in which solitude can be sought and experienced. And each way can be called 'religious,' if it is true, as one philosopher said, that 'religion is what a man does with his solitariness.'"

Paul Tillich in  Eternal Now

Friday, May 12, 2023

 May 12, 2023



We have them from time to time –

"a ha" moments – sudden surprises -

oh yeah – yes – that’s what happened.

The sun rises – comes up out of East -

pushing aside the clouds of darkness –

revealing Christ – Bethlehem – in

my backyard – or Calvary – if we’ve

been hurt – humiliated – or condemned  -

all for others – others – another.

© Reflections, Andy Costello

May 12, 2023

Quote for Today

"Divine worship is as natural for men almost as neighing is for horses or barking for dogs."

Marsilio Picino,

Platonic Theology


Thursday, May 11, 2023

 May 11, 2023



How many surprises do we have each day?

Do some people have more than others?

Does it depend on your inlook or outlook?

Is it whether you’re a walking grudge or gratitude?

What is your face like: smile or smirk?

Like miracles, there are a million surprises each day.


© Reflections, Andy Costello